Character Wealth by Level

A Small Guide to Character Wealth

Adventuring can be very beneficial, beyond just thrills, meeting powerful connections, or doing good (or evil) to accomplish character motivations, loot (gold, silver, gems, and magic item) can also be a strong motivator for characters. In MM we have added prices to almost every item, and the enchanting system is in the works, which will allow players to layer abilities onto any item, given freedom for players to craft their own items using hordes of coin with the enchanting system.

However there is a large aspect of the game that is largly ignored, which can be a powerful motivator for players (and monsters): Loot. The table is a guide, usually used in character creation, to guide the player to purchasing items for characters beyond level, or given/rewarded items by the GM, to help with game balance for higher levels of play. It is also a nice reference for GMs to gadge the power level in wealth (or magical item power) of other creatures within their campaign world, or impending encounters.

Again, like most things in MM, the below table is subjective to the campaign itself, but primarly acts for game balance (so players don't fall to far behind) for mostly combat encounters.

To clarify, if players net worth (typically in the form of powerful magical items) is over the stated amounts, they will have to be challenged with harder encounters. While in more low magic campaigns, where magic items are harder to find, and characters are left to rely on their base powers.

The table below is the approx wealth (in gold) each individual PC should have at the start of each level. It’s not exact but more an average to aim for so the players have an appropriate amount of money to spend at the proper levels. (ie: heavy armor users really shouldn’t be able to afford to purchase 1500g plate armor before level 12). You can also use this when making characters at higher levels.

Note: This only gives an average number for the wealth that players might find, it does not account for expenditures on gear, lifestyle expenses, etc.

Character Wealth per Level
Character LevelApprox. Wealth in Gold Pieces25% Margin (Merchant Buying)
2 7556
21 21,00015,750
22 25,500 19,125
23 30,000 22,500
24 34,500 25,875
25 39,000 29,250
26 48,000 36,000
27 57,000 42,750
28 66,000 49,500
29 75,000 56,250
30 89,000 66,750
31 103,00077,250
32 116,500 87,375
33 130,000 97,500
34 172,000 129,000
35 214,000 160,500
36 298,500 223,875
37 383,000 287,250
38 594,000 445,500
39 805,000 603,750
40 1,000,000 750,000


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