Hobgoblin Captain
Hobgoblin Captain


13 / 13

  • Quick Abilities:
  • Inspiring Leadership

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Brigandine
    450 gp
  • Greatsword
    50 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • Javelin
    0.5 gp


Creature Sub Type

In the shadowy world of goblinoids, goblins stand as the mischievous and malevolent mischief-makers of the family. They may be small in stature, but they more than compensate with their malicious glee and cunning antics.

Goblin Shenanigans
Goblins are renowned for their penchant for revelry, especially when they manage to outsmart or overpower their adversaries. The moment victory is theirs, they erupt into a cacophony of chaotic celebration. They dance with wild abandon, caper with sheer joy, and unleash their maniacal laughter upon the world. Their revels are a sight to behold, a tumultuous display of unbridled goblinish glee.

But their joy doesn't stop at celebration. Goblins take immense pleasure in tormenting other creatures. They find wickedness to be an art form, and they revel in their sadistic tendencies. From traps that are more elaborate than necessary to pranks that cause untold frustration, goblins' malevolence knows no bounds.

Leadership Hierarchy
Goblins may be lazy and undisciplined, but they do understand the concept of strength and intelligence. Their societies are ruled by the strongest or smartest among them, although these leaders often find themselves challenged. A goblin boss might lord over a single lair, surrounded by a cohort of equally ambitious underlings. In contrast, a goblin king or queen, who is essentially a glorified goblin boss, may preside over hundreds of goblins, their dominion spread across multiple lairs to ensure the tribe's survival.

Goblin bosses are constantly at risk of being ousted, and it's not uncommon for goblin tribes to fall under the dominion of hobgoblin warlords or bugbear chiefs who impose their own authority.

Tricky Lairs
Goblin lairs are challenging to infiltrate, even for the most seasoned adventurers. These subterranean dens are festooned with alarms, cunningly designed to signal the arrival of intruders. Woe betide any foolhardy trespasser who underestimates the goblins' knack for traps and ambushes.

Narrow tunnels and bolt-holes weave through the labyrinthine recesses of their lairs, cleverly engineered to thwart human-sized creatures. Goblins, being small and agile, navigate these passages with ease, allowing them to slip away from danger or to circle around and ambush their enemies from unexpected angles.

Rat Keepers and Wolf Riders
Goblins have an uncanny affinity for creatures of the dark, and they raise them as loyal companions and mounts. Rats hold a special place in goblin hearts, their scurrying presence a constant in goblin lairs. These rodents serve as both pets and early warning systems, alerting goblins to intruders with their sensitive noses and sharp squeaks.

Wolves, on the other hand, are their preferred mounts. Goblins harness their pack-hunting instincts to become bolder when they ride into battle. Their wolf riders strike with hit-and-run attacks, darting in and out of the shadows, terrorizing their foes before disappearing into the night.

In the world of goblinoids are the embodiment of chaotic malevolence, their love for mischief and mayhem matched only by their cunning survival instincts. Their laughable laziness belies their true nature as clever and relentless adversaries, always ready to embrace wickedness with open arms.


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