Smithing Recipes

Craft Bit and Bridle 10 24 hours Bit and Bridle
Craft Blunderbuss 15 16 hours Blunderbuss
Craft Bottle, Adamantine 25 16 hours Bottle, Adamantine
Craft Bottle, Gold 20 16 hours Bottle, Gold
Craft Bottle, Iron 10 16 hours Bottle, Iron
Craft Bottle, Mithral 25 16 hours Bottle, Mithral
Craft Bottle, Platinum 20 16 hours Bottle, Platinum
Craft Bottle, Silver 15 16 hours Bottle, Silver
Craft Bowl, Adamantine 25 16 hours Bowl, Adamantine
Craft Bowl, Gold 20 16 hours Bowl, Gold
Craft Bowl, Iron 10 16 hours Bowl, Iron
Craft Bowl, Mithral 25 16 hours Bowl, Mithral
Craft Bowl, Platinum 20 16 hours Bowl, Platinum
Craft Bowl, Silver 15 16 hours Bowl, Silver
Craft Brass Cage 10 16 hours Cage, Brass
Craft Bullseye Lantern 15 16 hours Bullseye Lantern
Craft Chopsticks, Adamantine 25 16 hours 4 Chopsticks, Adamantine
Craft Chopsticks, Gold 20 8 hours 4 Chopsticks, Gold
Craft Chopsticks, Iron 10 8 hours 4 Chopsticks, Iron
Craft Chopsticks, Mithral 25 8 hours 4 Chopsticks, Mithral
Craft Chopsticks, Platinum 20 8 hours 4 Chopsticks, Platinum
Craft Chopsticks, Silver 15 8 hours 4 Chopsticks, Silver
Craft Circlet 15 8 hours Circlet
Craft Cuirass Barding 15 Cuirass Barding
Craft Cup, Adamantine 25 16 hours Cup, Adamantine
Craft Cup, Gold 15 16 hours Cup, Gold
Craft Cup, Iron 10 16 hours Cup, Iron
Craft Cup, Mithral 25 16 hours Cup, Mithral
Craft Cup, Platinum 20 16 hours Cup, Platinum
Craft Cup, Silver 15 16 hours Cup, Silver
Craft Fork, Adamantine 25 16 hours 8 Fork, Adamantine
Craft Fork, Gold 20 8 hours Fork, Gold
Craft Fork, Iron 10 16 hours Fork, Iron
Craft Fork, Mithral 25 16 hours 4 Fork, Mithral
Craft Fork, Platinum 20 16 hours 4 Fork, Platinum
Craft Fork, Silver 15 16 hours 4 Fork, Silver
Craft Half Plate Barding 15 24 hours Half Plate Barding
Craft Hand Lamp 10 4 hours Lamp, Hand
Craft Hauberk Barding 10 16 hours Hauberk Barding
Craft Iron Bracelet 5 6 hours Bracelet, Iron
Craft Iron Bracers 10 12 hours Bracers, Iron
Craft Iron Gauntlets 15 12 hours Gauntlets, Iron
Craft Iron Prison Cell 15 34 hours Iron Prison Cell
Craft Iron Spike 5 1 hours 4 Iron Spike
Craft Jug, Adamantine 25 16 hours Jug, Adamantine
Craft Jug, Gold 20 16 hours Jug, Gold
Craft Jug, Iron 10 16 hours Jug, Iron
Craft Jug, Mithral 25 16 hours Jug, Mithral
Craft Jug, Platinum 20 16 hours Jug, Platinum
Craft Jug, Silver 15 16 hours Jug, Silver
Craft Knife, Adamantine 25 16 hours Knife, Adamantine
Craft Knife, Gold 20 8 hours Knife, Gold
Craft Knife, Iron 10 16 hours Knife, Iron
Craft Knife, Mithral 25 16 hours Knife, Mithral
Craft Knife, Platinum 20 16 hours Knife, Platinum
Craft Knife, Silver 15 16 hours Knife, Silver
Craft Ladle, Adamantine 25 16 hours Ladle, Adamantine
Craft Ladle, Gold 20 16 hours Ladle, Gold
Craft Ladle, Iron 10 16 hours Ladle, Iron
Craft Ladle, Mithral 25 16 hours Ladle, Mithral
Craft Ladle, Platinum 20 16 hours Ladle, Platinum
Craft Ladle, Silver 15 16 hours Ladle, Silver
Craft Lamellar Barding 15 16 hours Lamellar Barding
Craft Magnifying Glass 10 1 hours Magnifying Glass
Craft Mail Shirt Barding 15 16 hours Mail Shirt Barding
Craft Merchant's Scale 15 8 hours Merchant's Scale
Craft Mining PIck 5 2 hours Mining Pick
Craft Plate Barding 20 24 hours Plate Barding
Craft Plate, Adamantine 25 16 hours Plate, Adamantine
Craft Plate, Gold 20 16 hours Plate, Gold
Craft Plate, Iron 10 16 hours Plate, Iron
Craft Plate, Mithral 25 16 hours Plate, Mithral
Craft Plate, Platinum 20 16 hours Plate, Platinum
Craft Plate, Silver 15 16 hours Plate, Silver
Craft Platter, Adamantine 25 16 hours Platter, Adamantine
Craft Platter, Gold 20 16 hours Platter, Gold
Craft Platter, Iron 10 16 hours Platter, Iron
Craft Platter, Mithral 25 16 hours Platter, Mithral
Craft Platter, Silver 15 16 hours Platter, Silver
Craft Pot, Adamantine 25 16 hours Pot, Adamantine
Craft Pot, Gold 20 16 hours Pot, Gold
Craft Pot, Iron 10 16 hours Pot, Iron
Craft Pot, Mithral 25 16 hours Pot, Mithral
Craft Pot, Platinum 20 16 hours Pot, Platinum
Craft Pot, Silver 15 16 hours Pot, Silver
Craft Silver Hand Mirror 20 30 hours Silver Hand Mirror
Craft Skewer, Adamantine 25 16 hours Skewer, Adamantine
Craft Skewer, Gold 20 8 hours Skewer, Gold
Craft Skewer, Iron 10 16 hours Skewer, Iron
Craft Skewer, Mithral 25 16 hours Skewer, Mithral
Craft Skewer, Platinum 20 16 hours Skewer, Platinum
Craft Skewer, Silver 15 16 hours Skewer, Silver
Craft Spatula, Iron 10 16 hours Spatula, Iron
Craft Spatula, Silver 15 16 hours Spatula, Silver
Craft Spoon, Adamantine 25 16 hours 5 Spoon, Adamantine
Craft Spoon, Gold 20 8 hours Spoon, Gold
Craft Spoon, Iron 10 16 hours Spoon, Iron
Craft Spoon, Mithral 25 16 hours Spoon, Mithral
Craft Spoon, Platinum 20 16 hours 4 Spoon, Platinum
Craft Spoon, Silver 15 16 hours 4 Spoon, Silver
Craft Spyglass 10 5 hours Spyglass
Craft Strainer, Iron 10 16 hours Strainer, Iron
Forge Adamantine Ammunition 25 8 days
Forge Adamantine Door 25 26 hours Door, Adamantine
Forge Adamantine Greaves 30 12 hours Greaves, Adamantine
Forge Adamantine Ingot 25 3 hours Adamantine Ingot
Forge Adamantine Jar 30 8 hours Jar, Adamantine
Forge Adamantine Rod 30 6 hours Rod, Adamantine
Forge Anvil 10 20 hours Anvil
Forge Battleaxe 15 16 hours Battleaxe
Forge Block and Tackle 10 8 hours Block and Tackle
Forge Brass Brazier 10 12 hours Brazier, Copper
Forge Brigandine 15 120 hours Brigandine
Forge Bulwark 15 32 hours Bulwark
Forge Censer 15 16 hours Censer
Forge Climbing Piton 5 2 hours Climbing Piton
Forge Copper Amulet 5 8 hours Amulet, Copper
Forge Copper Bracelet 5 6 hours Bracelet, Copper
Forge Copper Bracers 10 10 hours Bracers, Copper
Forge Copper Crown 5 8 hours Crown, Copper
Forge Copper Earrings 10 4 hours Earrings, Copper
Forge Copper Ingot 5 3 hours Copper Ingot
Forge Copper Slug 10 20 hours 100 Copper Slug
Forge Copper Windchimes 10 5 hours Windchimes, Copper
Forge Crowbar 10 5 hours Crowbar
Forge Cuirass 15 40 hours Cuirass
Forge Dagger 5 8 hours Dagger
Forge Double-Bladed Scimitar 15 16 hours Double-Bladed Scimitar
Forge Dragon Plate Armor 25 320 hours Plate, Dragon Bone
Forge Dragon Scale Half Plate 25 85 hours Half Plate, Dragon Scale
Forge Dragon Skull Helmet 20 12 hours Helmet, Dragon Skull
Forge Dragon Turtle Half Plate 20 60 hours Half Plate, Dragon Turtle Carapace
Forge Dragon Turtle Plate 20 300 hours Plate, Dragon Turtle Carapace
Forge Dragon Turtle Shield 20 24 hours Shield, Dragon Turtle
Forge Fishing Hook 5 2 hours Fishing Hook
Forge Flail 15 16 hours Flail
Forge Glaive 15 16 hours Glaive
Forge Gold Amulet 15 10 hours Amulet, Gold
Forge Gold Box 20 12 hours Box, Gold
Forge Gold Bracelet 20 8 hours Bracelet, Gold
Forge Gold Bracers 20 10 hours Bracers, Gold
Forge Gold Bucket 20 10 hours Bucket, Gold
Forge Gold Crown 20 8 hours Crown, Gold
Forge Gold Earrings 20 8 hours Earrings, Gold
Forge Gold Greaves 20 12 hours Greaves, Gold
Forge Gold Ingot 15 3 hours Gold Ingot
Forge Gold Jar 20 6 hours Jar, Gold
Forge Gold Pan 20 5 hours Pan, Gold
Forge Gold Pin 20 2 hours Pin, Gold
Forge Gold Rod 20 6 hours Rod, Gold
Forge Gold Slug 15 20 hours 100 Gold Slug
Forge Grappling Hook 10 3 hours 3 Grappling Hook
Forge Greataxe 15 16 hours Greataxe
Forge Greatsword 15 16 hours Greatsword
Forge Halberd 15 16 hours Halberd
Forge Half Plate 20 80 hours Half Plate
Forge Hammer 5 2 hours Hammer
Forge Hand Bell 15 30 hours Bell, Hand
Forge Handaxe 10 8 hours Handaxe
Forge Harpoon 15 16 hours Harpoon
Forge Hauberk 15 120 hours Hauberk
Forge Heavy Crossbow 15 16 hours Heavy Crossbow
Forge Heavy Shield 15 24 hours Heavy Shield
Forge Helmet 10 8 hours Helmet
Forge Hooded Lantern 10 8 hours Hooded Lantern
Forge Iron Anchor 15 68 hours Iron Anchor
Forge Iron Box 10 12 hours Box, Iron
Forge Iron Brazier 10 12 hours Brazier, Iron
Forge Iron Bucket 10 8 hours Bucket, Iron
Forge Iron Chain 10 16 hours Chain, 10 feet
Forge Iron Chisel 10 4 hours Chisel, Iron
Forge Iron Cowbell 5 2 hours Iron Cowbell
Forge Iron Greaves 10 12 hours Greaves, Iron
Forge Iron Handsaw 10 8 hours Handsaw, Iron
Forge Iron Hatchet 10 6 hours Hatchet
Forge Iron Hoe 10 6 hours Hoe, Iron
Forge Iron Ingot 5 3 hours Iron Ingot
Forge Iron Jar 10 6 hours Jar, Iron
Forge Iron Kettle 10 6 hours Kettle, Iron
Forge Iron Nails 10 8 hours 100 Iron Nail
Forge Iron Pan 10 5 hours Pan, Iron
Forge Iron Pin 10 2 hours Pin, Iron
Forge Iron Rake 10 4 hours Rake, Iron
Forge Iron Rod 10 6 hours Rod, Iron
Forge Iron Shears 10 4 hours Iron Shears
Forge Iron Slug 5 8 hours 100 Iron Slug
Forge Iron Spade 5 4 hours Iron Spade
Forge Iron Thimble 5 3 hours Iron Thimble
Forge Iron Wrench 10 4 hours Wrench, Iron
Forge Javelin 10 8 hours Javelin
Forge Key 10 6 hours Key
Forge Lamellar 15 40 hours Lamellar
Forge Lance 10 16 hours Lance
Forge Large Saw 10 8 hours Large Saw
Forge Lead Ingot 15 3 hours Lead Ingot
Forge Light Crossbow 10 12 hours Light Crossbow
Forge Light Hammer 5 8 hours Light Hammer
Forge Longsword 10 16 hours Longsword
Forge Mace 10 8 hours Mace
Forge Mail Shirt 15 80 hours Mail Shirt
Forge Manacles 15 6 hours Manacles
Forge Maul 10 16 hours Maul
Forge Mess Kit 5 5 hours Mess Kit
Forge Mithral Amulet 25 12 hours Amulet, Mithral
Forge Mithral Box 27 12 hours Box, Mithral
Forge Mithral Bracelet 27 12 hours Bracelet, Mithral
Forge Mithral Bracers 27 12 hours Bracers, Mithral
Forge Mithral Bucket 27 12 hours Bucket, Mithral
Forge Mithral Crown 27 10 hours Crown, Mithral
Forge Mithral Door 25 26 hours Door, Mithral
Forge Mithral Earrings 27 8 hours Earrings, Mithral
Forge Mithral Greaves 27 12 hours Greaves, Mithral
Forge Mithral Ingot 22 3 hours Mithral Ingot
Forge Mithral Jar 27 6 hours Jar, Mithral
Forge Mithral Necklace 25 12 hours Necklace, Mithral
Forge Mithral Rod 27 6 hours Rod, Mithral
Forge Mithral Slug 25 20 hours 10 Mithral Slug
Forge Morningstar 15 16 hours Morningstar
Forge Phosphorus Slug 5 8 hours Phosphorus Slug
Forge Pike 10 16 hours Pike
Forge Pitchfork 10 4 hours Pitchfork
Forge Plate 20 300 hours Plate
Forge Platinum Amulet 20 12 hours Amulet, Platinum
Forge Platinum Box 25 12 hours Box, Platinum
Forge Platinum Bracelet 25 8 hours Bracelet, Platinum
Forge Platinum Bracers 25 12 hours Bracers, Platinum
Forge Platinum Bucket 25 10 hours Bucket, Platinum
Forge Platinum Crown 25 10 hours Crown, Platinum
Forge Platinum Earrings 25 8 hours Earrings, Platinum
Forge Platinum Greaves 25 12 hours Greaves, Platinum
Forge Platinum Ingot 22 3 hours Platinum Ingot
Forge Platinum Jar 25 8 hours Jar, Platinum
Forge Platinum Pan 25 5 hours Pan, Platinum
Forge Platinum Rod 25 6 hours Rod, Platinum
Forge Platinum Slug 22 3 hours 100 Platinum Slug
Forge Rapier 15 8 hours Rapier
Forge Reliquary 15 14 hours Reliquary
Forge Scimitar 15 8 hours Scimitar
Forge Scythe 10 12 hours Scythe
Forge Shortsword 5 16 hours Shortsword
Forge Shovel 5 6 hours Shovel
Forge Sickle 5 8 hours Sickle
Forge Signal Whistle 5 6 hours Signal Whistle
Forge Signet Ring 10 4 hours Signet Ring
Forge Silver Amulet 10 8 hours Amulet, Silver
Forge Silver Box 15 12 hours Box, Silver
Forge Silver Bracelet 15 8 hours Bracelet, Silver
Forge Silver Bracers 15 10 hours Bracers, Silver
Forge Silver Bucket 15 8 hours Bucket, Silver
Forge Silver Crown 15 8 hours Crown, Silver
Forge Silver Earrings 15 6 hours Earrings, Silver
Forge Silver Greaves 15 12 hours Greaves, Silver
Forge Silver Ingot 10 3 hours Silver Ingot
Forge Silver Jar 15 6 hours Jar, Silver
Forge Silver Pan 15 5 hours Pan, Silver
Forge Silver Pin 15 2 hours Pin, Silver
Forge Silver Rod 15 6 hours Rod, Silver
Forge Silver Slug 10 20 hours 100 Silver Slug
Forge Sledgehammer 5 4 hours Sledgehammer
Forge Spear 10 8 hours Spear
Forge Strongbox 15 16 hours Strongbox
Forge Tin Ingot 5 3 hours Tin Ingot
Forge Tinderbox 5 4 hours Tinderbox
Forge Titanium Ingot 22 3 hours Titanium Ingot
Forge Trident 15 8 hours Trident
Forge War Pick 15 16 hours War Pick
Forge Warhammer 15 16 hours Warhammer
Forge Whetstone 5 1 hours Whetstone
Inlay Dragon Bones 20 8 hours
Inlay Dragon Scales 20 6 hours

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