Status Effects


You stop aging.

You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you can't die from old age.

AOE Redirection

Typically while concentrating, the caster gain the ability to redirect the AOE of the spell or effect for . This is typically applied as a self-status effect to the caster after a AOE spell or ability is activated.

Armor Encumbered

If you don't have the required amount of Body to equip the armor, you Walking Speed drops by -10.

You also have DIS on on Armor Bending Rolls, which can effect how you cast Spells with Somatic Spell Components and Material Spell Components if you are wearing armor.


Creature cannot take reactions.


A creature banished is [item:6D941FDC-10AE-361D-417E-D23CFB7298EF] and immune to all damage.

Barely Wounded

A health status where a creature's health is: >= 75% and < 100%

Beijxing Stance

The dangerous stance used by Monks of Tao of Senjing Ganrao.

Bleeding (2d6)

If the creature is healed at all, they stop this status effect.

Bleeding (3d6)

  1. A Bleeding (3d6) Caster suffers 3d6 Necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns until it regains at least 1 HP.

  2. Using Medicine with a Healer's Kit can stop bleeding.

Bleeding (d4)

  1. A Bleeding (d4) Caster suffers d4 Necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns until it regains at least 1V.

  2. Using Medicine with a Healer's Kit can stop bleeding.


A Blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any Skill Roll that requires sight.


A health status where a creature's health is: >= 25% and < 50%


Bolstered creatures can't be Charmed or Frightened, and they gain ADV on Skill Rolls.


A creature that is burning takes Fire damage on the start of their until they spend to put it out.

Alternatively, at the end of every turn, there is a roll made at 25% to determine if the fire on that object goes out automatically.


An Ability or Spell might require longer than the Caster's current Turn to cast. While Casting, the creature can't use Action Point(s). It requires the complete Focus Psi of the Caster to harness the Ability or Spell to completion. The Caster can drop this status at any time using End Casting.

Ritual Spells, cast a ritual, always require a default of Casting of 10 minutes.

Any Mana, or material components that are required, even including those that need to be consumed for the Spell or Ability, are required only when the Casting timer is complete. Casting essentially is the preparation for the Spell, Ability, or Ritual Spell.


The creature cannot Move AWAY from the Caster who used this status effect.


  • A charmed creature can't attack the charmer, or target the charmer with harmful abilities or magical effects.
  • The charmer has ADV on any Skill Roll to interact socially with the creature.
  • If in combat, the creature (target) has ADV on the defensive roll to be Charmed.
  • After being Charmed, the creature (target) does NOT know it was necessarily charmed.
    It remember what it did though, which might not make sense depending on the relationship with the charmer.


Applying Wet to a Chilled Target will make it Frozen for Duration: 1 Turn.


You are Concentrating on a Spell or Ability. If you take any damage, you must make a Psyche Contesting Roll the higher of: DC10 or DC = half damage taken (this is automatically rolled by Janus).

You can also End Concentration as a Reaction.


An affected target can't take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.

Confusion Behavior
Effect Description
1 Panicked Escape The creature uses all its movement to run away from the nearest creature, disengaging if possible. It may move into hazardous areas without concern.
2 Attack Nearest Ally The creature is unable to distinguish between friend and foe and attacks the nearest ally with full force, as determined by the GM.
3 Random Direction Movement The creature uses its full movement to move in a random direction. Roll a d12 (clock face) to determine direction. The creature disregards hazards and may enter dangerous terrain.
4 Lost in Thought The creature becomes dazed and does nothing on its turn, unable to understand its surroundings or take any action.
5 Frenzied Attack The creature attacks the nearest creature, friend or foe, and gains the Reckless status until the start of its next turn.
6 Moment of Clarity The creature regains focus for a brief moment and acts normally until the end of its turn.
7 Self-Harm In its confusion, the creature attacks itself with a melee or natural weapon, one time, automatically dealing damage as if it hit. Then the creatures turn ends.
8 Paranoia The creature believes everyone around it is a threat. It attacks a creature or creatures that the GM selects with full force.


A consecrated target cannot be raised, summoned, or turned into an undead.


While crafting, the caster is "immobile" or tied to the environment for the crafting time.

To begin crafting you need to have all tools and required reagents either on caster as inventory, or in the environment.

Once crafting begins, all items are consumed, and the caster gains a crafting timer that will show up in their crafting tab.

All crafting rolls use Soul (the creative aspect of one's essence).

Once the crafting time is complete, the crafting DC roll is made. If the DC is met or exceeded, the item is crafted successfully and ends up in the character's inventory.

If the crafting roll is lower than the DC, the item is not crafted, and all required reagents are consumed.

This status can be paused, and continued at a later time.

This status can be assisted by other creatures who are trained in the crafting roll required. When the roll is completed.


You fall down, but are mortally struck.

This is similar Prone, but you cannot Stand Up. This status effect is applied once you go into a Dying state.

This only effects creatures at 0 Vitality.

Darkened Perception

While in Pitch Black or Magical Darkness, with Blindsense or Tremorsense, your perception is confined to the Range of these senses.

You are more vulnerable to Weapon Ranged Attack Rolls beyond this Range, but remain Close enough to react to melee weapon or Spell Attacks against you.


You have minus .


A dead creature or player cannot take any actions, reactions, or use action points. The only hope now is for the creature to return to life by magic.


A Deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any Attention Skill Roll that requires hearing.

Defensive Essence Lowered

By default, a target automatically resists contesting rolls from non-friendly casters and automatically fails contesting rolls from friendly casters.

However, when a caster is affected by this status effect, they have lowered their defensive essence, causing any spell or ability from ANY caster to automatically fail without requiring a contesting roll.

Defensive Essence Raised

By default, when a friendly player attempts an action that would normally require a contesting roll against another player (such as one player attempting to grapple another), no contesting roll is made, and the action automatically succeeds without resistance.

However, with this status effect active, any spell or ability cast from a friendly target that would typically bypass a contest requires a contesting roll. The effect only succeeds if the contesting roll is passed.


The rate of decay of the caster's Thirst Meter is doubled.


While in Dim Light, visibility remains challenging. Even with Nightsight, shadows take on a grayish hue, making it harder to discern details.


There are many types of diseases that can plague adventurers like: Cackle Fever, Sewer Plague, etc.


The caster is unequipping inventory which requires longer than a full turn to doff, and has an equipping time.

Whiling equipping the caster is immobile, and has DIS on all balance rolls, and can take no actions or reactions while equipping.

The caster can pause or cancel this at anytime, but it also stops the equipping process.

This process can also be aided by others, similar to crafting rolls.

Here is a general table for armor types:

Donning and Doffing Armor
Armor CategoryDon TimeDoff Time
Light1 Minute1 Minute
Medium5 minutes1 minute
Heavy10 minutes5 minutes


The creature obeys all commands, even if it is against the creature's nature.


The caster is equipping inventory which requires longer than a full turn to don, and has an equipping time.

Whiling equipping the caster is immobile, and has DIS on all balance rolls, and can take no actions or reactions while equipping.

The caster can pause or cancel this at anytime, but it also stops the equipping process.

This process can also be aided by others, similar to crafting rolls.

Here is a general table for armor types:

Donning and Doffing Armor
Armor CategoryDon TimeDoff Time
Light1 Minute1 Minute
Medium5 minutes1 minute
Heavy10 minutes5 minutes


Once a Player Character, or sometimes, a named NPC, goes to zero V, they enter a Dying state.

Immediately upon Dying:

  1. You gain one stack of Maimed,
  2. You become Crippled
  3. You also drop anything in your hands as you fall down.

If it is not your Turn yet, you are just considered Crippled, and may still use your Reaction as normal.

While Dying, at the start of your Turn, you make a Body Essence Roll vs. a fixed DC of 10, or a Dying Stratum Roll.

  1. If you roll equal or higher than 10, you Gain a Recovery Stack, and progresses your Recovery State.

  2. If you roll a 9 or lower, you gain a Dying State, and progressing your Dying State.

  3. The sum of your Recovery States minus Dying States is known as your Dying Stratum.

  4. Dying Stratum >= 0: Crippled
  5. Dying Stratum = -1: Crippled, Unconscious
  6. Dying Stratum = -2: Crippled, Unconscious
  7. Dying Stratum = -3: Dead
  1. If you reach 3 Recovery States first, the Dying status effect is removed, and you are just Crippled, until you gain 1 Vitality.

  2. If you gain 3 Dying States first, you are Dead.

  1. Each time you take damage while Dying, you gain a Dying State.

  2. If you are critical struck while Dying, you gain 2 Dying States.

Dying State 1

While Dying, if you roll a 9 or lower on a Dying Stratum Roll, you gain a Dying Stack, and progressing your Dying State.

Dying State 2

While Dying, if you roll a 9 or lower on a Dying Stratum Roll, you gain a Dying Stack, and progressing your Dying State.

Dying State 3

You have unsuccessfully reached 3 Dying Stratum Rolls first, before reaching 3 Recovery States, and are Dead.


Takes Lightning damage on the end of their Turn.


Your damage type 1 is rolled with ADV.

Encased in Thunder

The Caster is encased by powerful air awiting to be unleashed.

If the Caster Moves, they take Thunder damage.


f you carry more than: Creature Size Weight Multiplier * (5 + Body) → Your Walking Speed drops by 10 ft.

You also have DIS on on Armor Bending Rolls, which can effect how you cast Spells with Somatic Spell Components and Material Spell Components if you are wearing armor.


Weapon attacks by the creature are halved in damage.


When traveling for to long (more than 6 to 8 hours in a day), or you haven't gotten 6 hours of Slumberwave and light Rest, you can become Exhausted.

Basically this means a creature becomes very tired. The GM can apply stacks of Maimed, or Exhausted to a creature that is effected by Exhausted.

Trying to complete a Long Rest, by Resting in heavy or medium armor, can cause Exhausted.

GM Note:
What makes Undead so dangerous is that they can march almost endlessly and require no food or Slumberwave, and are not susceptible to becoming Exhausted.


All Attacks against you have ADV.

Extreme Photosensitive Eye Strain

Some casters are extremely sensitive to bright sunlight.

When the encounter light type is bright light, or the caster is in daylight, they gain several detrimental effects.

Encounter light sources, such as from torches, or spells, do not effective this.

Fate Card Suit: Change

You are holding onto a Fate Card, with the suit: Change.

Fate Card Suit: Love

You are holding onto a Fate Card, with the suit: Love.

Fate Card Suit: Prosperity

You are holding onto a Fate Card, with the suit: Prosperity.

Fate Card Suit: War

You are holding onto a Fate Card, with the suit: War.


The creature's Mind and Soul scores become 1. The creature can't cast Spells, activate Magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, Identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.

At the end of every 30 days, the creature can repeat its Contesting Roll against this Spell. If it succeeds on its Contesting Roll, the Spell ends.

The Spell can also be ended by greater restoration, heal, or wish.


- All melee attack rolls against a flanked creature are at ADV.


While Freezing, you take 1d1 Cold damage each Round. If you die from Freezing, you become Frozen until the Freezing status is finished. You are also Sluggish.


A health status where a creature's health is = 100%


A Frightened creature's movement becomes zero, and has DIS on all Skill Rolls.

Fully Rested

The creature has recently long-rested and cannot begin a Long Rest for another 16 hours.


Gathering is used to collect raw materials from the encounter.

Sometimes they require special tools to harvest or collect the material. These items are typically: - Trees which can be turned into Timber.
- Plants that can be turned into Herbs.
- Monster Bits that can be skinned.
- Ore Veins that can be mined into Ore.
- Crops that can be turned into reagents.

Gathering takes a "crafting time" or gathering time, and is only finished once this time is complete.

Once complete the raw material is consumed in the encounter, and any harvested material is placed in the caster's on hand inventory.

If the Gathering DC roll fails, the raw material is destroyed.


A Grappled creature's Walking Speed becomes 0.

A Grappled creature can try to Regress Grapple: Escape to escape the Grapple.

A Grapple can also be escaped by using Teleport.


A creature who has successfully completed a grapple check, is grappling a creature. Their speed is halved.

Moving a Grappled Creature.

When you move, you can drag or carry the grappled creature with you, but your speed is halved, unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.

Greater Invisible

Not only are you invisible, but you are not revealed while: using abilities, spells, skills, or making any attack.


After a caster uses the Divine Guidance spell on a creature to potentially improve a failed skill check as a reaction, they have been guided, and cannot gain benefit from the guidance spell again until a long rest.


The speed of the creature is halved.


Typically, when the Haste Allies ends, the Target is Stunned until the end of its next Turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.

Heavily Encumbered

If you carry weight in excess of 10 times your Body score, up to your maximum carrying capacity, you are instead Heavily Encumbered, which means your Walking Speed drops by another -10 feet and you have DIS on Challenge Rolls using your Body.

This stacks with Encumbered.


To be Hidden, you must first successfully use the Hide ability.

This means the character must have some type of obscurement to ALL hostile creatures in the encounter (as creatures will communicate if they see a creature trying to hide).

This status effect ( Hidden) is also a Hidden Roll to the Caster, this prevents metagaming, as the creature does not know if it is truly hidden or not.

The GM can see all status effects (visible, hidden, or secret).

Once the Caster is Hidden, the Caster CANNOT be directly the Target by hostile creatures, and is considered heavily obscured. But can still be hit by AOE abilities or spells.

If successfully Hidden, Attack Roll the creature does, is considered at Advantage.

The GM may also grant Surprised if this is acted outside of combat/initiative. The GM can do this by rolling players sneak button from the campaign controls.


All your Attack Rolls have DIS.

Holding Mastery

You harness the power of the void through carefully studied gestures, words, and your training in reality-bending. If you do not release this energy or alter its state by the end of your next turn, it may become hazardous.

Holy Turned

This status effect is broken on any damage.

A turned creature must spend its Turns trying to Move as Far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly Move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take Reactions. During its Turn it tries to Move away from you.

If there’s nowhere to Move, the creature can Dodge.

Hunger Tick

This hidden status effect monitors when a player character experiences hunger. Every hour that the character is alive and not immune to starvation or hunger, they lose 3% of their hunger meter. To prevent negative consequences, the character must replenish this meter by consuming food.


GMs have the Ability to toggle Hunger and Thirst for PCs. As time progresses, a player's Hunger meter decreases at a rate of 3% per hour.

When the Hunger meter drops to 20%, the player is considered Hungry and receives a notification to eat.

If the Hunger meter reaches 0%, the player is Starving.

Huo Stance

The stance of hardness or fire. One of the core stances every monk learns when training.


The speed types of the creature is zero, excluding Teleport.


An Impaired creature has DIS on Innate Skill Rolls that use Body.

Integrated Object

The object is fully integrated into another, inseparable yet still interactive.


A health status where a creature's health is = 100% + hp_temp


Invisible creatures or objects are undetectable by sight, granting them significant stealth advantages. They can still be sensed by sound, smell, or touch. Invisibility can be magical, lasting for a set duration, or natural, inherent to certain creatures. Magical detection or special abilities are required to reveal them.


You are immune to all damage.


Paladins build Instrument of Judgement by using Censure on a Target.

Judgement, 1

Paladins build Instrument of Judgement by using Censure on a Target.

Judgement, 2

Paladins build Instrument of Judgement by using Censure on a Target.

Judgement, 3

Paladins build Instrument of Judgement by using Censure on a Target.


When an object, container, or door is Locked, it cannot be opened, and its contents remain inaccessible. Locks may be integrated directly into the object, rendering them immovable and inseparable from the object itself. To open a lock, you can use the Locks Skill or Magic, such as the Knock Lock Spell.


Lockpicking is based on the Lock Type used, and uses the Locks Skill.

Locks are set with a lock complexity, or the amount of D6s required to break the lock for the lockpicking roll. Some doors, containers, or objects, might be "locked" with a puzzle or magical puzzle, which does not have a standard lock type.

Lock complexity 1 and 2 locks, do not require thieves tools to lockpick, and are often considered a tight hinge or a basic lock.

When trying to pick a lock, you roll a number of d6s required for that Lock Type. If any 1s are rolled, the attempt fails. If the lock requires lockpicking tools, and you roll at least two 1s, the tools break.

If you are trained in the Locks Skill, this will allow you more rerolls of 1s, allowing for easier access to the Lock, and when tools are required, less chance for them to break.

Detachable locks can be gathered, and looted.

(Special thanks to Bob the World Builder for these Game Mechanics.


Lock TypeLock DCLock ComplexityLockpicking Tools Req.Round to PickLockpicking Roll
Lock Type (2d6)51N1
Lock Type (4d6)102N2
Lock Type (6d6)153Y3
Lock Type (8d6)204Y4
Lock Type (10d6)255Y5
Lock Type (12d6)306Y6


A creature can be Maimed for many reasons, such as taking a critical hit and failing the Fortitude Contesting Roll, or traveling too long, or staying awake on watch for longer than required.

In any case, when a creature is Maimed, it gains a stack of Maimed. Each stack of Maimed has -1 to all Skill Rolls. Typically all creatures can be Maimed. Once a creature reaches 10 stacks of Maimed it is Dead.

This status effect can be removed by a Long Rest, Medicine, Restoration, Adept, or Restoration, Major.

Taking over half your Vitality in a single Damage Roll automatically adds a stack of Maimed.

Maimed (1)
Maimed (10)

The creature is dead when their maimed reaches 10 stacks.

Maimed (2)
Maimed (3)
Maimed (4)
Maimed (5)
Maimed (6)
Maimed (7)
Maimed (8)
Maimed (9)
Mirror Image 1

You have the Mirror Image spell cast on you, and only have 1 mirror image left, giving you a +3 AC.

Mirror Image 2

You have the Mirror Image spell cast on you, and only have 2 mirror images left, giving you a +6 AC.

Mirror Image 3

You have the Mirror Image spell cast on you, and only have 3 mirror images left, giving you a +9 AC.

Mirror Image Effect

Reference to manipulate status effects for Mirror Image.


You have Mounted a creature.

Your speeds become zero, and are Immobile. On your Mounted creature's Turn, you Move with the creature using their Chosen speed type.

Nondetection Effect

The target can't be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

The creature is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts.

On Death's Door

A health status where a creature's health is: > 0% and < 10%


  1. A paralyzed creature is unable to use Action Point(s) and can't move or speak.

  2. The creature automatically fails Balance.

  3. Attack rolls against the creature have ADV .
  4. Any Weapon Melee Attack Roll or Spell Melee Attack Roll against that hits the Caster is an automatic critical hit.


When Hunger and thirst mechanics are enabled by the GM, characters must drink to avoid becoming Parched.

Players need to consume drinks that replenish their Creature Size and Hunger and Thirst Meters, with the required amounts varying based on creature size.

- When a player's thirst meter drops to 20%, they are considered Thirsty.
- When the thirst meter reaches 0%, they are considered Parched.

Parched players become Exhausted and gain a stack of Maimed.

Each day while Parched, they must make a DC10 Fortitude Contesting Roll (typically at DIS due to being Exhausted). Failing the Contesting Roll results in an additional stack of Maimed.

Once a character accumulates 10 stacks of Maimed, they die.

Performing a Melody

The Bard must continue to use Rythmn to maintain the stacks of Melody.

If the Bard fails to add to his stacks by the next turn, all stacks of Melody will be lost, breaking the performance.


  1. A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone). Its weight increases by a factor of ten, and it ceases aging.

  2. The creature is incapacitated, can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.

  3. Attack rolls against the creature have ADV .
  4. The creature automatically fails Balance and Fortitude.
  5. The creature has resistance to all damage.

  6. The creature is immune to Poison and Diseased, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.


A creature begins to turn to stone.

It become restrained, failing its first defensive roll. On the end of its next turn it tries to make a defensive roll, otherwise it becomes petrified.

Photosensitive Eye Strain

Some casters are sensitive to bright sunlight.

When the encounter light type is bright light, or the caster is in daylight, they gain several detrimental effects.

Encounter light sources, such as from torches, or spells, do not effective this.


A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and skill checks.


The creature is incapacitated and is now in a control of the possessor.

The possessor then disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. The possessor now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The possessor can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.

The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the ghost reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this ghost's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.


  1. A Prone Caster only can crawl up to half its Walking Speed, unless it Stand Up , for , and thereby ends the condition.

  2. The Caster has DIS on all Spell Melee Attack Rolls and Weapon Melee Attack Rolls.

  3. All Spell Melee Attack Rolls and Weapon Melee Attack Rolls against the creature have ADV .
  4. All ranged attack rolls against the creature have DIS .
  5. Standing Up from prone provokes an Opportunity attack from hostile enemies within their Reach .


While Protected, all Attack Rolls against you are at DIS, and you have ADV on Fortitude and Balance.

To gain protection, you can either have another creature protect you or position yourself behind cover where you cannot be Flanked by ranged or melee Attacks.



Received Prayer of Healing

You have received a Prayer of Healing, and cannot receive another Prayer of Healing do so until a Long Rest.


The creature tosses aside all caution, and blindly attacks.

Recovery State 1

While Dying, If you roll equal or higher than 10, you Gain a Recovery Stack, and progresses your Recovery State.

Recovery State 2

While Dying, If you roll equal or higher than 10, you Gain a Recovery Stack, and progresses your Recovery State.

Recovery State 3

You have recovered, and are Crippled until you receive 1 Vitality in healing.


The target cannot target the caster.


You are Resistant to all damage types.


You gain a stack of Rested.

If combat begins, creatures losses a stack of Rested.

Rested 0

The creature has begun Resting, and is in the 1st hour of Resting.

A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 1

The creature has completed 1 hour of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 2

The creature has completed 2 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 3

The creature has completed 3 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 4

The creature has completed 4 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 5

The creature has completed 5 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 6

The creature has completed 6 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.

Rested 7

The creature has completed 7 hours of successful Resting. A creature needs a total of 8 hours Resting to Long Rest.


A creature is Resting recover.

This is done by hitting the Rest button in the character sheet within a campaign.

A Long Rest is a period of extended downtime— at least 8 hours long—available to any creature. During a Long Rest, you Slumberwave for at least 6 hours and perform no more than 2 hours of light activity, such as reading, talking, eating, or standing watch, for a total of 8 hours. For each hour you gain a stack of Rested. Entering combat, ends the Resting status effect, and resets the Rested stack by 1, or 1 hour equivalents worth a Rest. When combat is over you may Rest again.

At the end of the 7th Rested hour you gain the benefits of a Full Rest, and gain the status of Fully Rested.

A Resting creature is typically considered Prone, and Sleeping. These are automatically applied if you do GM does hour by hour Resting. If you are wearing medium or heavy armor, when a Long Rest completes you automatically become Exhausted, unless you have enchantments or Feats to prevent this.

The GM in the campaign screen can also do a summation Long Rest, which will skip the time forward 8 hours and give the benefits of a Long Rest to the party.


  1. All speed types, except Teleport , becomes 0.

  2. A creature can escape Restrained by using an ability or spell with Teleport .
  3. Attack rolls against the Caster have ADV , and the Caster's attack rolls have DIS.

  4. The @caster has DIS on Balance.

  5. A creature cannot spells using Somatic Spell Components.

  6. A creature cannot spells using Material Spell Components, because it requires a free hand to touch these, or use the material component in a particular way through precise physical motion.


You are currently being mounted by a smaller creature.


Priests, who are given power by the Goddess of Spirits, can enter a form where they become partially shadow, as their Essence wavers between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane.

In doing so they gain certain Resistances.

However, while in this form, you CANNOT the cast any healing roll, or regeneration roll.

Shield Encumbered

If you don't have the required amount of Body to equip a shield, you Walking Speed drops by -10.

You also have DIS on on Armor Bending Rolls, which can effect how you cast Spells with Somatic Spell Components and Material Spell Components if you are wearing armor.

Shizen Stance

A natural stance where the ninja stands in a balanced and relaxed posture, ready to adapt to any situation, used by the Tao of Ninjutsu.


Cannot take Reactions and has DIS on Balance and Sneak.

Shu Stance

The stance of softness or water. One of the core stances every monk learns when training.


A Blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any Skill Roll that requires sight.

This status is similar to Blinded, however, it is only caused by the Encounter light and Encounter source light effects.


Cannot cast spells with verbal components.


Creature is Unconscious and Prone, but ANY damage will wake the creature.

Slightly Drunk

All movement speed types are halved.

Soul Breaker

Target has DIS on ALL Defense Skills.

Spider Climb Effect

The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an skill roll, or reduced movement.


Feeling Squeezed? Your mobility is severely hindered by your compacted state, making it challenging to maneuver. Additionally, you're at heightened risk from incoming attacks.

GM Note:
This is used by the GM mostly when larger characters are squeezing or fighting in tight spots. This could be a major hindrance on playing large size character, depending on the encounter space.


A stable creature doesn’t make any dying stratum rolls, even though it has 0V, but it does remain unconscious. The creature stops being stable, and must start making dying stratum rolls again, if it takes any damage. A stable creature that isn’t healed regains 1V after 1d4 hours.


Creature makes attacks at disadvantage.


When Hunger and thirst mechanics are enabled by the GM, characters must eat to avoid becoming Starving.

Players need to consume food that replenish their Creature Size and Hunger and Thirst Meters, with the required amounts varying based on creature size.

- When a player's Hunger meter drops to 20%, they are considered Hungry.
- When the meter reaches 0%, they are considered Starving.

Starving players become Exhausted and gain a stack of Maimed. Each day while Starving, they must make a DC5 Fortitude Contesting Roll (typically at DIS due to being Exhausted). Failing the Contesting Roll results in an additional stack of Maimed.

Once a character accumulates 10 stacks of Maimed, they die.


- A Stunned creature can't Move, and can speak only falteringly, and can only use its reaction(s).
- The Caster rolls a natural 1, whenever using a Balance.
- Attack rolls against the Caster have ADV.


A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Body. When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of Rounds equal to its Body (minimum of 1 round), then enters Dying.

Summon Tag

If a Summon is using Concentrating, or needs to be connected in some way for Janus. Meant to destroy Summons most of the time.


Before combat, a caster can try to Sneek vs a creatures Attention. If successful, the targets can be surprised if the GM pushes the encounter into combat.

All friendlies in the encounter must roll a contesting skill roll of Sneak vs. Attention against each hostile. The GM will have a button for this in the My Campaign Viewer.

The contesting skill roll must be successfully for all friendlies against all hostiles in the encounter to be successful. It is assumed if one hostile passes, all hostiles pass as they warn of the impending attack.

While surprised, you can take no actions, or reactions.

Surprised always expires at the end of the creatures turn.

Thirst Tick

This hidden status effect monitors when a player character experiences thirst. Every hour that the character is alive and not immune to starvation or thirst, they lose 5% of their thirst meter. To prevent negative consequences, the character must replenish this meter by drinking.


GMs have the Ability to toggle Hunger and Thirst for PCs. As time progresses, a player's Thirst meter decreases at a rate of 5% per hour.

When the Thirst meter drops to 20%, the player is considered Thirsty and receives a notification to drink.

If the Hunger meter reaches 0%, the player is Parched.

Tracker's Brand

After casting Hunter's Mark on a target they are marked, enabling Stalk to be built while the Caster attacks it or the hunter attacks it.


While this status effect is in place, the creature/item cannot lie.


  1. An unconscious creature is Immobile and can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.

  2. The creature drops whatever it's holding and falls Prone.

  3. The creature automatically fails Balance.

  4. Attack rolls against the creature have ADV.

  5. Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.


Target's movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, spells or water.


The target has Vulnerability to all damage types.

Water Walk Effect

This spell grants the ability to move across any liquid surface—such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava—as if it were harmless solid ground (creatures crossing molten lava can still take damage from the heat). Up to ten willing creatures you can see within range gain this ability for the duration.

If you target a creature submerged in a liquid, the spell carries the target to the surface of the liquid at a rate of 60 feet per round.


A health status where a creature's health is: >= 10% and < 25%

Wenhe Stance

A healing stance used by monks of the Tao of Gentleness.


The creature is soaking wet, swimming, or underwater.


The creature/target cannot heal or regain hit points.


A health status where a creature's health is: >= 50% and < 75%

Yun Stance

The cloud stance for the Tao of the Cloudrunner.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information