Attack Ability

Absolution 21 2d20
Absolve 35 3d20
Abyssal Strike 2d6
Acid Attack (2d6) 2d6
Acid Attack (d10) 1d10
Acid Attack (d12) 1d12
Acid Attack (d20) 1d20
Acid Attack (d4) 1d4
Acid Attack (d6) 1d6
Acid Attack (d8) 1d8
Acid Bite (2d6) 2d6
Acid Bite (2d8) 2d8
Acid Bite (d10) 1d10
Acid Bite (d12) 1d12
Acid Bite (d20) 1d20
Acid Bite (d4) 1d4
Acid Bite (d6) 1d6
Acid Bite (d8) 1d8
Acid Slash (d8) 1d8
Adept Poison Strike 1d8 1,500
Aggravating Attack
Air Blade 40 10d10
Aqueous Corruption Attack
Arcing Slash
Ariessian Under Strike 1d4
Armament Prowess 1d6
Arterial Accuracy 24
Assassination Attack 12 4d10
Atonement 11 2d12
Back Kick 21
Backstep Slash 12
Bakuretsu Hyakuretsu Ken 32
Banishing Arrow 36 2d6
Beast Claw Attack 2d6
Between The Eyes 36 3d20
Black Blade Attack 10d6 + 40
Black Widow Poison 1d8
Blade Twist 8 1d6
Bleeding Strike
Blessing of the Storm Strike 2d10
Blinding Arrow 28 2d6
Blinding Smite Attack 3d8
Blinding Strike
Bloody Proboscis 2d6
Blooming Slash 36 2d12
Booze Strike (d6) 1d6
Bottom Brick 29
Brace 1d10
Branding Smite Attack 2d8
Bruising Blow
Buckle Powerbomb 24 1d20
Buffet Strike 32
Bulldogs Bite
Burning Blade 1d8
Burning Strike (d10) 1d10
Burning Strike (d12) 1d12
Burning Strike (d20) 1d20
Burning Strike (d4) 1d4
Burning Strike (d6) 1d6
Burning Strike (d8) 1d8
Celestial Slaying Strike
Chain Garrote
Charge (30ft) (1d6) 1d6
Charge (3d6) 3d6
Charge of the Horned Warrior
Charging Attack
Chokehold Attack
Chromatic Attack (d4) 1d4
Chui Touch 16
Cleansing Strike 8
Clothesline Strike 16 1d6
Cloverleaf Grapple 12 5d4
Cold Attack (2d6) 2d6
Cold Attack (3d6) 3d6
Cold Attack (4d6) 4d6
Cold Attack (d10) 1d10
Cold Attack (d12) 1d12
Cold Attack (d20) 1d20
Cold Attack (d4) 1d4
Cold Attack (d6) 1d6
Cold Attack (d6) - Copy 1d6
Cold Attack (d8) 1d8
Cold Bite (2d8) 2d8
Cold Bite (d10) 1d10
Cold Bite (d12) 1d12
Cold Bite (d20) 1d20
Cold Bite (d4) 1d4
Cold Bite (d6) 1d6
Cold Bite (d8) 1d8
Cold Slash (d8) 1d8
Concussive Smash
Constricting Attack
Constricting Attack, Adept
Corrosive Strike (4d8) 4d8
Crimson Tide Cutlass 32 3d12
Cripple 3
Crippling Blow
Crushing Hug 9d6
Damaging Attack (d10) 1d10
Damaging Attack (d12) 1d12
Damaging Attack (d20) 1d20
Damaging Attack (d4) 1d4
Damaging Attack (d6) 1d6
Damaging Attack (d8) 1d8
Dangerous Grappler 1d4
Dazing Blow
Dazing Shot 29
Deadly Poisoning Bite (6d6) 6d6
Death Dog Disease Bite
Decimate 33 4d12
Deep Strike 5
Destabilizing Attack
Devastate 23
Dhampir Bite (2d6) 2d6
Disarming Attack
Dishonorable Strike 12 2d8
Dispel Evil and Good: Dismissal Strike
Distracting Shot
Divine Attack of Banishment 5d10
Divine Attack of Blazing Heat 1d6
Divine Attack of Fear 1d6
Divine Attack of Mindracking 4d6
Divine Attack of Thunder 2d6
Divine Smite 3 [x]d8
Divine Storm 16 2d10
Divine Strike (3d6) 3d6
Dizzying Gore
Dominating Shot 32
Double Claw Strike 1d6
Double Slash 16
Dragon Claw Attack 2d4
Dragon Shot 16 1d8
Dragon's Dread Arrow 28
Draining Attack 4d8
Dreadful Rampage 12 2d10
Effírië 40 10d10
Elbow Drop 8 2d4
Elemental Attack (d10) 1d10
Elemental Attack (d12) 1d12
Elemental Attack (d20) 1d20
Elemental Attack (d4) 1d4
Elemental Attack (d6) 1d6
Elemental Attack (d8) 1d8
Elemental Strike 12 2d10
Empowered Pain
Enfeebling Arrow 20 2d6
Enhanced Shank [x]d8
Ensaring Arrow 5 2d6
Ensnaring Attack (Bite)
Ensnaring Attack (Claw)
Ensnaring Whip
Ethereal Arrow 12 1d6
Execute 25
Exhaustive Attack
Fang of Demon Poison Strike 2d6
Fearsome Accuracy
Feinting Slash 24
Fell Blade Attack 5d10
Fensui 37
Ferocious Grip 11
Festering Rat Bite
Final Judgement 40 50d20
Fire Attack (2d6) 2d6
Fire Attack (2d8) 2d8
Fire Attack (3d4) 3d4
Fire Attack (3d6) 3d6
Fire Attack (6d6) 6d6
Fire Attack (8d6) 8d6
Fire Attack (d10) 1d10
Fire Attack (d12) 1d12
Fire Attack (d4) 1d4
Fire Attack (d6) 1d6
Fire Attack (d8) 1d8
Fire Bite (2d6) 2d6
Fire Bite (2d8) 2d8
Fire Bite (3d6) 3d6
Fire Bite (4d6) 4d6
Fire Bite (d10) 1d10
Fire Bite (d12) 1d12
Fire Bite (d20) 1d20
Fire Bite (d4) 1d4
Fire Bite (d6) 1d6
Fire Bite (d8) 1d8
Fire Slash (d8) 1d8
Flame Fork 5d8
Flourishing Strike 8 [x]d8
Force Attack (2d10) 2d10
Force Attack (d10) 1d10
Force Attack (d12) 1d12
Force Attack (d20) 1d20
Force Attack (d4) 1d4
Force Attack (d6) 1d6
Force Attack (d8) 1d8
Force Bite (d10) 1d10
Force Bite (d12) 1d12
Force Bite (d20) 1d20
Force Bite (d4) 1d4
Force Bite (d6) 1d6
Force Bite (d8) 1d8
Frightening Attack
Frightening Strike 3,000
Frogger Leaping Attack
Frogger Poison Spray 1d8
From The Shadows 40 10d10
Furious Hew 21
Gale Slash 28 1d10
Giant Swing 40 5d10
Goring Rush
Gouge 17
Gouging Pull 2d8
Hamstring Slash
Hand Strike
Haru no Kaze 32 3d10
Harvester's Edge
Head Smash
Heartstopper Strike
Holstered Throw
Holy Reckoning 1
Hoof Strike 1d4
Hooked Arrow Shot 36
Hurling Impact
Ice Knife 5d8
Infect (Egg Type)
Intercept 11 + [champion_level]
Invigorated Strike 1d4
Ji 9
Jinx Shot Attack
Jinx Touch Attack
Killing Rampage
Knight Charge 1d12
Knockout Shot 16
Knockout Strike
Lacerating Strike
Leaping Attack 1d8
Leaping Dropkick 20 1d12
Leaping Moonsault 36 10d6
Leaping Strike
Leg Sweep 13
Life Draining Strike (3d6) 3d8
Life Draining Strike (d6) 1d6
Lightning Attack (2d8) 2d8
Lightning Attack (4d6) 4d6
Lightning Attack (d10) 1d10
Lightning Attack (d12) 1d12
Lightning Attack (d20) 1d20
Lightning Attack (d4) 1d4
Lightning Attack (d6) 1d6
Lightning Attack (d8) 1d8
Lightning Bite (2d10) 2d10
Lightning Bite (3d10) 3d10
Lightning Bite (d10) 1d10
Lightning Bite (d12) 1d12
Lightning Bite (d20) 1d20
Lightning Bite (d4) 1d4
Lightning Bite (d6) 1d6
Lightning Bite (d8) 1d8
Lightning Hands 1
Lightning Slash (d8) 1d8
Lixiang Quan 12
Lycanthropic Bite
Maiming Strike
Major Poison Strike 3d6
Malicious Attack 1d6
Marinefolk Stinger 1d6
Martial Advantage 2d6
Menacing Attack
Midas Attack
Mind Flayer Tentacle Attack 2d10
Mind Game Strike 32 2d6
Mind Rending Shot 8 1d8
Minor Poison Strike 1d4
Mobile Shot
Moderate Wounding Attack
Monster Slaying 28 3d10
Monstrous Soft Spots 8 1d12
Multi Poison Stringer Strike 10d6
Mummy Rot Strike 3d6
Neckbreaking Piledriver 32 8d10
Necrotic Attack (2d10) 2d10
Necrotic Attack (2d6) 2d6
Necrotic Attack (3d10) 3d10
Necrotic Attack (3d6) 3d6 45,280
Necrotic Attack (6d6) 6d6
Necrotic Attack (d10) 1d10
Necrotic Attack (d12) 1d12
Necrotic Attack (d20) 1d20
Necrotic Attack (d4) 1d4
Necrotic Attack (d6) 1d6
Necrotic Attack (d8) 1d8
Necrotic Bite (2d12) 2d12
Necrotic Bite (2d6) 2d6
Necrotic Bite (d10) 1d10
Necrotic Bite (d12) 1d12
Necrotic Bite (d20) 1d20
Necrotic Bite (d4) 1d4
Necrotic Bite (d6) 1d6
Necrotic Bite (d8) 1d8
Necrotic Laced Fangs 2d8
Night Arrow
Night Impaler 1d6
One-handed Chokeslam 28 3d6
Orcish Brutality 1d8
Otyugh Infesting Attack
Overpower 3 [x]d4
Paralyzing Attack
Penance 3 2d8
Petrification Shot 24
Petrifying Stirke
Phantasmal Talon Strike 1d4
Piercing Attack (d6) 1d6
Piercing Shot
Piercing Strike
Pinning Attack
Pixie Poison Strike
Poison Attack (2d6) 2d6
Poison Attack (d10) 1d10
Poison Attack (d12) 1d12
Poison Attack (d20) 1d20
Poison Attack (d4) 1d4
Poison Attack (d6) 1d6
Poison Attack (d8) 1d8
Poison Bite (2d6) 2d6
Poison Bite (2d8) 2d8
Poison Bite (3d4) 3d6
Poison Bite (3d6) 3d6
Poison Bite (4d6) 4d6
Poison Bite (4d8) 4d8
Poison Bite (7d8) 7d8
Poison Bite (d10) 1d10
Poison Bite (d12) 1d12
Poison Bite (d20) 1d20
Poison Bite (d4) 1d4
Poison Bite (d6) 1d6
Poison Bite (d8) 1d8
Poison Stinger Strike (d10) 1d10
Poisoning Bite (10d8) 10d8
Poisoning Bite (2d8) 2d8
Poisoning Bite (3d8) 3d8
Poisoning Bite (d4) 1d4
Poisoning Bite (d8) 1d8
Poisoning Strike
Poisoning Strike (3d6) 3d6
Poisoning Strike (4d10) 4d10
Poisoning Strike (5d6) 5d6
Pommel Strike
Pounce Attack
Pouncing Snatch (2d4) 2d4
Precision Attack 1d10
Preemptive Neutralization 20 [x]d12
Psionic Evolution Strike 1d6
Psychic Attack (2d6) 2d6
Psychic Attack (4d6) 4d8
Psychic Attack (d10) 1d10
Psychic Attack (d12) 1d12
Psychic Attack (d20) 1d20
Psychic Attack (d4) 1d4
Psychic Attack (d6) 1d6
Psychic Attack (d8) 1d8
Psychic Bite (d10) 1d10
Psychic Bite (d12) 1d12
Psychic Bite (d20) 1d20
Psychic Bite (d4) 1d4
Psychic Bite (d6) 1d6
Psychic Bite (d8) 1d8
Purple Worm Poison Attack 12d6
Quick Shot 5 1d8
Radiant Attack (2d8) 2d8
Radiant Attack (4d8) 4d8
Radiant Attack (5d8) 5d8
Radiant Attack (d10) 1d10
Radiant Attack (d12) 1d12
Radiant Attack (d20) 1d20
Radiant Attack (d4) 1d4
Radiant Attack (d6) 1d6
Radiant Attack (d8) 1d8
Radiant Bite (d10) 1d10
Radiant Bite (d12) 1d12
Radiant Bite (d20) 1d20
Radiant Bite (d4) 1d4
Radiant Bite (d6) 1d6
Radiant Bite (d8) 1d8
Rage of the Meek Strike 3d6
Rakujū Kyūkyoku 40 10d10
Rampaging Surge
Rapid Shot 1d6
Reality Shatter 36
Reaping Strike 1d4
Rema's Fury 3d10
Rend 19
Retsu Ha Ken 28 2d10
Roundhouse 17
Royal Violence 2d10 9,000
Running Body Slam 5 1d12
Rush Attack
Rushing Wind Slash 20
Rusting Shoot 40
Ruthless Attack
Sap 27
Seal of Judgment 20
Seeking Arrow 24 1d6
Sepsis Shock 32
Shank 1 [x]d6
Shatterguard Bash 5 1d6
Shield Charge 12 1d6
Shield Shattering Blow
Shield Slam 28 1d6
Shield Snare
Shift 3 + [champion_level]
Shinigami Death Strike 5d10
Shinken Bloodburst 5
Short Draw
Shove Attack
Shoving Strike 11
Shrapnel Shot 1d6
Shred Armor Strike
Shuimian Touch 24
Skulkers Cut 1d6
Slamming Hit
Slash and Run 1d6
Sleeping Poison Bite
Sleeping Poison Sting
Sleight Swipe 16
Slice and Dice 13
Smoldering Strike
Smothering Attack 32
Smothering Shot 24
Solar Angelic Strike 6d8
Sonic Slash Attack 1d4
Soul Drain Strike 2d6
Soulblade Strike 1d6
Spine Readjustment 4d10
Squeak Strike
Stabby Stabby 1d10
Staggering Shot 33
Sticky Tongue (Close)
Stinger Swipe
Stunning Attack
Sundering Strike
Surge Strike 28
Surprise Attack (2d6) 2d6
Surprise Attack (3d6) 3d6
Swashbuckler's Flourish 24
Sweeping Attack
Swift Bite
Swift End 1d4
Tactical Cleave 13
Tactical Trip 15 + [champion_level]
Takedown Strike
Talon Whip Attack 4d4 + 5
Talon Whip Restrain
Tempered Leap 17
Tempest Dash Attack 1d6
The Two Step
Thoughtblade Strike 2d8
Throat Stab 21
Thunder Attack (d10) 1d10
Thunder Attack (d12) 1d12
Thunder Attack (d20) 1d20
Thunder Attack (d4) 1d4
Thunder Attack (d6) 1d6
Thunder Attack (d8) 1d8
Thunder Bite (d10) 1d10
Thunder Bite (d12) 1d12
Thunder Bite (d4) 1d4
Thunder Bite (d6) 1d6
Thunder Bite (d8) 1d8
Toe Stab
Topple Attack
Toppling Attack
Tornado DDT 12 2d6
Toxic Claw
Transform Repeal 20
Tricky Arrow 1d20
Trip Attack
Underdog Strike 1d4
Unholy Strike, Adept 2d6
Vampiric Bite (2d6) 2d6
Vampiric Bite (3d6) 3d6
Vampiric Bite (3d8) 3d6
Vampiric Touch Attack (3d6) 3d6
Vengeful Rebuke 28
Venomist Strike 1d8
Venomous Affliction 32 3d10
Vertical Suplex 8 1d20
Vindicate 37 5d20
Viscoelastic Tongue
Visionweb Snare
Vorpal Slash 40 10d10
Wangchuan Strike 20
Web Spinner
Wet Strike (d6) 1d6
Whirling Blades
Whirling Gale Strike 20 3d6
Whirlwind 25
Wild Attack of Thorns 1d6
Wind Strike 5
Wing Clip Strike 8
Wing-Wrapping Net
Withering Attack
Withering Attack (4d8) 4d8
Withering Disease Strike 2d8
Wyvern Poison Strike 7d6
Wyvern Shot 24
Xuan 33
Zanretsu Ken 8 2d10
Zombie Fever Strike

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information