Short-Term Madness: Australia
Free Ability
1 gp

The character suddenly twists its perspective and is now extremely sure that everyone (besides itself) sees the world upside down. It will then proceed to walk on their hands, hold their weapons and wands in the wrong direction, and completely misunderstand simple concepts involving gravity (e.

g., if you'll jump you'll fall, you should aim your arrow higher than your target because the arrow's height decreases with distance, things break when dropped from height, etc.

). All attacks are made at DIS.

The ground looms impossibly high, a strange ceiling where feet cling like stubborn anchors. Objects hang perilously from below—cups upside-down on tables, people walking on their heads, gravity pulling everything in the wrong direction.

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • Duration: 10 minutes

  • Roll Type
  • Spell Melee Attack Roll
  • Spell Ranged Attack Roll
  • Weapon Melee Attack Roll
  • Weapon Ranged Attack Roll

  • The Ability, Spell, or Effect cannot be enchanted onto an object.

Attached Items
Ability is not attached to any item.

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information