Armor Classifications

Armor Classification Armor Type AC Mod Max AC From Requires DIS
Natural Armors
Gambeson Armors Light 15 1 8
Leather Jerkin Armors Light 45 2 10
Mail Shirt Armors Medium 60 3 2 25
Lamellar Armors Medium 150 4 2 20 Y
Hauberk Armors Medium 250 4 2 30
Brigandine Armors Medium 450 5 2 40 Y
Cuirass Armors Heavy 90 6 0 2 30 Y
Half Plate Armors Heavy 450 7 0 3 45 Y
Plate Armors Heavy 900 8 0 3 60 Y
Light Shields Shields 5 1 3
Bucklers Shields 5 2 3 Y
Kite Shields Shields 10 2 6 Y
Medium Shields Shields 10 2 6
Cavalry Shields Shields 10 2 6 Y
Tower Shields Shields 30 3 1 45 Y
Heavy Shields Shields 40 4 3 40 Y
Bulwarks Shields 50 4 3 50 Y

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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