
Components AOE Max Targets Roll
A Mile in One's Shoes 6 2 N/A
Anoris Curse 7 3 N/A
Bland Taste 2 1 N/A
Bronze Touch 5 1 N/A
Cannibal Compulsion 4 1 hrs 1 N/A
Cruciatic Sympathy 7 1 min 1 N/A
Curse of Anger 1 1 min 1 N/A
Curse of Babel 1 1 day 1 N/A
Curse of Everbleeding 6 10 mins 14d8 1 N/A
Curse of Gluttony 1 1 min 1 N/A
Curse of Greed 1 1 hrs 1 N/A
Curse of Madness 3 1 min 1 N/A
Curse of Mortality 2 1 min [gift]d4 [x] N/A
Curse of Pride 3 1 min 1 N/A
Curse of Sacrifice 1 1 min N/A
Curse of Seduction 1 1 hrs 1 N/A
Curse of Sloth 2 1 hrs 1 N/A
Curse of The Abyss 3 1 min 12d8 3 N/A
Curse of the Drunkard 3 1 day 1 N/A
Curse of the Flame 6 1 min 10d6 2 N/A
Curse of Weakness 1 1 min 1 N/A
Cursed Arsenal 2 1 min 3d8 1 N/A
Cursed Land - Broken Bones 6 8 Hrs 30 2 N/A
Cursed Land - Curse of the Blood Moon 5 30 1 year 2 N/A
Cursed Land - Land of the Dead 6 1 Hr 5280 16 hrs 3 N/A
Cursed Land - Nature's Wrath 7 8 Hrs 5280 3 N/A
Cursed Land - Three Monkies 9 24 Hrs 52800 3 N/A
Cursed Land - Yagi's Betrayal 3 10 Min 30 2 N/A
Cursed Land Curse - The Mummies Curse 6 24 Hrs 100 3 N/A
Dark Desolation 1 30 1 min 1 N/A
Deadly Diminution 5 3 N/A
Deliquescent Flesh 7 3 N/A
Eldritch Horrors 4 1 N/A
Eyes of the West Wind 4 8 hrs 1 N/A
Family Curse - Sow and Reap 3 2 N/A
Family Curse - The 6th Son 5 2 N/A
Family Curse - The Dragon's Greed 5 2 N/A
Famine’s Feast 4 3 N/A
Fatal Strength 7 1 N/A
Gushing Gore 5 1 min 3 N/A
Hatemonger’s Halo 5 10 Min 2 N/A
Healing Blight 2 1 min 2 N/A
Heartless 3 1 N/A
Insidious Insomnia 4 10 Min 1 N/A
Isha's Lunacy 2 1 day 1 N/A
Kinslayer 4 10 Min 1 N/A
Limp Wand 3 1 min 1 N/A
Lover's Quarrel 2 30 2 1 N/A
Marked Soul 6 1 N/A
Midas Curse 8 2 Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Polypollex Curse 4 2 N/A
Rapid Aging 4 1 year 1 N/A
Regressive Rejuvenation 5 1 month 2 N/A
Sectum Sanguinum 2 1 min 1 N/A
Stench of Death 1 1 N/A
Sterile Curse 2 1 N/A
The Tower 6 24 Hrs 3 N/A
The Unseen Stalker 2 1 N/A

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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