
Lockpicking is based on the Lock Type used, and uses the Locks Skill.

Locks are set in DCs of 5, up to a max of 30. Some doors, containers, or objects, might be "locked" with a puzzle or magical puzzle, which does not have a standard lock type.

DC 5 and and 10 locks, do not require thieves tools to lockpick.

When trying to pick a lock, you roll a number of d6s required for that Lock Type. If any 1s are rolled, the attempt fails. During combat only 2d6 can be rolled while lockpicking any lock.

If you are trained in the Locks Skill, this will allow you more rerolls of 1s, allowing for easier access to the Lock.

Detachable locks can be gathered, and looted.

(Special thanks to Bob the World Builder for these Game Mechanics.)

Lock TypeLock DCLock ComplexityLockpicking Tools Req.Round to PickLockpicking Roll
Lock Type (2d6)51N1
Lock Type (4d6)102N2
Lock Type (6d6)153Y3
Lock Type (8d6)204Y4
Lock Type (10d6)255Y5
Lock Type (12d6)306Y6


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information