
Name Environment Skill Weight (lbs) Cost (gp) Source
Blade, Iron 1 0 NA
Bowstring 1 0 NA
Canvas (1 sq. yd.) 2 0 NA
Cotton Cloth (1 sq. yd.) 3 1 NA
Flax 0.5 0 NA
Gear, Medium 2 2 NA
Gear, Small 0.05 0 NA
Gel medium, flawed 0.5 15 NA
Gel medium, minor 0.5 100 NA
Giant Spider Egg 2 10 NA
Hemp Fiber 1 0 NA
Iron Arrow Head 0.01 0 NA
Linen Cloth 2 5 NA
Linen Yarn 0.3 1 NA
Lye 1 0 NA
Sap, Ash   10   0.5 1 NA
Sap, Birch   10   0.5 1 NA
Sap, Maple   10   0.5 1 NA
Sap, Pine   10   0.5 1 NA
Sap, Witherwood     10   0.1 5 AAA
Silk (1 sq. yd.) 3 10 NA
Silver, powdered 0.25 25 NA
Spring, Small 0.05 0 NA
Tallow 0.9 1 NA
Wick 0.01 0 NA
Wooden Arrow Shaft 0.01 0 NA
Wool Cloth 2 10 NA
Wool Yarn 3 2 NA

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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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