
A King's Delicacy 1d8 1
Abjure Enemy 5 1,000
Aboleth Enslavement 9
Aboleth Psychic Drain 3d6 2
Absorb Alcohol 2d10 + 5 3
Abyssal Reckoning 36 20d6 10,000
Abyssal Sacrifice 4d8 2
Abyssal Zone 3
Acid Breath Weapon (15) (5d8) 5d8 4
Acid Breath Weapon (20) (4d8) 4d8 4
Acid Breath Weapon (30) (11d8) 11d8 7
Acid Breath Weapon (40) (9d8) 9d8 6
Acid Breath Weapon (60) (12d8) 12d8 8
Acid Spit (2d8) 2d8 1
Acid Spray Stream 3d10 2
Acrobatic Barrage 3d8 2
Activate Mirror of Life Trapping
Adept Channel 11 1,500
Aegis of Souls 32 2,500
Air Shield Bastion 3
Alchemical Protection 2
Alchemist Flame Thrower 2d4 2
Alien Senses 20
Alluring Dance 3
Amorphous Body 2
Ancient Black Dragon Breath Weapon 15d8 8
Ancient Blue Dragon Breath - Lightning 16d10 9
Ancient Brass Dragon Breath - Fire 16d6 7
Ancient Bronze Dragon Breath - Lightning 16d10 8
Ancient Copper Dragon Breath - Acid 14d8 8
Ancient Gold Dragon Breath - Fire 13d10 8
Ancient Might
Androsphinx - First Roar 8
Androsphinx - Second Roar 8
Androsphinx - Third Roar 8d10 8
Animate Chains
Animate Specter 3
Ankheg Acid Spray 3d6 2
Anomaly Avatar 40 10,000
Antimagic Shot 36 8,000
Apply Sovereign Glue 6
Aqueous Surge 3d8 2
Arachnofolk Web Spit 7
Arcane Bolt 8d6 4
Arcane Empowerment 20 1d4 5,000
Artic Charge 2d6 2
Ascendant Aspect 17
Ascendant Dragon Origin 3
Aspect of the Unseen 20 3,000
Attack Order 3
Avatar of the Faith 40 100,000
Bag of Devouring Yum Yum Time
Bagiennik Healing Oil 2d4 + 4 2
Balor Demon Summoning 7
Bark 3
Barrage 17 2d10 3,000
Bashee Wail 3d6 9
Basilisk Stare 6
Battlefield Dominance 21 5,000
Bearvalanche 3d8 1
Bedevilment Bolt 8d6 4
Besieging Bolt 5d10 3
Bewitching Gyrations 3
Black Heart 2d10 2
Blackhole Pull 3
Blasphemous Word 3
Blazing Sprint 3d6 2
Blinding Breath 3
Blinding Breath (15) 2
Blinding Gaze 3
Blindsense 14
Blizzard Armor 4
Blood Drain (2d4) 2d4 2
Blood Drain (Mist Form Only) 4d6 + 8 5
Blood Offering to the Shadows 1d4 1
Blood Vapor 6d10 4
Bloodfire Orb Detonation 11d10 7
Bloodfire Orb Vortex 7d10 6
Blow Horn of Blasting 5d6 5
Body Crush (6d20) 6d20 7
Bolster Resolve 31 0d0 + [champion_level] 10,000
Bolstering Caw 0d0 + 15 1
Booze Breath 4d6 3
Booze Elemental Whelm 2d8 + 4 4
Borrow Strike 6d8 500
Bouda Shapeshift 2
Bounce 2d8 1
Bound Magic
Brace for Impact 32 15,000
Brainblast 12d6 + 20 8
Brand of Power 3
Breath of Wasps
Breath Weapon - Fire (15) (2d6) 2d6 2
Brine Barrier 0d0 + 15 2
Bugbear Musk 1
Bulette Deadly Leap 3d6 + 4 3
Burrowing Grapple 1
Bursting Arrow, Master 32 4d6 12,000
Bursting Arrow, Minor 8 2d6 6,000
Call Dragons 50
Call Lightning Strike 3d10 3
Call of the Tides 5
Call of the Wind 5
Call of Valhalla | Brass 3d4 + 3 45
Call of Valhalla | Bronze 4d4 + 4 60
Call of Valhalla | Iron 5d4 + 5 75
Call of Valhalla | Silver 2d4 + 2 30
Calling of Doom 0d0 + 1 5
Catchy Performance 4
Celestials Embrace 3
Challenging Roar 24 6,000
Change Shape 3
Change Shape, Flawed 2
Channel Negative Energy 3
Charming Eyes 2
Charming Gaze 6
Chicanery 31 3,000
Children of the Night
Chillcry Howl 16 3,000
Chosen 21 5,000
Cinder Shield 0d0 + [total_level] 3
Cinderous Swipe 2d6 1
Cloaker Moan 2
Close Eversmoking Bottle
Cobra Spit Strike 4d8 3
Cold Breath (20) (4d6) 4d6 3
Cold Breath Weapon (15) (4d8) 4d8 2
Cold Breath Weapon (15) (5d8) 5d8 4
Cold Breath Weapon (30) (10d8) 10d8 6
Cold Breath Weapon (30ft) (12d8) 12d8 6
Cold Breath Weapon (60ft) (12d8) 12d8 9
Cold Breath Weapon (60ft) (13d8) 13d8 9
Cold Breath Weapon (90) (15d8) 15d8 8
Cold Breath Weapon (90) (16d8) 16d8 9
Colossus Call 5
Command Rope of Entanglement
Cone of Negation 6d10 4
Copy Spellbook
Coral Harmony 2d8 2
Corrosive Bile Spray 18d6 9
Cosmic Beacon 0d0 + 10 4
Create Ice Sculpture
Crimson Bile Wave 5d10 3
Cruel Flourish 6d6 4
Crushing Depth 2d10 3
Curse of Exhaustion 12 3,000
Curse of Lycanthropy 6
Custom Ability
Cutthroat 9 1,000
Daern's Instant Fortress Summon Attack 10d10
Dance with Me 5 1d4 500
Deafening Thunder
Deafening Thunderclap
Deafening Voice 8
Death Glare 7
Death Nose Dive 3d8 2
Defend the Queen 5
Demoralizing Shout 1d6
Derendian Moth Lay Egg
Destroying Bag of Devouring
Dhampir Gaze 3
Dhampir Regeneration 2d10 2
Digest (2d8) 2d8 1
Discorporate 2
Dismiss Daern's Instant Fortress
Dismount a Creature
Dispel Evil and Good: Break Enchantment 2
Disrupt Life 6d6 4
Disruptive Soul Release 24 12d8 25,000
Distracting Glare 2
Divine Connection 20 1d4 10,000
Domain Control (DOT) 8d8 6
Domain Control (Empowerment) 6
Domain Control (Freeze) 14d6 8
Domain Control (Impair) 7
Domain Control (Partial AOE) 14d6 7
Domain Control (Poison) 10d8 7
Domain Control (Resistance) 8
Domain Control (Restrain) 8
Domain Control (Single Target) 15d8 8
Down to Hell 36 15d10 50,000
Draconic Greed 12 5,000
Draconic Senses 24 1,000
Dragon Turtle Steam Breath 15d6 7
Dragonfolk Roar 3
Draining Caress 3d10 3
Draining Kiss 5d10 2
Draining Melody 4d10 3
Dreamwalker 4
Duchess's Gaze 2
Dump Magic Beans 5d4 2,000
Dust of Dryness Attack 10d6 4 200
Earth Burst (2d8) 2d8 2
Earth Prison 2d10 3
Earthen Bastion 0d0 + 15 2
Eat Bead of Nourishment
Ebon Shroud 24 25,000
Echo of Power 20 30,000
Eclipse Pulse 4
Elder Keeper 40 50,000
Eldritch Surge 36 10d6 20,000
Electric Discharge 3d10 3
Elemental Nova 32 6d10 10,000
Elemental Overload 24 5,000
Elemental Whirlwind 3d8 + 2 2
Embolden the Winds 16 1d4 2,000
Entangling Vines 2
Enter Shadowform 5 5,000
Erupting Cinder 4d6 2
Ethereal Bastion 40 50,000
Ethereal Lure 3
Ethereal Stride 7
Ettercap Web 7
Euphoria Breath 4
Event Horizon Crush 2d6 3
Explosive Icicle 3d8 2
Extended Service 3
Eyes of the Oracle 2
Faint Echos from the Titans 40 100,000
Fallen Glory 3d12 4
Fascinating Lure 1
Feather Storm 2d6 2
Feral Swarm 4d6 5
Fetid Cloud 3
Fey Agitation 1 1,000
Fey Delirium 36 30,000
Fire Breath Weapon (15) (4d10) 4d10 3
Fire Breath Weapon (15) (4d6) (r5) 4d6 2
Fire Breath Weapon (15) (7d6) 7d6 3
Fire Breath Weapon (20) (Line) (4d6) 4d6 3
Fire Breath Weapon (30) (10d10) 10d10 6
Fire Breath Weapon (30) (16d6) 16d6 7
Fire Breath Weapon (40) (Line) (12d6) 12d6 6
Fire Breath Weapon (60) (12d10) 12d10 9
Fire Breath Weapon (60) (Line) (13d6) 13d6 6
Fire Breath Weapon (60ft) (18d6) 18d6 9
Fire Breath Weapon (90) (26d6) 26d6 15
Fire Breath, Minor 2d6 2
Fire Whispers
Flames of Hatred 2d8 2
Flames of The Abyss 12 6d6 8,000
Flashy Flame 2d10 1
Flight of the Damned 8d8 5
For the Motherland [body]d6 + 5 2
Freezing Grounds 8d8 7
Frightening Gaze 5
Frightening Presence 2
Frightening Shout
Frostbite Aura 4d4 3
Gaia's Mercy 1d10 2
Gaia's Tears 3d10 + 5 3
Gaia's Wraths 2d10 2
Gemfinder 3
Genie Wishes
Genie's Cold Snap 1
Genie's Flames 1
Genie's Strength 1
Genies Guidance 2
Giant Body Slam 1d12 + [body] 1
Giant's Bane
Glacial Impact 3d8 3
Glacial Surge 3d10 3
Golden Shackles 4d10 3
Grace of Titian Harmony 28 1d8 10,000
Great Wall of Ice 4
Ground Stomp 3d10 2
Half-Red Dragon Veteran Breath - Fire 7d6 4
Hawk's Death Cry 2
Healing Spirit Caress 2d4 2
Healing Threads 2d8 3
Healing Touch (2d8) 2d8 + 2 2
Healing Touch (4d8) 4d8 + 2 3
Healing Touch (6d8) 6d8 + 3 4
Healing Touch (8d8) 8d8 + 4 5
Healing Vapors 2d8 2
Heart Sight 1
Heat Beam 15d6 9
Heat sense 3
Heavy Acid Spray 4d8 2
Heavy Snow
Hell Hound Breath - Fire 6d6 3
Holy Nimbus 28 25,000
Honest Chance 9 1,000
Horror Nimbus 2
Howl of Encouragement 2
Hurl Through Hell 28 10d10 15,000
Ice Box
Ice Claw Smash 8d10 5
Ice Mephit Breath - Cold 2d4 1
Icejade Prison 2
Icey Touch
Icy Shield 0d0 + 15 2
Immovable Item
Inanimate Possession
Inciting Howl 2
Incorporeal Movement 6
Infernal Command 2
Ink Cloud
Insidious 33 15,000
Intellect Extraction 6
Intimidating Shout 9 1,000
Jarring Cord 2d8 1
Kings Roar 1
Kraken Ink Cloud 3d10 3
Lashing Root 3d6 3
Last Stand 20 1d8 + [barbarian_level] 1,000
Lava Burst (5d10) (r6) 5d10 4
Lava Spray (10d6) (r6) 10d6 5
Lay on Hands 20 10d10 + [paladin_level] 30,000
Leave Shadowform 5
Leviathan Steam Breath 12d6 9
Lightning Breath (30) (12d10) 12d10 9
Lightning Breath Weapon (30) (4d10) 4d10 5
Lightning Breath Weapon (40) (3d10) 3d10 3
Lightning Breath Weapon (60) (10d10) 10d10 8
Lightning Breath Weapon (90) (12d10) 12d10 9
Lightning Charge (10d10) 10d10 7
Lock Object
Low Hanging Fruit 1d8 1
Lucky Carrot 3
Luminous Pulse 2d10 2
Lung Vacuum 2
Maelstrom Core 4d8 4
Magma Sling 6d6 4
Major Wing Whirlwind 4d6 + [body] 3
Mana Burst Shot 3d8 2
Manipulate Desire 7
Many Faces 3
Many Mini Meteors 7d6 6
Mask of the Wild
Master Divine Calling 37 100,000
Master Doffer
Master of the Tower of the Horn 7
Master Spiritual Rejuvenation 35 5d4 30,000
Mean & Green 1
Meat Hook Binding 1d8 3
Medusa Petrifying Gaze 6
Metalic Possession 4
Mind Mastery
Minor Blessing of Omus
Minor Divine Calling 3 10,000
Mirror Life Trap 8
Moew Lure 1
Molder of Illusion 12 10,000
Molten Eruption (8d6) (r5) 8d6 5
Molten Eyeblast 8d8 4
Molten Surge 3d10 3
Molten Wave (r5) 4d8 3
Mount a Creature
Mounting Despair 1
Move Sphere of Annihilation 4d10
Mystic Beserking 4
Naturally Stealthy
Nature Control (Poison Coating) 8
Nature Control (Poison Spores) 14d6 8
Nature Control (Restraining Brambles) 10d6 8
Nature Control (Thorn Briars) 12d6 8
Nemean Strength 1
Netherbound Possession
Nightmare Haunting 1d10 5
No Blade Can Harm Me 7
Nocturnal Shapeshift 3
Numb The Pain 1
Octopus Ink Cloud
One of Us
One with Shadow 1
Oni Slam 2d10 1
Open Efreet Bottle 0d0 + 1 8
Open Eversmoking Bottle
Open Portable Hole
Organic Acid 3d8 2
Paralyzing Breath Weapon (15) 3
Paralyzing Breath Weapon (30) 4
Paralyzing Breath Weapon (60) 6
Petrifying Breath 4
Petrifying Gaze 3
Phantom Blitz 3d8 5
Phantom Dance of Shadows 40 40d6 9
Piercing Shots 12 2d10 1,000
Planetary Devastation (Falling Debris) 11d10 9
Planetary Devastation (Flood) 14d6 9
Plant Magic Bean
Poision Dragon Weapon (90) (22d6) 22d6 9
Poison Breath Weapon (15) (10d8) 10d8 5
Poison Breath Weapon (15) (6d6) 6d6 3
Poison Breath Weapon (30) (12d6) 12d6 6
Poison Breath Weapon (60) (16d6) 16d6 8
Poltergeist Telekinetic Thrust 3d6 2
Portal Manipulation 7
Possession 5
Power from Blood 1 2,000
Predator Gaze 3
Presence of Mind 19 5,000
Protect 1
Protective Aura
Psychic Breath Weapon (60) (12d8) 12d8 8
Psychic Crush 3d6 2
Pull Gray Fuzzy 1
Pull Rusty Fuzzy 2
Pull Tan Fuzzy 2
Quaal's Feather Token, Anchor Ship 20
Quick Drink 2d10 2
Quill Defense 2
Quill Shot 5d8 3
Radiant Missiles 2 500
Rally the Men [soul]d8 2
Rapid Trap 3 1,000
Rat Bodyslam 3d6 2
Reading of Fate 0d0 + 1 4
Reality Bomb 5d10 4
Reality Shift 4
Recalled Tales of Old 8 1,000
Redirect AOE (2ap)
Release Trapped Soul
Repulsion Breath Weapon (30) 6d6 4
Repulsion Breath Weapon (60) 12d6 7
Retractable Blade 1 500
Reverse Enchantment
Rift Quake 2d12 2
Roar of the Gnoll King 2
Roll Out 3d6 2
Rolling Rock 3d10 + 6 3
Rust Monster Antennae
Sacrifice Life 3d8 + 5 2
Salt Burst 3d6 2
Savage Lunge 2d6 1
Savanna Walker 1
Scare 1
Scrap Golem Rust Breath 8d8 4
Searing Burst 4d6 4
Seeing Double 31 10,000
Seismic Pulse 3d10 3
Seismic Slam 24 3d10 3,000
Sense Black Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Blue Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Brass Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Bronze Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Copper Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Gold Dragons 1
Sense Green Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Magic 3
Sense Red Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Silver Dragons 1 5,000
Sense White Dragons 1 5,000
Sense Witchcraft 8 5,000
Sensing the Darkness 1
Serene Regeneration 8 0d0 + 1 1,000
Shackle Creature with Dimensional Shackles 3,000
Shadow Anchor 3
Shadow Breath 16d6 8
Shadow Illusion 3
Shadow Leap 2d10 2
Shadow Manipulation 1
Shadow Waltz 1d10 2
Shake Sludge 2d12 2
Shared Invisibility
Shell Defense
Shifting Sands of Fate
Shrieker Shriek
Shuffle of the Planes 7 150,000
Skins Over Skin 12 [x]d8 6,000
Sky-High Dive 3d6 2
Sleeping Breath Weapon (60) 5
Slowing Breath Weapon (30) 4
Slowing Breath Weapon (60) 5
Snack Break 3d6 2
Snake Charmer 2
Snarl & Bite 2d6 2
Song of Mighty Doom 0d0 + 10 1
Song of Sorrow 4
Sonic Boom 32 3d10 15,000
Sonic Scream 2d6 2
Soothing Clouds 12 0d0 + 3*[monk_level] 2,000
Soul Drain 16 4d8 2,000
Soul Echo 6
Soul Prison
Soul Reaver's Embrace 8d8 + 60 9
Soulforge Resilence 12 6,000
Soulreaper's Grasp 32 5d6 10,000
Soulshaper's Embrace 20 4,000
Spew Spider Web 1
Spirit Fire 2d8 2
Spirit Well 1 10,000
Spiritual Rejuvenation 11 10,000
Spit Fire 2d8 1
Spriggin Water Jet 3d6 2
Starburst Beam 4d6 3
Static Charge 2d10 1
Steam Breath 1d8 1
Stellar Nova 8d6 4
Stone Golem Slow 1
Stop Burning
Storm Giant Lightning Strike 12d8 6
Storm Giant Thunderous Stomp 6d10 5
Storm Quake 5d10 4
Storm's Embrace 8d6 4
Strike of Boreas 8 2d8 5,000
Stubborn Pursuer 1
Stunning Glance 3
Stunning Screech 3
Stygian Breath 12d6 6
Succubus Gaze 1
Summon - Bone Beast 3
Summon - Corpse Legions 7
Summon - Raptor Group/ Allosaurus 5
Summon Armored Manticore 4
Summon Ashbound Guardian 6
Summon Corpse Flower Bomber 1d4 3
Summon Daern's Instant Fortress
Summon Frostbound Guardian 5
Summon Hoard of Killer Bats 2
Summon Ice Mephits 0d0 + 2 3
Summon Krish-Krish's Scrap Golem 3
Summon Shadow Tendrils 3
Summon Treasure Bugs 4
Summon Venom Spore Spawn 1d6 8
Summon War Hyena 4
Summon War Rhino 4
Summon Wasp Swarm 0d0 + 3 3
Supernova Ascension 0d0 + 20 6
Supersonic 3
Swarm Consciousness
Swirling Branches 6d6 4
Temporal Convergence 40 50,000
Temporal Manipulation 12 5,000
Tengu's Wrath 36 6d12 30,000
Tenha Kassatsu 24 3d10 6,000
Terrifying Glare 3
Terrifying Presence
Terror of the Dragon 20 10,000
Terror Screech 2d6 3
Test Item 2
The Devil's Frightening Gaze
The Dragon's Breath 3d6 2
The Final Song 6d8 3
The Rumbling
Third Eye Vision 1
Thorny Tendril Strike 3
Throw Bead of Force 5d4 1
Throw Dust of Sneezing and Choking 1
Thunderbolt Smash 6d8 5
Thunderous Boon 3
Time Inhalation, Adept 11d8 8
Time Inhalation, Major 12d8 9
Time Inhalation, Master 20d8 10
Time Inhalation, Minor 5d8 7
Tit for Tat 3
Titans Endurance 4
Tongue (20)
Tossin' Time 3d6 2
Touch of Decay 9d10 7
Touch of the Archdruid 40 100,000
Touch of the Archmage 33 8,000
Touch of the Wild 40 50,000
Toxic Smokescreen 2d8 3
Toxic Spew 2d8 2
Toxic Swamp 2
True Dragon's Breath 10d8 5
Tsunami Strike 8d10 6
Tundra Armor [body]d8 + 5 2
Twilight Step 1
Twin Totems Prick 2d8
Twin Totems Seppuku 12d10
Twin Totems Stab 5d8
Umbral Boon 3
Umbral Companion 2
Umbral Pact 0d0 + 15 2
Umbral Shroud 28 30,000
Untamed Inferno 5
Unworthy Mortal Minds Attunment
Use Iron Flask
Use Keoghtom's Ointment 2d8 + 2 2
Use Pearl of Power 0d0 + 10 6
Vacuum Sphere 6d8 5
Vampire Gaze 6
Vampire's Embrace 3d8 2
Vampiric Bite 4d4 2
Veil of Oblivion 32 10,000
Veil of Shadows 28 15,000
Vengeful Scream 2
Venting Heat
Violent Scream 2d6 3
Void Step 3
Volatile Barrage 4
Volatile Flash 8d4 3
Voodoo's Curse Doll 1
Vrock Spores 1d10 2
Warden's Vigor 36 2d20 30,000
Water Elemental Whelm 2d8 + 4 3
Weakening Breath Weapon (15) 3
Weakening Breath Weapon (30) 3
Weakening Breath Weapon (60) 4
Web of Eternal Night 3d10 4
Web Spit 1
Whelming Water 2
Whirlwind Slash 3d6 2
Whispers of the Djinn 7
Wildshift (1) 1 1,000
Wildshift (11) 11 6,000
Wildshift (13) 13 8,000
Wildshift (17) 17 10,000
Wildshift (21) 21 15,000
Wildshift (3) 3 2,000
Wildshift (7) 7 3,000
Wildshift Mistform 16 5,000
Wildshift Water Elemental 32 5,000
Wind Blast 1
Winds of the Ariessian 2d4 1
Windswept Form 2
Wing Whirlwind 2d6 + [body] 2
Wings of the Primal Tender
Winter Wolf Breath - Cold 4d8 2
Withering Gaze 4d10 2
Withering Poke 4d8 2
Wolf Jaw Clasp 2d8 1
Write Spell into Spellbook
Wyvren Blast 4d6 2
X-Ray Vision 30
Young Bronze Dragon Breath - Lightning 10d10 7
Young Silver Dragon Breath - Paralyzing 4

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information