Quick Abilities

Aboleth's Haunting Visions 2
Activate Glamour Armor
Advance Grapple: Restrain 1
Advance Grapple: Takedown 2
Agile Centering 500
Agile Dodge 500
Air Step 2
All To Hear 35 5,000
Alpha Command 3 2,000
Alter Speeds of the Void
Altered Chimera Fire Breath 3d6 2
Anfu Touch 8 0d0 + 1 2,000
Animate Shield
Animate Statues 3d6 5,000
Apothecary Resistance 1
Arcane Affinity 1
Archer's Eye 2
Bait and Switch 2
Banished to the Living Dream
Battle Cry 2
Battlefield Order 2
Beguiling Gaze 7
Beguiling Glow
Bending Boundries 15 10,000
Bioluminescent Skin 1
Black/Copper Dragonkin Breath - Acid 1d10 + [total_level] 3
Blast of Wind 5
Blended Background 20 6,000
Blessing of the Artifact 5 1d4 5,000
Blind Song 7
Blinding Dust 1
Blinding Flash 4d8 4
Blinding Sleet 3
Blink Dog Teleport 3
Blotted Waters
Blue/Bronze Dragonkin Breath - Lightning 1d10 + [total_level] 3
Brass/Gold/Red Dragonkin Breath - Fire 1d10 + [total_level] 3
Bulk Up 4
Bullwhip 300
Burning Acid 1d4 1
Burrow Strike 1
Cauterize Wounds 1d12 2
Censure 1 500
Change to Beijxing Stance 5 500
Change to Huo Stance 1 500
Change to Shizen Stance 5 500
Change to Shu Stance 1 500
Change to Wenhe Stance 5 500
Change to Yun Stance 5 500
Chaotic Momentum 24 6,000
Charged Teleportation (30) 3
Charged Teleportation (60) 4
Chimera Fire Breath 7d8 5
Chuul Tentacles 3
Cleric's Bane 5,000
Climb onto Bigger Creature
Cloak of Isha 3
Cloud of a Thousand Stings 3d6 4
Cloud of Sand 5
Clubbing Branch 4d6 5
Collapsing Ceiling 3d6 7
Command Iron Bands of Bilarro 4
Commanding Voice 29 5,000
Condemn 39 30,000
Consume Scrap Hand 0d0 + 20 7
Contemptuous Kick 3d6 3
Creeper Vines 0d0 + 3 7
Crescendo 29 0d0 + [bard_level] 5,000
Critical Shots 20 6,000
Crumble 5,000
Custom Quick Ability
Cutting Hand Slash 2d6 3
Darkness Reigns
Death Mist 7
Death Ward Tether
Deep Ocean Visions 2d6 4
Defender's Veil 16 10,000
Defensive Bulwark 4
Defiling Smear 2
Demoralize 35 10,000
Detect Heartbeat 3
Disrupting Roar 36 3d10 6,000
Distraction! 2
Double Trouble
Draconic Charming Fog 4
Draconic Cold Winds 1d10 6
Draconic Earth 5
Draconic Freezing Fog 3d6 5
Draconic Ice Shards 3d6 7
Draconic Magma 6d6 7
Draconic Roots 6
Draconic Tremors 6
Draconic Visions 4
Draconic Volcanic Gases 5
Draconic Wall of Thorns 4d8 6
Draconic Winds 7
Dragon Tail Swipe 2d8 3
Dreadful Glare 2
Eagle Eye 29 5,000
Elemental Knight Wildshift (20) 20 20,000
Elemental Warp 4
Elite Recovery 6
Embedded Weapon Extract
Embedded Weapon Retract
Emboldening Fury 13 1,000
Emminating Healing 2d6 4
Empathic Link 8 1,000
Empowering Hatred 39 100,000
Enhance Hearing 4
Erupting Geyser 3d12 5
Ethereal Jaunt 7
Ethereal Step 7
Ethereal Swap 7
Exploding Mushroom Cap 3
False Hydra Regrowth 0d0 + 20 25,000
Fan Jian Shu 1d12 500
Fast Dipper
Fear of Death and Despair 2d6 3
Fei 27 10,000
Filled to the Brim 8
Filth Burst 3d6 4
Final One Standing 5d10 7
Fire Leap 1d6 2
Fire Ray 3d6 5
Fleet of Foot 1,000
Flexible Armament 1,000
Fling 1d8 3
Focus Psi 1 1,000
For the Maw 3d8 1,000
Force Boon 5,000
Frost Strider 10,000
Gale Force 8d10 7
Gelatinous Cube Engulf 3d6 3,000
Ghost Walk 32 10,000
Ghoulish Healing 3d8 5
Glacial Whip 1d6 2
Go for the Head 16 5,000
Go Prone
Graviton Sling 5d10 6
Greater Dreadful Glare 2
Greater Rapid Wildshift (16) 16 5,000
Green Dragonkin Breath - Poison 1d10 + [total_level] 3
Ground Tremor 3
Guardian Naga Poison Spit 10d8 7
Hagish Bramblethorn 3
Hallowed Walls
Headlock 1,000
Hex of Isha 2
Hidden Steel Curtain 1,000
Holy Weapon Explosion 4d8 5
Horrific Screech 4
Hot Skin 2
Hunter's Mark 1 1,000
Ice Claw Restrain 8d6 6
Ice Claw Slash 8d4 6
Icy Grip 7
Ignited Illumination 1
Illusory Dragon Breath 7d6 6
Inferno of Ivona 28 8,000
Inner Beast 31 10,000
Inspiring Leadership 1d4 3
Invisible Sword Slash 3d10 + 5 6
Jie Touch 12 2,000
Juggernaut 40 100,000
Juggernaut Brace 20 5,000
Juggernaut Safeguard 36 10,000
Juggernaut Spellshield 28 10,000
Kasumi no Kamae 36 5,000
Keen Moves 3 1,000
Kill Shot 23 10,000
Knights Lightning Bolt Projectiles 4d10 6
Last One Standing 37 10d10 + [champion_level] 50,000
Laughing Gas (Lair Action) 6
Legendary Detection
Let the Power Flow 21 10,000
Lifesurge Jaunt 3d6 8
Lightning AOE Teleport 4d10 6
Lightning Lair 3d6 4
Lion Claw Slash 5d4 5
Lure of the Void 3
Luring Song 8
Mantis Slash 3d8 + 5 4
Many Lightning Motes 6d10 6
Master of the Colors 31 25,000
Master of the Deep 6
Mental Affinity 2
Mindbender 24 2,000
Minor Channel 1 500
Minstrel's Mirth 2
Misleading Mirage
Mithria 11 3,000
Mocking Shout 8 1,000
Muck to Metal 1
Mug 1 500
Mystical Skin 28 5,000
Nature Control (Tree Whip) 10d4 6
Negative Energy - Corrode 2d10 4
Negative Energy - Restore 3d10 5
Nightfire Bolt 2d8 3
Nightfire Touch 2d8 2
Nimble Hide
Noxious Gas 4
Noxious Smoke 5
Obscuring Sand
Ocean's Call 1d10 4
Ogre Inspiration 2
Paralysis Palm Bite 3d10 5
Patient Shot
Piercing Point 500
Pinning Javelin 8d8 6
Planetary Devastation (Vanish) 3,000
Plate Training 1,000
Play Fate Card: Blood Oath 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Celestial Eclipse 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Crown of Plenty 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Eclipse of Destiny 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Enchanted Hearts 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Eternal Bond 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Fortune's Favor 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Golden Harvest 1 5,000
Play Fate Card: Iron Legion 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Opulent Ascension 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Passionate Awakening 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Rema's Blessing 1 5,000
Play Fate Card: Rema's Embrace 3,000
Play Fate Card: Shadow of Doom 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Shadow Warlord 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Shapeshifter's Veil 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Shiron's Bane 1 3,000
Play Fate Card: Spellbound Hearts 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Timebender's Hourglass 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Treasury of Dreams 1 1,000
Play Fate Card: Winds of Transformation 1 1,000
Pocket Sand 1
Precision Shooting 5 1,000
Predator's Senses 2
Pull Quill Out 500
Push On 27 20,000
Quick Footwork 16 1,000
Rapid Fire 7 5,000
Rapid Wildshift (1) 1 1,000
Rapid Wildshift (11) 11 5,000
Rapid Wildshift (13) 13 6,000
Rapid Wildshift (16) 16 7,000
Rapid Wildshift (17) 17 8,000
Rapid Wildshift (21) 21 9,000
Rapid Wildshift (24) 24 10,000
Rapid Wildshift (3) 3 1,500
Rapid Wildshift (32) 32 11,000
Rapid Wildshift (40) 40 20,000
Rapid Wildshift (7) 7 2,000
Rapid Wildshift (8) 8 2,500
Ravenous Lightning Strike 8d10 7
Redraw Low Fate Card 5 100
Reel In (20)
Regress Grapple: Escape
Regress Grapple: Restrain
Release Elemental Energy 1d6 100
Release Grapple
Release Mastery 1 1,000
Reliable Aim 3 1,000
Reproach 33 5,000
Reversal of Past Wrongs 100,000
Reverse the Void 50,000
Roll the Bones 20 5,000
Sai 19 1,000
Salvo 35 4d10 10,000
Seabeast Currents
Searing Heat 3d6 4
Sense Evil 1 1,000
Sentence 31 10,000
Shadow Glide 24 2,000
Shadow Hide 500
Shadow Slip 3
Shadow Step 16 5,000
Shadow Veil 3
Share My Pain 7
Shark Telepathy
Shatterstrike 3d8 + [body] 6
Shield Bash (2d4) 2d4 2
Shield Wall 1,000
Shinobi's Eclipse 40 50,000
Shocking Torrents 3d6 6
Shoulder Spear 1
Sidestep 1 500
Silver/White Dragonkin Breath - Cold 1d10 + [total_level] 3
Siphon Mana Reserve 0d0 + 3 500
Small to Handle 500
Snap Outta It!
Sniper Stealth 8 1,000
Solar Flying Sword 7
Solid Armament 1,000
Soon my pretty
Spellbreaker's Mace Attack 3d8 2,000
Spirits Come Forth 15d6 8
Squash (6d6) 6d6 4
Stand Up
Steadfast Posture 500
Steady Aim 2
Steady Bending 3
Stonesense 6
Storm Caller
Strangleweed Poisonous Thorns 6d6 6
Stunning Secret 50,000
Subtle Stride 500
Sudden Sinkhole 2d6 4
Summon Animated Armor of Strahd
Summon Flying Sworrd 4
Sun Seeker 1d10 500
Superior Invisibility 3
Sweeping Guard 3
Tactical Assessment 7 500
Tactical Focus 9 1,000
Tail Spike 1d8 1
Taunt 17 1,000
Tempo 19 1,000
The Color of Defense Green 1
The Color of War Red 2
The Juggernaut 40 30,000
Thought Push 1
Thrashing Waves 6d6 5
Throw Orb of Rakul 4d10 1,000
Thunder Stomp (3d10) 3d10 5
Thundering Walls 1d10 3
Thunderous Roar 6
Torpid Energy 3
Tracking the Scent 15 1,000
Trapped with Me 6
Trauma Blast 8d10 7
Unbridled Rage 500
Uncontrollable Hunger 3d10 4
Unleashed Fury 35 10,000
Unlimited Control 40 100,000
Unrelenting Fury 40 30,000
Untamed Storm Heart 1d6 + [body] 500
Untamed Warbling Bead 2d6 1,000
Up is down 3d6 5
Vanish 7 2,000
Voices of the Dead 7
Voidbound Bowshot 1d10 500
Voidbound Dagger 1d6 + [body] 500
Voidbound Greatslash 2d6 + [body] 500
Voidracked Pain 1d6 8
Vow of Enmity 1 1,000
Walk It Off 39 5,000
Warrior Spirit 8 0d0 + 5 1,000
Watchful Spirit Blast 6d4 5
Watchful Spirit Teleport 1,000
Web Strike 3
What is Real 20 10,000
Whirling Wind
Will-o'-Wisp Consume Life 3d6 5,000
Winding Path 2
Wings of a Dragon 16 3,000
Wolf Jaw Bite 2d8 1,000
Word Weaver 3
Yeti Chilling Gaze 3d6 3
Zanshin Anticipation 28 1,000
Zhilao Touch 36 5d10 15,000
Zhiyu Touch 5 2d8 5,000
Zhong 9 1,000

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information