Smithing Recipes

Craft Bullseye Lantern 15 16 hours Bullseye Lantern
Craft Hand Lamp 10 4 hours Lamp, Hand
Craft Iron Spike 5 1 hours 4 Iron Spike
Craft Magnifying Glass 10 1 hours Magnifying Glass
Craft Merchant's Scale 15 8 hours Merchant's Scale
Craft Mining PIck 5 2 hours Mining Pick
Craft Silver Hand Mirror 20 30 hours Silver Hand Mirror
Craft Spyglass 10 5 hours Spyglass
Forge Adamantine Ammunition 25 8 days
Forge Adamantine Ingot 25 3 hours Adamantine Ingot
Forge Anvil 10 20 hours Anvil
Forge Battleaxe 15 16 hours Battleaxe
Forge Block and Tackle 10 8 hours Block and Tackle
Forge Brigandine 15 120 hours Brigandine
Forge Bulwark 15 32 hours Bulwark
Forge Censer 15 16 hours Censer
Forge Climbing Piton 5 2 hours Climbing Piton
Forge Copper Ingot 5 3 hours Copper Ingot
Forge Crowbar 10 5 hours Crowbar
Forge Cuirass 15 40 hours Cuirass
Forge Dagger 5 8 hours Dagger
Forge Double-Bladed Scimitar 15 16 hours Double-Bladed Scimitar
Forge Flail 15 16 hours Flail
Forge Gold Ingot 15 3 hours Gold Ingot
Forge Gold Slug 15 20 hours 100 Gold Slug
Forge Grappling Hook 10 3 hours 3 Grappling Hook
Forge Greataxe 15 16 hours Greataxe
Forge Greatsword 15 16 hours Greatsword
Forge Halberd 15 16 hours Halberd
Forge Half Plate 20 80 hours Half Plate
Forge Hammer 5 2 hours Hammer
Forge Hand Bell 15 30 hours Bell, Hand
Forge Handaxe 10 8 hours Handaxe
Forge Hauberk 15 120 hours Hauberk
Forge Heavy Shield 15 24 hours Heavy Shield
Forge Hooded Lantern 10 8 hours Hooded Lantern
Forge Iron Chain 10 16 hours Chain, 10 feet
Forge Iron Ingot 5 3 hours Iron Ingot
Forge Iron Slug 5 8 hours 100 Iron Slug
Forge Javelin 10 8 hours Javelin
Forge Lamellar 15 40 hours Lamellar
Forge Lance 10 16 hours Lance
Forge Lead Ingot 15 3 hours Lead Ingot
Forge Light Hammer 5 8 hours Light Hammer
Forge Longsword 10 16 hours Longsword
Forge Mace 10 8 hours Mace
Forge Mail Shirt 15 80 hours Mail Shirt
Forge Manacles 15 6 hours Manacles
Forge Maul 10 16 hours Maul
Forge Mess Kit 5 5 hours Mess Kit
Forge Mithral Ingot 25 3 hours Mithral Ingot
Forge Mithral Slug 25 20 hours Mithral Slug
Forge Morningstar 15 16 hours Morningstar
Forge Pike 10 16 hours Pike
Forge Plate 20 300 hours Plate
Forge Platinum Ingot 25 3 hours Platinum Ingot
Forge Rapier 15 8 hours Rapier
Forge Scimitar 15 8 hours Scimitar
Forge Shortsword 5 16 hours Shortsword
Forge Sickle 5 8 hours Sickle
Forge Silver Ingot 10 3 hours Silver Ingot
Forge Silver Slug 10 20 hours 100 Silver Slug
Forge Sledgehammer 5 4 hours Sledgehammer
Forge Spear 10 8 hours Spear
Forge Tin Ingot 5 3 hours Tin Ingot
Forge Titanium Ingot 25 3 hours Titanium Ingot
Forge Trident 15 8 hours Trident
Forge War Pick 15 16 hours War Pick
Forge Warhammer 15 16 hours Warhammer
Forge Whetstone 5 1 hours Whetstone

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