Full Abilities

A King's Gambit
Aberration Brand
Aberration Wrangler
Adaptive Transulence
Aimed Shot 10d10
Animate Flesh Golem
Anointed Hands 0d0 + 1
Arcane Preparation 0d0 + [wizard_level]/2
Aspect of the Artifact
Attention to Detail
Aura of Despair 3d8 1
Beast Brand
Blood Ritual
Branded Beast Spirit Recall
Bull's Fury
Bullish Resilience
Call of the Moon
Cannibal's Curse 3d8
Catch Fresh Water Fish
Catch Saltwater Fish
Charming Melody
Circle of Zen 3d10
Corpse Devourer 2d10
Cranial Consumption 2d8
Cry of the Wendigo
Custom Full Ability
Death Reversal 0d0 + 1
Death's Bane Curse 1d10 + [warlock_level]
Deathbound Ally
Demonic Howl
Dismiss Summon
Domain Control (Full AOE) 14d8
Domain Control (Haste)
Domain Control (Heal) 5d10
Domain Control (Life Drain) 3d10
Dragon Brand
Dragon Wrangler
Dragon's Calling 10d10
Elementary, My Dear
Encouraging Speech 2d4 + [soul]
Exit, Stage Left
Extraplanar Paradise 2,000 70,000
Eyes of Death Blessing
Fiendish Cackle
Flaming Necroburst 10d8
Flare Burst 3d8
Frozen Armor
Fuhuo Touch 0d0 + 1
Healing Rain 4d12
Heavenly Recovery 0d0 + [sorcerer_level]
Inanimate Devourer 1d10
Ink Escape
Labyrinth's Echo
Legendary Hex Bender
Lie Detector
Light Candle
Light Hand Lamp
Light Hooded Lantern
Light Pillar Candle
Light Taper Candle
Light Torch
Limited Wish
Magic Doesn't Exist, Idiot.
Major Channel
Mana Generator Recharge
Master Beast Tamer
Maze Walker
Meditation 0d0 + [monk_level]
Metamorph Renewal 3d12
Metamorph Shapeshift
Monster Wrangler
Monstrosity Brand
Muscle Control
Natural Recovery
Nature Control (Bark Skin)
Nature Control (Confusion Spores)
Nature Control (Healing Spores) 5d10
Necro Vortex 12d6 7
Nether Drain 1d10
Oni Dream Invader
Oni Flame 8d6
Oni Shapeshift
Open Rift to the Abyss 8d6 10
Open Rift to the Heavens 8d6 10
Perfect Harmony
Planetary Devastation (Fall) 20d12
Planetary Devastation (Vacuum) 14d6
Priestly Purr 1d6
Punishment 3d10
Rage Breath 10d10
Ravenous Gorge 0d0 + 20 3
Read Manual of Bodily Health 300
Read Manual of Gainful Exercise 300
Read Manual of Golems 6d6 300
Recall Summon
Remove Brand of Servitude 7
Resuscitation of Essence 0d0 + 1000
Rock Armor
Short Rest 0d0 + [total_level]
Silver Tongue
Song of Ages 0d0 + [bard_level]
Soul Read
Soulbane Calligraphy
Storm's Wrath
Straight Face Lie
Student of the Arcane
Suicided Explosion 10d4
Summon Apau Perape
Summon Helpful Plushy 5
Summon Spirits of Inhalation 2d4
Tantrum of the Tundra 10d10
The 9 Devils
The Devil's Summon
The Fey's Summon
The Genie's Ally
The Great Wood 0d0 + 3
The Traveler's Summon
The Wicker's Curse 6d10
Thorough Deduction
To My Lover’s Side
Toxic Alluring Fragrance
Toxic Smoke Cloud
Transformation - Corpse Pillar
Troll-like Regeneration 2d6
Ultimate Takedown 20d10
Unlocked Potential - Body
Unlocked Potential - Mind
Unlocked Potential - Soul
Unparalleled Resolve 0d0 + [total_level]
Void Emptiness
When the Night Comes
Winged Terror

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information