Full Abilities

A King's Gambit 8
Aberration Brand 12 3,000
Aberration Wrangler 5 500
Adaptive Transulence 500
Aimed Shot 36 10d10 5,000
Animate Flesh Golem 28 10,000
Anointed Hands 24 0d0 + 1 7,000
Arcane Preparation 1 0d0 + [wizard_level]/2 100
Aspect of the Artifact 8 500
Attention to Detail 5
Aura of Despair 3d8 1
Aura of Subjugation 4
Beast Brand 9 2,000
Blast Bomb Berrage 2d10 2
Blood Ritual 1
Branded Beast Spirit Recall 9 200
Bull's Fury 2
Bullish Resilience 2
Call of the Moon 5
Cannibal's Curse 3d8 3
Catch Fresh Water Fish
Catch Saltwater Fish
Charming Melody 3
Circle of Zen 32 3d10 8,000
Corpse Devourer 2d10 2
Cranial Consumption 2d8 2
Cry of the Wendigo 3
Custom Full Ability
Cyclone Surge 6d12 8
Death Reversal 16 0d0 + 1 5,000
Death's Bane Curse 5 1d10 + [warlock_level] 2,000
Deathbound Ally 40 100,000
Demonic Howl 2
Dismiss Summon
Domain Control (Full AOE) 14d8 9
Domain Control (Haste) 9
Domain Control (Heal) 5d10 9
Domain Control (Life Drain) 3d10 9
Dragon Brand 12 10,000
Dragon Wrangler 5 1,000
Dragon's Calling 40 10d10 15,000
Dream Eater 5
Elementary, My Dear 5
Encouraging Speech 2d4 + [soul] 3
Exit, Stage Left 6
Extraplanar Paradise 9
Eyes of Death Blessing 9
Fiendish Cackle 2
Flaming Necroburst 10d8 6
Flare Burst 3d8 2
Frozen Armor 5
Fuhuo Touch 20 0d0 + 1 10,000
Haboob 4
Healing Rain 36 4d12 8,000
Heavenly Recovery 5 0d0 + [sorcerer_level] 2,000
Impaler Head Burrow 5
Inanimate Devourer 1d10 1
Ink Escape 3
Labyrinth's Echo 2
Legendary Hex Bender 40 10,000
Lie Detector 5
Light Candle
Light Hand Lamp
Light Hooded Lantern
Light Pillar Candle
Light Taper Candle
Light Torch
Limited Wish 7
Magic Doesn't Exist 15,000
Major Channel 21 1,000
Mana Generator Recharge 5
Master Beast Tamer 1 100
Maze Walker 5
Meditation 3 0d0 + [monk_level] 100
Metamorph Renewal 3d12 2
Metamorph Shapeshift 500
Monster Wrangler 5 100
Monstrosity Brand 12 5,000
Muscle Control 16 6,000
Natural Recovery 1 500
Nature Control (Bark Skin) 6
Nature Control (Confusion Spores) 7
Nature Control (Healing Spores) 5d10 7
Necro Vortex 12d6 7
Nether Drain 1d10 4
Oni Dream Invader 5
Oni Flame 8d6 3
Oni Shapeshift 300
Open Rift to the Abyss 8d6 9
Open Rift to the Heavens 8d6 9
Payer of Hatred 4
Perfect Harmony 39 10,000
Planetary Devastation (Fall) 20d12 9
Planetary Devastation (Vacuum) 14d6 9
Priestly Purr 1d6 2
Punishment 3d10 3
Rage Breath 10d10 6
Ravenous Gorge 0d0 + 20 3
Read Manual of Bodily Health 300,000
Read Manual of Gainful Exercise 300,000
Read Manual of Golems 6d6 300,000
Recall Summon 9 100
Remove Brand of Servitude 7
Resuscitation of Essence 32 0d0 + 1000 25,000
Rock Armor 2
Short Rest 0d0 + [total_level]
Silver Tongue 5
Song of Ages 40 0d0 + [bard_level] 10,000
Soul Read 4
Soulbane Calligraphy 32 30,000
Storm's Wrath 32 8,000
Straight Face Lie 5
Student of the Arcane 1 100
Suicided Explosion 10d4 5
Summon Apau Perape 6
Summon Helpful Plushy 5
Summon Spirits of Inhalation 2d4 5
Tantrum of the Tundra 10d10 5
The 9 Devils 40 50,000
The Devil's Summon 8 2,000
The Fey's Summon 8 2,000
The Genie's Ally 5
The Great Wood 40 0d0 + 3 20,000
The Traveler's Summon 8 3,000
The Wicker's Curse 6d10 3
Thorough Deduction 5
To My Lover’s Side 7
Toxic Alluring Fragrance 3
Toxic Smoke Cloud 4
Transformation - Corpse Pillar 8
Troll-like Regeneration 2d6 1
Ultimate Takedown 40 20d10 30,000
Undertaker 1
Unlocked Potential - Body 16 6,000
Unlocked Potential - Mind 16 6,000
Unlocked Potential - Soul 16 6,000
Unparalleled Resolve 0d0 + [total_level] 2
Void Emptiness 12 5,000
War Horn Call 4
When the Night Comes 3
Winged Terror 2

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information