Tao of Ninjutsu
Tao of Ninjutsu

"The unseen blade is the deadliest."

The Tao of Ninjutsu stands as a clandestine path within the Monk class, enveloped in secrecy and veiled in mystery. Initiates into this enigmatic tradition are not chosen but rather identified by hidden observers – ninjas in disguise who recognize the latent promise in individuals. Sometimes, orphaned children from monasteries become the chosen few, taken and molded into the silent shadows from a young age, their destinies forever intertwined with the Tao.

In Zin, The Nameless, an exclusive cadre of elite assassins thrives. This enigmatic group, driven solely by the allure of the right price, has strategically chosen to integrate monks of the Ninjutsu tradition into their ranks. The adept ninjas from this Tao possess a unique skill set, excelling in the arts of deception, seamless blending, and the ability to orchestrate lethal strikes that mimic mere accidents—effectively eluding any suspicion.

Within The Nameless, those aligned with this Tao are particularly coveted. The select ninjas among them have earned a reputation as legendary assassins, demonstrating unparalleled prowess. Their abilities extend to dispatching both the proudest kings and the most audacious adventurers with a finesse that is as lethal as it is subtle. In the secretive world of Zin, the Ninjutsu monks of The Nameless stand as shadows, carrying out their deadly tasks with unmatched precision.

Shrouded Beginnings
Initiates are often unaware of their selection into the Tao of Ninjutsu. Those with the potential are subtly observed by ninjas in disguise, ever watchful for signs of promise. Orphaned children from monasteries are sought out, their futures rewritten as they embark on the path of stealth and subterfuge.

Theft as Initiation
For those young enough, the initiation begins with the art of theft. The child learns not only to steal valuable items but to take without leaving a trace. The stolen objects serve not as material gain but as a test of the child's ability to move undetected, an initiation into the unseen world of the Tao.

Shadows Embrace
As training progresses, ninjas of the Tao learn to seamlessly blend into the shadows. They develop the ability to move through magical techniques, navigating the ethereal plane with ease. The shadows become both ally and sanctuary, and the adept ninja feels an intimate connection with the realm of the dead, dwelling in the shadows where the departed patiently await their transition to the afterlife.

Link with the Beyond
The connection with the dead isn't just a metaphysical concept but a tangible force in the Tao of Ninjutsu. Through rigorous training, the ninja learns to draw upon the essence of the shadowy realm, enhancing their stealth and weaving a ghostly connection that transcends the boundaries between life and death.

Dimensional Mastery
At the pinnacle of their training, powerful ninjas of the Tao become elusive to an extraordinary degree. They can hide not only in shadows but in almost any dimension, and in some instances, assume the guise of anyone. Their whereabouts and existence become whispers in the wind, striking fear into even the bravest heroes. This level of elusiveness solidifies their reputation as shadowy enigmas, capable of slipping through the fabric of reality itself.

Roleplaying Considerations
Tao of Ninjutsu Monks walk the delicate line between the tangible and the unseen, their existence shrouded in layers of concealment. They are adept infiltrators, masters of disguise, and wielders of mystical arts that allow them to traverse realms. These monks often carry the weight of their mysterious past, and their actions resonate with a profound connection to the shadows and the afterlife. Their presence is felt more as an absence, a whisper in the dark, leaving those who cross their path in awe and trepidation. The Tao of Ninjutsu, steeped in intrigue, offers a unique and compelling narrative for characters navigating the shadowy realms of fantasy.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Keashi
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 5
  • Jinsoku no Jutsu
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 8
  • Unseen and Unheard
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 28

  • Abilities:
  • Ebon Shroud
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 24

  • Quick Abilities:
  • Change to Shizen Stance
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 5
  • Shadow Step
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 16
  • Ghost Walk
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 32
  • Shinobi's Eclipse
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 40

  • Attack Abilities:
  • Dishonorable Strike
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 12

  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Kowasu no Waza
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 20
  • Shunshin no Jutsu
    Monk Tao of Ninjutsu 36



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