Faith in the Spirits
Faith in the Spirits

"The line between life and death is but a veil; let me show you what lies beyond."

Priests who follow the Faith in the Spirits possess a profound connection to lost and wandering souls. These priests can reach out to these spirits, guided by the blessing of the Goddess Adon. This divine connection allows them to traverse between the Shadow Plane, the Ethereal Plane, and the Material Plane, spreading Adon's message and guiding souls on their journey.

Death and Rebirth
In Zin, the cosmology of this faith, death is not the end but a transition. Adon, the Goddess of Spirits, oversees the souls born from the primordial essence of the Great Affix. With the help of Edysus, the God of Travels, these souls are sent to new lives, from the smallest blade of grass to sentient beings. When a person dies, their spirit travels through the Shadow Plane, awaiting judgment.

Guiding the Immature Souls
Not all souls are ready for judgment. Those that are immature and incapable of discerning right from wrong are sent back to the Material Plane by Adon. These souls are given another chance to grow and learn, under the watchful eyes of the priests of this subclass.

Walking in Shadowform
Priests of Faith in the Spirits have the unique ability to enter Shadowform, allowing them to walk between the realm of the living and the dead. In this form, they can see and speak with the dead, offering guidance and solace. This ability makes them invaluable to those seeking to communicate with lost loved ones or ensure a safe passage through the afterlife.

Seekers of Guidance
People often seek out these priests for their wisdom and ability to commune with the dead. Whether it is to gain advice, seek closure, or bargain with Adon for a swift journey through the Shadow Plane, these priests provide essential services. Their rituals and ceremonies help ensure that spirits do not linger in the Shadow Plane longer than necessary.

Shunned and Feared
Despite their vital role, priests of this subclass are sometimes shunned by society. Their magic, which borders on necromancy and the use of dark energies, invokes fear and suspicion. The Color of Black, associated with their practices, is seen as ominous and dangerous. Yet, it is this very power that allows them to perform their sacred duties, navigating the delicate balance between life and death.

Inspired by the World of Warcraft Shadowpriest.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Faith in the Spirits Spells (1st Level Spells)
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 1
  • Faith in the Spirits Spells (2nd Level Spells)
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 5
  • Faith in the Spirits Spells (3rd Level Spells)
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 9
  • Unbreakable Will
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 12
  • Faith in the Spirits Spells (4th Level Spells)
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 13
  • Shadow Focus
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 16
  • Faith in the Spirits Spells (5th Level Spells)
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 17

  • Full Abilities:
  • Adon's Whisper
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 36

  • Abilities:
  • Enter Shadowform
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 5
  • Leave Shadowform
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 5
  • Mana Burn
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 8
  • Shadow Weaving
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 24
  • Soul Shift
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 28
  • Power Word: Emptiness
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 32
  • Screams of the Shadow
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 40

  • Free Abilities:
  • Spirits to Adon
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 1

  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Fade Into Ethereal
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 1
  • Shadow Dispersion
    Priest Faith in the Spirits 20


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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