Random Encounter Tables

Dulwich - Events 15 SKB
Lost City of Omu Improved Random Encounters 18 NA
Omu Nest Occupants 3 NA
Plot Hooks from a 5yo DM 156 NA
Random Encounter 1: CR 1/8–1/4 20 LDW
Random Encounter 10: CR 16 - 24 10 LDW
Random Encounter 2: CR 1/4 - 1 20 LDW
Random Encounter 3: CR 1 - 2 20 LDW
Random Encounter 4: CR 2 - 3 20 LDW
Random Encounter 5: CR 3 - 4 20 LDW
Random Encounter 6: CR 4 - 5 20 LDW
Random Encounter 7: CR 5 - 8 20 LDW
Random Encounter 8: CR 8 - 12 20 LDW
Random Encounter 9: CR 12 - 16 12 LDW
Random Non-Combative Events 288 NA
RE | Level 1 to 8 120 DML
RE | Level 10 to 20 100 DML
RE | Level 21 to 30 75 DML
RE | Level 34 to 40 73 DML
Rural General RE 29 NA
The Surrounds (Level 1) 20 SKB

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information