Free Abilities

Aberrant Quickness
Absorb Lightning 0d0 + 1
Acid Contesting Retaliation (6d6) 6d6
Activate Silence
Adrenaline Rush
Agonizing Gaze
Alluring Movements
Amplify Bending [x]d4
Annihilating Form
Apau Perape Diseased Blood
Aura of the Abyss
Aura of the Grave 1d6
Barbed Hide 1d10
Blood Lightning Retaliation 8d6
Bonded Healing 1d8 + [soul]
Braveheart Blessing 0d0 + 1
Burning Embrace 8d6
Burning Touch Retaliation (d10) 1d10
Candle Snuffer
Charge (10ft) (3d10) 3d10
Chimera's Flame Sac Afterburn 1d6
Cleansing Purge
Cloud Step
Coak of Shadowflame Lash 2d8
Coastal Stride
Cold Lash 0d0 + 5
Cold Shield Lash 2d8
Corruption Aura (d6) 1d6
Custom Free Ability
Deadly Weapon
Death Eruption 20d10
Death Throes - Fire 20d6 (30) 20d6
Death Throes - Fire d8 (5) 1d8
Decisive Onset
Desert Stride
Digest (10d10) 10d10
Digest (12d6) 6d12
Digest (2d4) 2d4
Digest (3d6) 3d6
Digest (3d8) 3d8
Digest (4d6) 4d6
Digest (6d6) 6d6
Dirty Fighting
Dirty Rose Eruption 14d12 + 20
Divine Battlelust 0d0 + 2
Draw Tension
Drill Lance 1d10 5
Elemental Chain Reactions 3d10
Elemental Warding
Enchanted Shielding 0d0 + [spellcasting_essence]
Enchanting Presence
Fervorous Rush
Feyfoot Glide
Fire Blood 0d0 + 1
Fire Hawk Dive 2d6
Fire Retaliation (d10) 1d10
Fire Retalitation (2d6) 2d6
Fire Retalitation (d6) 1d6
Fire Shield Lash 2d8
Fire Trap Explosion 4d10
Flames of Influence
Floating Magic Missles 1d6 + 1
Foment Confusion
Forest Stride
Frightful Presence
Fuel The Flames 3d8
Gain Fate Suit: Change
Gain Fate Suit: Prosperity
Gain Fate Suit: War
Gibbering Maddness
GM Apply Flanked
GM Apply Protected
GM Remove Flanked
GM Remove Protected
Gray Fuzzy: Weasel
Heated Body (3d6) 3d6
Heavy Swing
Hellfire Monarch Slash 8d6
Hold onto Mastery 1d10
Holy Aura Burst
Iaido Mastery
Ice Lance Strike 4d10
Ice Mephit Death Burst 1d8
Infecting Telepathy
Kettle Mimic Digest 2d8
Kip Up
Lightning Retaliation (2d8) 2d8
Lightning Retaliation (d10) 1d10
Lightning Retaliation (d12) 1d12
Lightning Retaliation (d4) 1d4
Lightning Retaliation (d6) 1d6
Lightning Retaliation (d8) 1d8
Magic Missile Phalanx 1d6
Magma Splash 4d8
Martial Advantage (4d6) 4d6
Mephit Death Burst
Mortal Aim
Mucous Cloud
Necrotic Aura (d4) 1d4
Nihileth Void Aura
No One Escapes
Phoenix Resurgence 3d12
Phoenix Retalitation 1d8
Poison Retalitation (2d6) 1d6
Poison Retalitation (d6) 1d6
Poisonous Skin
Quick Recovery 0d0 + [total_level] 2
Quick Ritual
Radiant Retaliation 6d4
Rapid Reload
Reckless Abandon
Reckless Attack
Reckless Frenzy
Reflective Scales 2d8
Regeneration (Ioun Stone) 0d0 + 15 20
Reliablity of Mjohnr
Remove Flanked from Self
Restless Revenege 0d0 + [total_level]
Rock Camouflage
Savior from Harm
Scrap Off
Shadow Dash Stance
Shield Bracing
Short-Term Madness: 4th Wall
Short-Term Madness: Adrenaline
Short-Term Madness: Amnesia
Short-Term Madness: Australia
Short-Term Madness: Autocannibalism
Short-Term Madness: Avian Flock
Short-Term Madness: Blessed Blindness
Short-Term Madness: Bloody
Short-Term Madness: Bugs 1d8
Short-Term Madness: Children's Song
Short-Term Madness: Codependent
Short-Term Madness: Coin Flip
Short-Term Madness: Conspiracy
Short-Term Madness: Defecation
Short-Term Madness: Duck Hatred
Short-Term Madness: Empath
Short-Term Madness: Encore
Short-Term Madness: Enemies to Friends
Short-Term Madness: Fake Fire
Short-Term Madness: Fake Lycanthrope
Short-Term Madness: Fake Strength
Short-Term Madness: Fake Transmogrification
Short-Term Madness: Fake Vampire
Short-Term Madness: Fish Roleplay
Short-Term Madness: Flying Spirit
Short-Term Madness: Frenzy
Short-Term Madness: Frightened
Short-Term Madness: Fruity
Short-Term Madness: Gluttony
Short-Term Madness: Hallucinations
Short-Term Madness: Heartbeat
Short-Term Madness: Hugs
Short-Term Madness: Hydrophobic
Short-Term Madness: Imaginary Appendage
Short-Term Madness: Manual Breathing
Short-Term Madness: Mood Swings
Short-Term Madness: Not feeling it
Short-Term Madness: Paralysis
Short-Term Madness: Paranoia
Short-Term Madness: Rabbit
Short-Term Madness: Ritual
Short-Term Madness: Rude Prick
Short-Term Madness: Sidewalk
Short-Term Madness: Silenced
Short-Term Madness: Tongues
Short-Term Madness: Tree
Short-Term Madness: Tremors
Short-Term Madness: Weakling
Short-Term Madness: Weeping
Short-Term Madness: Weeping Mess
Sparkling Scales
Speed Surge 10
Spirits to Adon
Stormbringer Creed
Swamp Stride
Sworn Enemy of the Oathbow 3d6 50,000
Tempest Invocation
That's a Grudgin'
The Beast Within
The Double Step
The Mastermind
Thief’s Reflexes
Thorn Lash 2d6
Thunderous Push
Till Death Due Us Part
Time Slip
Timeless Tango
Trample (5d8) 5d8
Transmuting Digest
Treasure Sense
Trigger Snare
Unbreakable Line
Undead Fortitude 0d0 + 1
Unholy Strikes 1d8
Unnatural Healing
Untamed Magic Surge: Arcane Disruption
Untamed Magic Surge: Attack Surge
Untamed Magic Surge: Chilling Rime
Untamed Magic Surge: Ethereal Beam [barbarian_level]d6 + [body]
Untamed Magic Surge: Fireball Self 5d6
Untamed Magic Surge: Ghostly Faze
Untamed Magic Surge: Heated Metal
Untamed Magic Surge: Invisibility
Untamed Magic Surge: Kaleidoscope
Untamed Magic Surge: Radiant Boon
Untamed Magic Surge: Silence
Untamed Magic Surge: Speed
Untamed Magic Surge: Spirit Wail 2d6
Untamed Magic Surge: Statue
Untamed Magic Surge: Storm Heart
Untamed Magic Surge: Teleport
Untamed Magic Surge: Thunderous Boom 2d4
Untamed Magic Surge: Vampiric Drain 1d12
Untamed Magic Surge: Vitality 2d6 + [body]
Untamed Magic Surge: Warbling Bead
Vile Teleport (Heal) 0d0 + 80
Void Channel
Void Deconstruction
Void Enhancer
Volatile Barrage Burning
Volatile Barrage Healing (d8) 1d8
Volatile Barrage Poisoned
Volatile Barrage Sleeping
Watchful Spirit (Savior)
Wind Step
Withering Contact 1d10

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information