Reaction Abilities

Absorb 4th Level Spell N/A
Absorb 8th Level Spell N/A
Acid Blood 2d6 N/A
Adept Defiance N/A
Adon's Retaliation N/A
Agile Training N/A
All Fours Landing [thief_level]d6 N/A
Alluring Fragrance N/A
Ancestral Possession N/A
Aura of Heroism 2d8 N/A
Aura of Honor N/A
Aura of Mercy N/A
Aura of Plenty N/A
Aura of Preservation N/A
Aura of Protection N/A
Aura of Safety N/A
Aura of Shadow: Consume Them N/A
Aura of Spell Resilience N/A
Balance Defensive Essence N/A
Balancing Act N/A
Blessed by the Gods N/A
Blinding Beauty N/A
Boon of Rema 1d10 N/A
Catch Arrow 1d10 + [body] N/A
Chromatic Explosion 1d8 + 5 N/A
Cold Snap of the Frost Giant 1d6 N/A
Concealed Weapon N/A
Crimson Catalyst 0d0 + 1 N/A
Critical Absorption N/A
Cruel Joke N/A
Custom Reaction Ability N/A
Death's Calls N/A
Deflect Attack N/A
Desperate Charge 2d6 N/A
Disarming Parry N/A
Dread Counterspell 3d6 N/A
Dual Wield Defense N/A
Dwarven Footing N/A
Elemental Adaptaion N/A
End Casting N/A
End Concentration N/A
Endurance of the Stone Giant 1d12 + [body] N/A
Enduring Man N/A
Escape Artistry N/A
Evasion N/A
Fade into the Void N/A
Fanying N/A
Fast Fingers N/A
Fencer's Clue N/A
Fey Slip N/A
Finish Last N/A
Fire Aura (3d6) 3d6 N/A
Fortunate N/A
Foster Peace N/A
Gauche Feint N/A
Giant Killer N/A
Goblin Redirect Attack N/A
Graceful Tumble N/A
Grave Protector N/A
Greater Revitalization N/A
Grinding Halt N/A
Guarded Assault N/A
Hezrou Stench N/A
Honor Over Death N/A
Hoodwink N/A
Initiative Shift N/A
Interloper N/A
Interposing Block N/A
Interposing Parry 1d10 + [body] N/A
Invincibility of the Gods 0d0 + 1000 N/A
Ironclad Tenacity N/A
Jaunt of the Cloud Giant N/A
Jelly Split N/A
Jianjin N/A
Joy of Nature 1d10 N/A
Karma Conveyance 0d0 + 1 N/A
Kowasu no Waza 0d0 + 1000 N/A
Lash of the Fire Giant 1d10 + [body] N/A
Lashing Frenzy 3d6 N/A
Legendary Defiance N/A
Lock Blades N/A
Lower Defensive Essence N/A
Magma Mephit Death Burst 2d6 N/A
Magmin Death Burst 2d6 N/A
Maintain Movement N/A
Major Defiance N/A
Martyr's Sacrifice N/A
Masterful Parry 1d10 N/A
Maximum Mend N/A
Mind Sharpener N/A
Minor Defiance N/A
Misdirect Attack N/A
Motivation N/A
Multiattack Defense N/A
Neixin N/A
Nimble Redirect N/A
Off-Balance Feint N/A
Parry N/A
Phoenix Fury 2d6 N/A
Poison Aura 2d8 N/A
Preemptive Strike N/A
Psychic Scream 3d8 N/A
Quick Look N/A
Quiet Predator N/A
Raise Defensive Essence N/A
Rapid Bending N/A
Reaction Fire Retalitation (d4) 1d4 N/A
Reaction Fire Retalitation (d6) 1d6 N/A
Ready to Duck N/A
Reflexive Shift N/A
Release Untamed Magic N/A
Repel N/A
Repel Charge 2d12 N/A
Repulsion N/A
Restricting Allure N/A
Retributive Aura N/A
Revert Shapeshift N/A
Rider's Favor N/A
Rock Catching N/A
Rune of the Moon Mother 3d10 N/A
Sacrificial Shield N/A
Shadow's Escape N/A
Shell Retreat N/A
Shell Unfurling N/A
Shield Guardian Protector N/A
Shield Protector of Meotl N/A
Shunshin no Jutsu N/A
Slippery N/A
Snake Bite 1d8 N/A
Sniper Repositioning N/A
Soul Absorber 10d10 N/A
Soul Guide N/A
Spell Absorber N/A
Spell-Snag 2d10 + [body] N/A
Sprint N/A
Stand Against the Tide N/A
Steel Curtain N/A
Stomp of the Hill Giant 1d6 + [body] N/A
Stop Crafting N/A
Stop Gathering N/A
Storm's Resurgence 0d0 + [sorcerer_level] N/A
Stormcall Surge 0d0 + 0.5*[sorcerer_level] N/A
Stormstride N/A
Sturdy Resolve N/A
Superior Hunter’s Defense (Uncanny Dodge) N/A
Suppress the Untamed N/A
Swift Escape N/A
Tactical Parry N/A
Tai Sabaki N/A
Taobi 1d10 N/A
The Fates are Weaved N/A
The Final Retribution N/A
The Perfect Heist N/A
The Plan B N/A
Thick Hide Absorption, Adept N/A
Thick Hide Absorption, Godlike N/A
Thick Hide Absorption, Legendary N/A
Thick Hide Absorption, Major N/A
Thick Hide Absorption, Master N/A
Thunder of the Storm Giant 1d8 + [body] N/A
Thunderguard Repulsion 0d0 + [sorcerer_level] N/A
Tis Just a Flesh Wound 1d10 N/A
To the Void N/A
Trickster's Luck N/A
Unbridled Reflection 5d12 N/A
Unbridled Warding N/A
Uncontrollable Mind N/A
Unnerving Mask N/A
Unrigid Man N/A
Unsettling Laughter N/A
Unshakable Defense N/A
Unstoppable Force N/A
Unwavered Man N/A
Violent Burst 5d6 N/A
Violent Focus N/A
Vital Strike 2d6 N/A
Void Body, Legendary 10d10 N/A
Void Body, Minor 1d12 N/A
Wind Tether N/A
Wrathful Warp 3d6 N/A
Wrethed Psi Fire Strike 1d4 N/A
Zhua 2d10 N/A

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information