Reaction Abilities

Absorb 4th Level Spell
Absorb 8th Level Spell
Acid Blood 2d6
Adept Defiance
Adon's Retaliation
Agile Deflection
Agile Training
All Fours Landing [thief_level]d6
Alluring Fragrance
Ancestral Possession
Arcane Conduit
Aura of Heroism 2d8
Aura of Honor
Aura of Mercy
Aura of Plenty
Aura of Preservation
Aura of Protection
Aura of Safety
Aura of Spell Resilience 75,000
Balance Defensive Essence
Balancing Act
Black Sludge 2d4
Blessed by the Gods
Blinding Beauty 3
Boon of Rema 1d10 5
Catch Arrow 1d10 + [body] 3
Chromatic Explosion 1d8 + 5 1
Cold Snap of the Frost Giant 1d6
Concealed Weapon
Conduit Resilience 1d10
Controlling Fears 2d4 1
Crimson Catalyst 0d0 + 1
Critical Absorption 2d6
Cruel Joke 2
Custom Reaction Ability
Dance of Blades
Death's Calls
Deflect Attack
Desperate Charge 2d6
Disarming Parry
Dread Counterspell 3d6
Dual Wield Defense
Dwarven Footing 500
Elemental Adaptaion
End Casting
End Concentration
Endurance of the Stone Giant 1d12 + [body]
Enduring Man
Energy Assimilation 10d10
Escape Artistry
Fade into the Void
Fast Fingers
Fencer's Clue
Fey Slip
Finish Last
Fire Aura (3d6) 3d6
Fortunate 1
Foster Peace
Gauche Feint
Giant Killer
Glimpse into the Future
Goblin Redirect Attack
Graceful Tumble
Grave Protector
Greater Revitalization
Grinding Halt
Guarded Assault
Hezrou Stench
Honor Over Death
Initiative Shift
Interposing Block
Interposing Parry 1d10 + [body]
Invincibility of the Gods 0d0 + 1000 7
Ironclad Tenacity
Jaunt of the Cloud Giant
Jelly Split
Joy of Nature 1d10
Karma Conveyance 0d0 + 1
Kowasu no Waza 0d0 + 1000
Lash of the Fire Giant 1d10 + [body]
Lashing Frenzy 3d6
Legendary Defiance
Lock Blades
Lower Defensive Essence
Magic Feedback 2d10
Magma Mephit Death Burst 2d6
Magmin Death Burst 2d6
Maintain Movement
Major Defiance
Mana Conversion 3d6
Mana Drain 3d4
Martyr's Sacrifice
Masterful Parry 1d10
Maximum Mend
Mind Sharpener
Minor Defiance
Misdirect Attack
Multiattack Defense
Nimble Redirect
Off-Balance Feint
Phoenix Fury 2d6
Poison Aura 2d8
Preemptive Strike
Psychic Scream 3d8
Quick Look
Quiet Predator
Raise Defensive Essence
Rapid Bending 5
Ratling Death Explosion 2d4
Reaction Fire Retalitation (d4) 1d4
Reaction Fire Retalitation (d6) 1d6 1
Ready to Duck
Reflective Conduit
Reflexive Shift
Release Magical Feedback 3d10
Release Untamed Magic
Repel Charge 2d12
Restricting Allure
Retributive Aura
Revert Shapeshift
Rider's Favor
Rock Catching 2
Rune of the Moon Mother 3d10
Sacrificial Shield
Shadow Pursuit
Shell Retreat
Shell Unfurling
Shield Guardian Protector
Shield Protector of Meotl
Shunshin no Jutsu
Snake Bite 1d8
Sniper Repositioning
Soul Absorber 10d10
Soul Guide
Spell Absorber
Spell Eater 1d10
Spell Siphon
Spell-Snag 2d10 + [body] 2
Spirit Boon
Stand Against the Tide
Steel Curtain
Stomp of the Hill Giant 1d6 + [body]
Stop Crafting
Stop Gathering
Storm's Resurgence 0d0 + [sorcerer_level]
Stormcall Surge 0d0 + 0.5*[sorcerer_level]
Sturdy Resolve
Superior Hunter’s Defense (Uncanny Dodge)
Suppress the Untamed
Swift Escape
Tactical Parry
Tai Sabaki
Taobi 1d10
The Fates are Weaved
The Final Retribution
The Perfect Heist
The Plan B
Thick Hide Absorption, Adept
Thick Hide Absorption, Godlike
Thick Hide Absorption, Legendary
Thick Hide Absorption, Major
Thick Hide Absorption, Master
Thunder of the Storm Giant 1d8 + [body]
Thunderguard Repulsion 0d0 + [sorcerer_level]
Tis Just a Flesh Wound 1d10
To the Void
Toxic Thorn Spikes 2d6
Trickster's Luck
Unbridled Reflection 5d12
Unbridled Warding
Uncontrollable Mind
Unnerving Mask
Unrigid Man
Unsettling Laughter
Unshakable Defense
Unstoppable Force
Unwavered Man
Violent Burst 5d6
Violent Focus
Vital Strike 2d6
Void Body, Legendary 10d10
Void Body, Minor 1d12
Wind Tether
Wrathful Warp 3d6
Wreathed Psi Fire Strike 1d4
Zhua 2d10

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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