Passive Abilities

Runeforged Passive Abilities
Aberration Eradicator (10d12) Weapon 371,400 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (2d20) Weapon 120,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (3d20) Weapon 180,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (3d8) Weapon 49,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (4d20) Weapon 240,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (50d20) Weapon 3,000,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (d12) Weapon 23,500 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (d20) Weapon 60,000 N/A
Aberration Eradicator (d8) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Aberration Slayer (50d20) Weapon 2,000,000 N/A
Adamantine Ammunition
Ammo 50 N/A
Adamantine Armor
Armor 500 N/A
Adamantine Weapon
Weapon 500 N/A
Adorning Staff
Weapon 50 N/A
All Skill Rolls Modifer +1
Equipment 1,250 N/A
Ammunition +1
Ammo 20 N/A
Ammunition +2
Ammo 100 N/A
Ammunition +3
Ammo 500 N/A
Ammunition Silvered
Ammo 10 N/A
Animated Shield
Armor 6,000 N/A
Armor +1
Armor 1,500 N/A
Armor +2
Armor 6,000 N/A
Armor +3
Armor 24,000 N/A
Armor of Climbing
Armor 100 N/A
Armor of Gleaming
Armor 100 N/A
Armor Proofing - Bludgeoning
Armor 1,000 N/A
Armor Proofing - Slashing
Armor 1,000 N/A
Berserker Curse
Weapon 500 N/A
100 N/A
Armor 2,000 N/A
Comfort Armor Armor 100 N/A
Cursed Attunement
500 N/A
Cursed Item - Fey Poisoned 500 N/A
Damage Resistance: Spells
30,000 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Acid
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Cold
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Fire
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Force
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Lightning
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Necrotic
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Psychic
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Radiant
2,750 N/A
Damage Type Resistance: Thunder
2,750 N/A
Dancing Sword
Weapon 2,000 N/A
Weapon 24,000 N/A
Dragon Slayer Weapon
Weapon 4,400 N/A
Electifying Weapon 54,800 N/A
Embedded Weapon
Weapon 50 N/A
Equipment - Magical AC Modfier +1
Equipment 1,500 N/A
Equipment - Magical AC Modfier +2
Armor 6,000 N/A
Equipment - Magical AC Modfier +3
Equipment 24,000 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage - Constructs (2d6) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (2d6) Weapon 7,500 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (2d8) Weapon 9,700 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (3d10) Weapon 7,500 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d10) Weapon 1,600 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d12) Weapon 5,000 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d20) Weapon 16,000 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d4) Weapon 100 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d6) Weapon 200 N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (d8) Weapon 600 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (2d8) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Acid (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Bludgeoning (3d6) 76,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (4d8) 130,700 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Cold (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (2d8) 15,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Force (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (2d6) 50,600 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (3d8) 98,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Lightning (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (3d6) 76,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Piercing (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (3d8) 35,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Poison (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Psychic (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (5d6) 15,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d6)
3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Slashing (3d6) 76,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d10) 19,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d12) 47,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d20) 120,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d6) 3,000 N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (d8) 7,500 N/A
Extra Damage Bloodletting - Necrotic (d4) 1,500 N/A
Extra Dimensional Storage (1000 lbs) Container 7,500 N/A
Extra Dimensional Storage (1500 lbs) Container 10,000 N/A
Extra Dimensional Storage (250 lbs) Container 2,500 N/A
Extra Dimensional Storage (5 lbs) Container 50 N/A
Extra Dimensional Storage (500 lbs) Container 5,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Acid (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Cold (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Fire (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Force (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Lightning (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (2d8) Weapon 48,500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Necrotic (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Poison (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Psychic (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Radiant (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d10) Weapon 8,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d12) Weapon 25,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d20) Weapon 80,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d4) Weapon 500 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (d8) Weapon 3,000 N/A
Eyes of Rema
2,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (10d12) Weapon 371,400 N/A
Fey Eradicator (2d20) Weapon 120,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (3d20) Weapon 180,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (3d8) Weapon 49,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (4d20) Weapon 240,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (50d20) Weapon 3,000,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (d12) Weapon 23,500 N/A
Fey Eradicator (d20) Weapon 60,000 N/A
Fey Eradicator (d8) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Fey Slayer (50d20) Weapon 2,000,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (10d12) Weapon 371,400 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (2d20) Weapon 120,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (3d20) Weapon 180,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (3d8) Weapon 49,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (4d20) Weapon 240,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (50d20) Weapon 3,000,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (d12) Weapon 23,500 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (d20) Weapon 60,000 N/A
Fiend Eradicator (d8) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Fiend Slayer (2d10) Weapon 30,000 N/A
Fiend Slayer (2d6) Weapon 18,750 N/A
Fiend Slayer (50d20) Weapon 2,000,000 N/A
Final Retribution Armor
Armor 2,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Body 4
Equipment 12,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Body 5
Equipment 75,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Body 6
Equipment 150,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Body 7
Equipment 180,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Body 8
Equipment 265,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Fortune 3
Equipment 6,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Fortune 4
Equipment 37,500 N/A
Fixed Essence: Fortune 5
Equipment 75,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Fortune 6
Equipment 90,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Fortune 7
Equipment 132,500 N/A
Fixed Essence: Mind 4
Equipment 12,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Mind 5
Equipment 75,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Mind 6
Equipment 150,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Mind 7
Equipment 180,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Mind 8
Equipment 265,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Soul 4
Equipment 12,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Soul 5
Equipment 75,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Soul 6
Equipment 150,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Soul 7
Equipment 180,000 N/A
Fixed Essence: Soul 8
Equipment 265,000 N/A
Flame Tongue
Weapon 5,000 N/A
Flying Speed - 30 ft. Equipment 1,750 N/A
Flying Speed - 60 ft. Equipment 7,000 N/A
Flying Speed = Walking Speed Equipment 20,000 N/A
Friend of the Sewers 100 N/A
Frost Brand
Weapon 2,200 N/A
Giant Slayer (2d8) Weapon 9,000 N/A
Giant Toppler Weapon 7,000 N/A
Glamoured Armor
Armor 2,000 N/A
Holy Avenger
Weapon 185,250 N/A
Holy Shimmer
100 N/A
Immune to Status Effect: Surprised 3,000 N/A
Armor 100 N/A
Invunerable Armor
Armor 20,000 N/A
Knockdown Ammunition
Ammo 50 N/A
Light Emitted - Sunlight 50 N/A
Light of Omus (15)
150 N/A
Light of Omus (20)
200 N/A
Locking Joints
Armor 300 N/A
Luck Blade
Weapon 72,000 N/A
Mariner's Armor
Armor 1,500 N/A
Mithral Armor
Armor 800 N/A
Armor 400 N/A
Necro Nemesis
Weapon 500 N/A
Necrotic Critical (3d6) Weapon 1,000 N/A
Nightsight: +60
Equipment 2,000 N/A
Nine Lives Stealer Weapon 8,000 N/A
Obfuscation of Ivona
50 N/A
Persistant Status Effect: Non-detection
20,000 N/A
Plant Eradicator (12d8) 180,000 N/A
Plant Eradicator (2d6) 25,300 N/A
Quick Release Straps
Armor 100 N/A
Reinforced Armor
Armor 300 N/A
Sense of Zephyrus
100 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Shadow Striker Weapon
Weapon 2,000 N/A
Weapon 1,700 N/A
Shield Magical AC Modifier +1
Armor 1,000 N/A
Shield Magical AC Modifier +2
Armor 7,000 N/A
Shield Magical AC Modifier +3
Armor 20,000 N/A
Shield Protection of Meotl
Armor 6,000 N/A
Silvered Weapon
Weapon 100 N/A
Skill ADV: Attention
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Balance
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Empathy
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Endurance
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Frighten
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Herbalism
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: History
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Hunting
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Influence
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Initiative
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Magic
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Medicine
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Religion
2,500 N/A
Skill ADV: Sneak
2,500 N/A
Skill Modifer: Bending Weapon Skill +1 500 N/A
Skill Modifer: Bending Weapon Skill +2 2,000 N/A
Skill Modifer: Bending Weapon Skill +3 5,000 N/A
Slaying Ammunition
Ammo 700 N/A
50 N/A
Speed Swimming: 40
3,000 N/A
Spell Resilience 40,000 N/A
Spellcasting Focus Enchantment
20 N/A
Armor 50 N/A
Status Effect Immune: Diseased
5,000 N/A
Sword of Wounding
Weapon 2,000 N/A
Throwable Weapon Skill +2 2,400 N/A
Trap, Adept Trap 100 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Change Defense Roll Type, Mind Trap 15 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Change Defense Roll Type, Soul Trap 15 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Flawed Trap 10 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Legendary Trap 1,000 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Major Trap 200 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Master Trap 500 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Minor Trap 30 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Snapping Trap 20 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Snare Trap 30 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Tar Trap 20 FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Undead Eradicator (10d12) Weapon 371,400 N/A
Undead Eradicator (2d20) Weapon 120,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (3d20) Weapon 180,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (3d6) Weapon 38,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (3d8) Weapon 49,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (4d20) Weapon 240,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (50d20) Weapon 3,000,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (d12) Weapon 23,500 N/A
Undead Eradicator (d20) Weapon 60,000 N/A
Undead Eradicator (d8) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Undead Slayer (2d10) Weapon 30,000 N/A
Undead Slayer (2d6) Weapon 18,750 N/A
Undead Slayer (50d20) Weapon 2,000,000 N/A
Undead Slayer (d8) Weapon 3,750 N/A
Vicious Weapon
Weapon 350 N/A
Vorpal Sword
Weapon 24,000 N/A
Walker Walking
1,000 N/A
Weapon Enchantment +1
Weapon 1,000 N/A
Weapon Enchantment +2
Weapon 5,000 N/A
Weapon Enchantment +3
Weapon 10,000 N/A
Weapon of Returning
Weapon 4,500 N/A
Weapon of Warning
Weapon 5,000 N/A
Weapon of Withering
Weapon 500 N/A
Wrathbringer Curse
Weapon 200 N/A
Passive Abilities
Artifact Power Manifestation - 28th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Fey Portal Attunement FateTide: Player's Guide
A Light Amongst the Darkness FateTide: Player's Guide
A New Precious N/A
Aberrant Ground N/A
Absolute Grudge N/A
Absolute Rage N/A
Abyssal Resilience FateTide: Player's Guide
Abyssal Vision N/A
Abyssfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Abyssfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Abyssfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Acid Absorption N/A
Adaptive Metabolism N/A
Additional Magical Secrets N/A
Adept Incorporeal Movement N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Heavy N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Heavy Shields N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Light N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Medium N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Natural N/A
Advanced Armor Training - Shields N/A
Advanced Grip Training N/A
Air Elemental Slayer N/A
Air Form N/A
Air Sensing N/A
Ambush Master N/A
Amorphous N/A
Amphibious N/A
Amphibious Adaptation FateTide: Player's Guide
Ancestral Connection FateTide: Player's Guide
Ancestral Spirits Spells (1) Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Ancestral Spirits Spells (3) Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Ancestral Spirits Spells (5) Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Ancestral Spirits Spells (7) Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Ancestral Spirits Spells (9) Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Ancient Dwarven Essence N/A
Ancient Senses N/A
Animal Instincts N/A
Antimagic Susceptibility N/A
Apt Climber N/A
Apt Jumper N/A
Apt Sprinter N/A
Apt Swimmer N/A
Aquatic Communication N/A
Arachnofolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Arachnofolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Arachnofolks Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Arcane Script N/A
Archmage of the Color N/A
Ariessian High Guard Training Adventures in Zin
Armor of Resistance to Nonmagical Damage N/A
Armor Size: Colossal
Armor N/A
Armor Size: Gargantuan
Armor N/A
Armor Size: Huge
Armor N/A
Armor Size: Large
Armor N/A
Armor Size: Tiny
Armor N/A
Armor Size: Titantic
Armor N/A
Arms of a Owlbear FateTide: Player's Guide
Army of the Dead FateTide: Player's Guide
Arrow Attractor Curse N/A
Artifact Power Manifestation - 12th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Artifact Power Manifestation - 20th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Artifact Power Manifestation - 32nd Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Artifact Power Manifestation - 36th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Artifact Power Manifestation - 40th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Ashi Sabaki FateTide: Player's Guide
Assassinate Critical N/A
Assassination Strike N/A
Attain Curse (11) N/A
Attain Curse (15) N/A
Attain Curse (17) N/A
Attain Curse (23) N/A
Attain Curse (25) N/A
Attain Curse (27) N/A
Attain Curse (29) N/A
Attain Curse (3) N/A
Attain Curse (31) N/A
Attain Curse (33) N/A
Attain Curse (35) N/A
Attain Curse (37) N/A
Attain Curse (39) N/A
Attain Curse (5) N/A
Attain Curse (7) N/A
Attunement Specialist N/A
Aura of Decay N/A
Automaton Advanced Module FateTide: Player's Guide
Automaton Enhancement Jack's Toy Bin
Automaton Orgins FateTide: Player's Guide
Automaton Rest N/A
Aversion of Fire N/A
Avianfolk Origins N/A
Avianfolk Petigree N/A
Avianfolk Provenance N/A
Avoidance N/A
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (12th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (16th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (20th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (24th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (28th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (32nd) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (36th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (40th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (5th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Clairvoyant Menta (8th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Menta (11th) N/A
Awaken Menta (13th) N/A
Awaken Menta (15th) N/A
Awaken Menta (17th) N/A
Awaken Menta (1st) N/A
Awaken Menta (21st) N/A
Awaken Menta (23rd) N/A
Awaken Menta (25th) N/A
Awaken Menta (27th) N/A
Awaken Menta (29th) N/A
Awaken Menta (31st) N/A
Awaken Menta (33rd) N/A
Awaken Menta (35th) N/A
Awaken Menta (37th) N/A
Awaken Menta (39th) N/A
Awaken Menta (3rd) N/A
Awaken Menta (40th) N/A
Awaken Menta (7th) N/A
Awaken Menta (9th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (12th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (16th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (20th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (24th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (28th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (32nd) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (36th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (40th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (5th) N/A
Awaken Metamorph Menta (8th) N/A
Awaken Sanguine N/A
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (12th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (16th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (20th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (24th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (28th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (32nd) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (36th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (40th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (5th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telekinetic Menta (8th) FateTide: Player's Guide
Awaken Telepath Menta (12th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (16th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (20th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (24th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (28th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (32nd) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (36th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (40th) N/A
Awaken Telepath Menta (8th) N/A
Awareness N/A
Awareness of Ancestry N/A
Axiomatic Mind N/A
Backstabber N/A
Bag of Devouring Throwup N/A
Bag of Holding Fragility N/A
Bard Subclass N/A
Bargin for the Eyes of Death FateTide: Player's Guide
Beastling Empathy N/A
Beastling Nature N/A
Beastling Origins N/A
Beastling Speed N/A
Beguiling Influence FateTide: Player's Guide
Big Drinker N/A
Bigger is Better N/A
Black Draconic Origin N/A
Black Oni Horn N/A
Black Scribe FateTide: Player's Guide
Blazing Gait N/A
Blend with the Shadows N/A
Blessed Dark Fur N/A
Blessed White Fur N/A
Blessing of Deraëe N/A
Blessing of Magic Resistance N/A
Blessing of the Hunt N/A
Blessings of the Abyss N/A
Blighted Shape N/A
Blind Senses N/A
Blood Frenzy N/A
Blood Kiss FateTide: Advanced Player's Guide
Blood Scent FateTide: Player's Guide
Bloodletting N/A
Bloodscent FateTide: Player's Guide
Blue Draconic Origin N/A
Blue Oni Horn N/A
Blue Scribe FateTide: Player's Guide
Body Binder N/A
Boneless N/A
Bothering Parasites Lunch Break Heroes
Bound Item N/A
Bound Shield Guardian N/A
Brass Draconic Origin N/A
Brave N/A
Brave Little One N/A
Breaching the Fey FateTide: Player's Guide
Breed from Filth and Pestilence FateTide: Player's Guide
Bronze Draconic Origin N/A
Brutish Attack N/A
Bugbear Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Bugbear Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Bugbear Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Bulky N/A
Bulldog Genetics N/A
Burrow N/A
Burrower's Instinct FateTide: Player's Guide
Bushido Code FateTide: Player's Guide
Canny N/A
Catlike Landing N/A
Cavalry Training N/A
Centaur Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Centaur Pedigree N/A
Center of Mass N/A
Chained to the Grave FateTide: Advanced Player's Guide
Chameleon Skin N/A
Cheating N/A
Chi Sau N/A
Chihuahua Genetics N/A
Chimera Psyhic Link N/A
Chimera's Flame Sac N/A
Circle Spells (Artic) (3) N/A
Circle Spells (Artic) (5) N/A
Circle Spells (Artic) (7) N/A
Circle Spells (Artic) (9) N/A
Circle Spells (Grassland) (3) N/A
Circle Spells (Grassland) (5) N/A
Circle Spells (Grassland) (7) N/A
Circle Spells (Grassland) (9) N/A
Circle Spells (Mountain) (3) N/A
Circle Spells (Mountain) (5) N/A
Circle Spells (Mountain) (7) N/A
Circle Spells (Mountain) (9) N/A
Climbing Harness N/A
Cloud Jumper N/A
Cold Light (10/10) N/A
Comfortable Armor N/A
Comta's Wonderous Aura N/A
Conditioned Speed N/A
Confer Fire Resistance N/A
Connection to the Fey N/A
Controlled Blaster N/A
Controlled Fury N/A
Copper Draconic Origin N/A
Corrode Metal N/A
Corrosive Form N/A
Countless Eyes N/A
Covered Tracks N/A
Creature Sense (Master) N/A
Cunning N/A
Cunning Lizard FateTide: Player's Guide
Curse of Craving N/A
Curse Specialist N/A
Cursed Blood N/A
Cursed Bounty FateTide: Player's Guide
Cursed Existence N/A
Cyclops Eye Jack's Toy Bin
Da Shadows N/A
Damage Transfer N/A
Dark Elven Magic N/A
Dark Elven Origins N/A
Dark Elven Pedigree N/A
Dark Halo N/A
Dark Nephilim Origins N/A
Dark Nephilim Pedigree N/A
Darkvision (120) N/A
Dauntless Assurance FateTide: Player's Guide
Dead Eye N/A
Deadly Claws N/A
Death Ward Mastery N/A
Decaptiator N/A
Decimate N/A
Deep Roots FateTide: Player's Guide
Deepening Insight of Ancestry N/A
Defiance Against Death N/A
Defy Death N/A
Defy Prey N/A
Delved into the Songs of Old N/A
Demonfolk Origins N/A
Demonic Resilence N/A
Demons Fork Tongue Jack's Toy Bin
Derendian Moth Abomination Assimilation N/A
Destroying the Orb of Dragonkind N/A
Detect Life N/A
Devil's Eyes N/A
Devilfolk Origins N/A
Devilish Magic N/A
Devlish Agreements N/A
Dinofolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Dinofolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Direct Spell Avoider N/A
Dis Goblin Way N/A
Discern Lie N/A
Distant Familar Bending N/A
Divine Access FateTide: Player's Guide
Divine Awareness N/A
Divine Conversion N/A
Divine Harmony FateTide: Player's Guide
Divine Health N/A
Divine Knowledge FateTide: Player's Guide
Dogfolk Origins N/A
Dogfolk Pedigree N/A
Dogfolk Provenance N/A
Double Handed Strength N/A
Double Spell Concentration N/A
Draconic Aquatic Pedigree N/A
Draconic Awakening FateTide: Player's Guide
Draconic Bending FateTide: Player's Guide
Draconic Pedigree N/A
Draconic Resistance N/A
Draconic Shape Change N/A
Draconic Skin N/A
Draconic Sneeking N/A
Dragon Spectrum Infusion FateTide: Player's Guide
Dreamweaver's Insight FateTide: Player's Guide
Druidic Balance N/A
Dual Shields N/A
Dust Mephit Death Burst N/A
Dust to Dust N/A
Dwarven Essence N/A
Dwarven Origins N/A
Dwarven Pedigree N/A
Dwarven Provenance N/A
Dwarven Toughness N/A
Eagle's Nobility N/A
Earth Elemental Slayer N/A
Earth Glide N/A
Echolocation N/A
Eco-Illusionist N/A
Eidolon Sacred Animation N/A
Elder Ent Origins Jack's Toy Bin
Elder Ent Pedigree Jack's Toy Bin
Elder Ent Provenance Jack's Toy Bin
Elders Ent Photosynthesis Jack's Toy Bin
Elemental Connection FateTide: Player's Guide
Elite Design FateTide: Player's Guide
Elusive Mind FateTide: Player's Guide
Elven Bow Training N/A
Elven Origins N/A
Embedded Bending N/A
Embodiment of Ancestry N/A
Embrace Sanguine (11) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (13) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (15) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (17) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (19) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (23) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (25) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (27) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (29) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (31) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (33) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (35) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (37) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (39) N/A
Embrace Sanguine (7) N/A
Embrace the Abyss FateTide: Player's Guide
Emotional Resilience N/A
Empty Eyes N/A
Enclosed Thoughts N/A
Enduring Stamina FateTide: Player's Guide
Enhanced Healing N/A
Ensemble N/A
Ephemeral N/A
Ephemeral Whispers FateTide: Player's Guide
Equipment Size: Small
Escape the Horde N/A
Eternally Bound N/A
Ethereal Ward Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Evasive Fortitude N/A
Evasive Maneuvers N/A
Evasive Speed N/A
Ever Touching N/A
Ever Vigilant N/A
Extra Attack (Barbarian) N/A
Extra Attack (Champion) N/A
Extra Attack (Hunter) N/A
Extra Attack (Monk) N/A
Extra Attack (Thief) N/A
Extra Critical Weapon Damage (4d12) Weapon N/A
Extra Damage - Bludgeoning (20d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Bludgeoning (4d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Bludgeoning (8d8) N/A
Extra Damage - Fire (12d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Lifedraining (10d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (10d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (12d8) N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (5d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Necrotic (6d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Piercing (4d4) N/A
Extra Damage - Radiant (4d6) N/A
Extra Damage - Thunder (5d10) N/A
Extra Weapon Damage - Thunder (5d10) Weapon N/A
Eye of the Tempest FateTide: Player's Guide
Eyes of a Griffon FateTide: Player's Guide
Eyes of Bool FateTide: Player's Guide
Eyes of Death N/A
Eyes of Idris N/A
Eyes of Nynir N/A
Eyes of the Beast N/A
Eyes of the East FateTide: Player's Guide
Eyes on the Back of My Head N/A
Faint Magical Weapon N/A
Fair Play N/A
Fairy Origins N/A
Fairy Pedigree N/A
Fairy Provenance N/A
Faith in Fate Spells (1st Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fate Spells (2nd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fate Spells (3rd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fate Spells (4th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fate Spells (5th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fire Spells (1st Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fire Spells (2nd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fire Spells (3rd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fire Spells (4th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Fire Spells (5th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Life Spells (1st Level Spells) N/A
Faith in Life Spells (2nd Level Spells) N/A
Faith in Life Spells (3rd Level Spells) N/A
Faith in Life Spells (4th Level Spells) N/A
Faith in Life Spells (5th Level Spells) N/A
Faith in Light Spells (1st Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Light Spells (2nd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Light Spells (3rd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Light Spells (4th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in Light Spells (5th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Spirits Spells (1st Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Spirits Spells (2nd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Spirits Spells (3rd Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Spirits Spells (4th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Spirits Spells (5th Level Spells) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Storm Spells (1st Level) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Storm Spells (2nd Level) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Storm Spells (3rd Level) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Storm Spells (4th Level) FateTide: Player's Guide
Faith in the Storm Spells (5th Level) FateTide: Player's Guide
False Appearance N/A
False Image Jack's Toy Bin
Familiar Telepathy N/A
Far Bender N/A
Fast Draw N/A
Fast to Act N/A
Fate Card: Blood Oath FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Celestial Eclipse FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Crown of Plenty FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Eclipse of Destiny FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Enchanted Hearts FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Eternal Bond FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Fortune's Favor FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Golden Harvest FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Iron Legion FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Opulent Ascension FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Passionate Awakening FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Rema's Blessing FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Rema's Embrace FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Shadow of Doom FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Shadow Warlord FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Shapeshifter's Veil FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Shiron's Bane FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Spellbound Hearts FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Timebender's Hourglass FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Treasury of Dreams FateTide: Player's Guide
Fate Card: Winds of Transformation FateTide: Player's Guide
Faultless Tracker N/A
Faulty Bending FateTide: Player's Guide
Fear of Fire N/A
Feat - Barbarian (10th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (14th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (18th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (22nd) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (26th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (2nd) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (30th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (34th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (38th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (4th) N/A
Feat - Barbarian (6th) N/A
Feat - Bard (10th) N/A
Feat - Bard (14th) N/A
Feat - Bard (18th) N/A
Feat - Bard (22nd) N/A
Feat - Bard (26th) N/A
Feat - Bard (2nd) N/A
Feat - Bard (30th) N/A
Feat - Bard (34th) N/A
Feat - Bard (38th) N/A
Feat - Bard (4th) N/A
Feat - Bard (6th) N/A
Feat - Champion (10th) N/A
Feat - Champion (14th) N/A
Feat - Champion (18th) N/A
Feat - Champion (22nd) N/A
Feat - Champion (26th) N/A
Feat - Champion (2nd) N/A
Feat - Champion (30th) N/A
Feat - Champion (34th) N/A
Feat - Champion (38th) N/A
Feat - Champion (4th) N/A
Feat - Champion (6th) N/A
Feat - Druid (10th) N/A
Feat - Druid (14th) N/A
Feat - Druid (18th) N/A
Feat - Druid (22nd) N/A
Feat - Druid (26th) N/A
Feat - Druid (2nd) N/A
Feat - Druid (30th) N/A
Feat - Druid (34th) N/A
Feat - Druid (38th) N/A
Feat - Druid (4th) N/A
Feat - Druid (6th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (10th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (14th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (18th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (22nd) N/A
Feat - Hunter (26th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (2nd) N/A
Feat - Hunter (30th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (34th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (38th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (4th) N/A
Feat - Hunter (6th) N/A
Feat - Monk (10th) N/A
Feat - Monk (14th) N/A
Feat - Monk (18th) N/A
Feat - Monk (22nd) N/A
Feat - Monk (26th) N/A
Feat - Monk (2nd) N/A
Feat - Monk (30th) N/A
Feat - Monk (34th) N/A
Feat - Monk (38th) N/A
Feat - Monk (4th) N/A
Feat - Monk (6th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (10th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (14th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (18th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (22nd) N/A
Feat - Paladin (26th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (2nd) N/A
Feat - Paladin (30th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (34th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (38th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (4th) N/A
Feat - Paladin (6th) N/A
Feat - Priest (10th) N/A
Feat - Priest (14th) N/A
Feat - Priest (18th) N/A
Feat - Priest (22nd) N/A
Feat - Priest (26th) N/A
Feat - Priest (2nd) N/A
Feat - Priest (30th) N/A
Feat - Priest (34th) N/A
Feat - Priest (38th) N/A
Feat - Priest (4th) N/A
Feat - Priest (6th) N/A
Feat - Psion (10th) N/A
Feat - Psion (14th) N/A
Feat - Psion (18th) N/A
Feat - Psion (22nd) N/A
Feat - Psion (26th) N/A
Feat - Psion (2nd) N/A
Feat - Psion (30th) N/A
Feat - Psion (34th) N/A
Feat - Psion (38th) N/A
Feat - Psion (4th) N/A
Feat - Psion (6th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (10th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (14th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (18th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (22nd) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (26th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (2nd) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (30th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (34th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (38th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (4th) N/A
Feat - Sorcerer (6th) N/A
Feat - Thief (10th) N/A
Feat - Thief (14th) N/A
Feat - Thief (18th) N/A
Feat - Thief (22nd) N/A
Feat - Thief (26th) N/A
Feat - Thief (2nd) N/A
Feat - Thief (30th) N/A
Feat - Thief (34th) N/A
Feat - Thief (38th) N/A
Feat - Thief (4th) N/A
Feat - Thief (6th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (10th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (14th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (18th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (22nd) N/A
Feat - Warlock (26th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (2nd) N/A
Feat - Warlock (30th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (34th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (38th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (4th) N/A
Feat - Warlock (6th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (10th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (14th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (18th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (22nd) N/A
Feat - Wizard (26th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (2nd) N/A
Feat - Wizard (30th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (34th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (38th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (4th) N/A
Feat - Wizard (6th) N/A
Fencer's Salute N/A
Feral Instinct N/A
Fey Ancestry N/A
Fey Indifference FateTide: Player's Guide
Fey Sight FateTide: Player's Guide
Feywild Sovereignty FateTide: Player's Guide
Fiendish Blessing N/A
Fighting Style (Fighter) (1st) N/A
Filthy Fur N/A
Fin Tail FateTide: Player's Guide
Find the Booty FateTide: Player's Guide
Fins FateTide: Player's Guide
Firbolg Magic N/A
Fire Absorption N/A
Fire Belly N/A
Fire Elemental Slayer N/A
First Strike Too... N/A
Flame Armor N/A
Flame of Choas N/A
Flameskull Rejuvenation N/A
Flesh of Darkness N/A
Flexible Swimmer N/A
Flight N/A
Flintlock Flash FateTide: Player's Guide
Floor Fighter N/A
Flowerfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Flowerfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Flowerfolk Photosynthesis FateTide: Player's Guide
Flowerfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Flowerfolk Regeneration FateTide: Player's Guide
Fluent in Primordial N/A
Flyby N/A
Forbidden Knowledge of the Abyss N/A
Forbidden Knowledge of the Flame N/A
Forbidden Paradise Jack's Toy Bin
Forest Camouflage N/A
Forest Gnome Pedigree N/A
Forged from Evil N/A
Forged from Good N/A
Four Claws On the Ground N/A
Freeze N/A
Frightful Disfigurement N/A
Frogfolk Attacks FateTide: Player's Guide
Frogfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Frogfolk Pedigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Fury N/A
Gatekeeper's Gaze FateTide: Player's Guide
Gelid Blindsight N/A
Gemstone Size: Colossal
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Huge
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Large
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Medium
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Small
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Tiny
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Very Large
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone Size: Very Tiny
Gemstone N/A
Gemstone: Cut
Gemstone N/A
Genfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Genfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Genfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Giantfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Gift N/A
Gift of the Eternal Ones FateTide: Player's Guide
Gills FateTide: Player's Guide
Gnoll Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Gnoll Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Gnome Cunning N/A
Gnome Origins N/A
Gnomish Affinity N/A
Gnomish Insights N/A
Goblin Origins N/A
Goblin Petigree N/A
Goblinoid Blood N/A
Going Vertical N/A
Gold Draconic Origin N/A
Graceful Footwork FateTide: Player's Guide
Grasswalker Origins N/A
Grasswalker Petigree N/A
Grasswalker Provenance N/A
Green Draconic Origin N/A
Green Scribe FateTide: Player's Guide
Greyhound Genetics N/A
Grim Harvest N/A
Grip Training N/A
Grizzly's Calm Demeanor N/A
Grizzly's Keen Sense N/A
Grizzly's Thick Hide N/A
Grizzlyfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Grizzlyfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Grizzlyfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Groove Desert Spells - 1st Level N/A
Groove Desert Spells - 2nd Level N/A
Groove Desert Spells - 3rd Level N/A
Groove Desert Spells - 4th Level N/A
Groove Desert Spells - 5th Level N/A
Grove of the Forest - 1st Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Forest - 2nd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Forest - 3rd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Forest - 4th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Forest - 5th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Infestation - 1st Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Infestation - 2nd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Infestation - 3rd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Infestation - 4th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Infestation - 5th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Swamp - 1st Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Swamp - 2nd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Swamp - 3rd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Swamp - 4th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Swamp - 5th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Grove of the Waterway Spells - 1st Level N/A
Grove of the Waterway Spells - 2nd Level N/A
Grove of the Waterway Spells - 3rd Level N/A
Grove of the Waterway Spells - 4th Level N/A
Grove of the Waterway Spells - 5th Level N/A
Guardian Spirits Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Guided by Spirits Alkander's Almanac of All Things
Halfling Nimbleness N/A
Halfolk Origins N/A
Halfolk Pedigree N/A
Halfolk Provenance N/A
Hard to Kill N/A
Hardened Scales N/A
Hardened Skinwalker N/A
Hardened Turtle Shell FateTide: Player's Guide
Harmony N/A
Hawk's Speed N/A
Heart of an Elf FateTide: Player's Guide
Heart of Sorrow | The Real Devil FateTide: Player's Guide
Heat Seeker N/A
Heavy Cutting FateTide: Player's Guide
Heightened Senses N/A
Hellish Rejuvenation N/A
High Elven Pedigree N/A
High Elven Provenance N/A
Hive Mind Connection FateTide: Player's Guide
Hobgoblin Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Hobgoblin Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Hobgoblin Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Hold Breath N/A
Hold Breath (1 hour) N/A
Holy Resilience N/A
Horde Breaker N/A
Horrific Appearance N/A
Human Origins N/A
Human Pedigree N/A
Human Provenance N/A
Hunter Tactics N/A
Hunter's Bear Trap N/A
Hunter's Explosive Trap N/A
Hunter's Instincts N/A
Hunter's Pursuit N/A
Hunter's Snare Trap N/A
Hunter's Tar Trap N/A
Husky Build N/A
Hydra Heads N/A
Ice Walk N/A
Idris's Blessing of Malice N/A
Ignore Slashing Resistance N/A
Immortal Archlich N/A
Immunity to Fire Damage N/A
Immutable Form N/A
Improved Illusion Cantrips FateTide: Player's Guide
Improved Thick Skin N/A
Incubus Magic N/A
Indomitable Might N/A
Infallible Liar N/A
Infesting Fusion FateTide: Player's Guide
Infiltration Intuition FateTide: Player's Guide
Inscrutable N/A
Instinctive Pounce N/A
Instrument of Judgement N/A
Instrument of Vengeance N/A
Interrogation Mastery FateTide: Player's Guide
Interwoven Spell Warding FateTide: Player's Guide
Invisible in Water N/A
Invisible Snare Tripline N/A
Ioun Stone N/A
Iron Gut N/A
Iron Scent N/A
Ironheart Conditioning FateTide: Player's Guide
Irrepressible Dance N/A
Jinsoku no Jutsu FateTide: Player's Guide
Joyful Bounds FateTide: Player's Guide
Juggernaut March FateTide: Player's Guide
Keashi FateTide: Player's Guide
Keen Hearing N/A
Keen Senses N/A
Keen Sight N/A
Keepsake Curse N/A
Ki-Empowered Strikes N/A
Kings Mane N/A
Knightly Presence N/A
Kobold Awakening N/A
Kobold Defiance N/A
Kobold Origins N/A
Kobold Pedigree N/A
Kobold Sorcery N/A
Labyrinthine Recall N/A
Lack of Object Permanence N/A
Lance Special N/A
Large and in Charge N/A
Lava Walker N/A
Legacy of Idris N/A
Legendary Movement FateTide: Player's Guide
Legendary Reactions N/A
Let It Go N/A
Lethal Fury N/A
Lethal Limbs N/A
Lich Rejuvenation N/A
Life Giving Juices Jack's Toy Bin
Life Preserver FateTide: Player's Guide
Light Nephilim Origins N/A
Light Nephilim Pedigree N/A
Light of the Heavens N/A
Lightning Absorption N/A
Lightning Pace N/A
Lightning Warding FateTide: Player's Guide
Lights of the Hellfire N/A
Like Minded Thoughts N/A
Limited Amphibiousness N/A
Limited Conduit N/A
Limited Magic Immunity N/A
Limited Telepathy N/A
Limited Telepathy Training FateTide: Player's Guide
Lionfolk Origins N/A
Lionfolk Petigree N/A
Lionfolk Provenance N/A
Lip Reader N/A
Living Clock N/A
Living Compass FateTide: Player's Guide
Living Storm N/A
Living Weapon (d10) N/A
Living Weapon (d12) N/A
Living Weapon (d20) N/A
Living Weapon (d4) N/A
Living Weapon (d6) N/A
Living Weapon (d8) N/A
Lizardfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Lizardfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Lizardfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Lizardfolk Scales Jack's Toy Bin
Long-range Shots FateTide: Player's Guide
Loresinger N/A
Loyal Companion N/A
Luck of The Free N/A
Luring Smeel Lunch Break Heroes
Magic Sense N/A
Magical AC +1 N/A
Magical AC +2 N/A
Magical Inspiration N/A
Magical Restraints N/A
Major Overcharge FateTide: Player's Guide
Mana Generator Jack's Toy Bin
Manifestation of Earth N/A
Manifestation of the Breeze N/A
Manifestation of the Deep N/A
Manifestation of The Flames N/A
Marinefolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Marinefolk Pedigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Marinefolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Marked for Death N/A
Marshal Undead N/A
Master Impostor FateTide: Player's Guide
Master of Ciphers N/A
Master of Disguise FateTide: Player's Guide
Master of Dual Welding N/A
Master of Medium Armor N/A
Master of Poisons FateTide: Player's Guide
Master of the Second Wind N/A
Master Shifter N/A
Mastery N/A
Mastiff Genetics N/A
Maw’s Embrace N/A
Meant for Heaven N/A
Mechanical Appendages N/A
Melody N/A
Memory Palace FateTide: Player's Guide
Mermaid's Gills N/A
Metamorph Cohesion N/A
Metamorph Origins N/A
Metamorph Pedigree N/A
Metamorph Provenance N/A
Metamorph Rest N/A
Metamorphic Metal FateTide: Player's Guide
Midnight Carapace N/A
Might of the Giant FateTide: Player's Guide
Mimicry N/A
Mind Fortress N/A
Minion Mastery N/A
Minor Overcharge FateTide: Player's Guide
Minotaur Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Minotaur Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Minotaur Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Mirage of Identity FateTide: Player's Guide
Mischievous Kobold N/A
Mobile Grappler N/A
More DAKKA for your DAKKA! N/A
Mountain Man's Beard N/A
Mountain Strider N/A
Mounted Defense N/A
Mousefolk Origins N/A
Mousefolk Pedigree N/A
Mousefolk Provenance N/A
Multiple Head Attacks N/A
Natural Explorer (1st) N/A
Natural Explorer (6th) N/A
Natural Explorer (Artic) N/A
Natural Explorer (Coast) N/A
Natural Explorer (Desert) N/A
Natural Explorer (Forest) N/A
Natural Explorer (Grassland) N/A
Natural Explorer (Mountain) N/A
Natural Explorer (Swamp) N/A
Natural Explorer (Underdark) N/A
Natural Tracker N/A
Nature’s Sanctuary N/A
Necrotic Resistance N/A
Never Cross the Planes N/A
Never Lost N/A
Ninjitsu Blade FateTide: Player's Guide
No Bending - Heavy Armor N/A
No Bending - Light Armor N/A
No Bending - Medium Armor N/A
No Fingers Required N/A
No Pain, No Gain N/A
No Where to Hide N/A
Noble Bloodline N/A
Noble Demeanor N/A
Oath of Honor - 1st Level Spells N/A
Oath of Honor - 2nd Level Spells N/A
Oath of Honor - 3rd Level Spells N/A
Oath of Honor - 4th Level Spells N/A
Oath of Honor - 5th Level Spells N/A
Oath of Shadow Spells (13) N/A
Oath of Shadow Spells (17) N/A
Oath of Shadow Spells (3) N/A
Oath of Shadow Spells (5) N/A
Oath of Shadow Spells (9) N/A
Oath of Vengeance - 1st Level Spells N/A
Oath of Vengeance - 2nd Level Spells N/A
Oath of Vengeance - 3rd Level Spells N/A
Oath of Vengeance - 4th Level Spells N/A
Oath of Vengeance - 5th Level Spells N/A
Object Manipulation N/A
Offensive Shield N/A
Ogrefolk Origins N/A
Ogrefolk Petigree N/A
Ogrefolk Provanance N/A
On Devil's Wings N/A
On the Lookout N/A
One with the Shadow N/A
Onifolk Origins N/A
Onifolk Petigree N/A
Onifolk Provenance N/A
Ooze Cube N/A
Orb of Dragonkind Attunement N/A
Orb of Dragonkind Random Properties N/A
Orc Backbone N/A
Orc Origins N/A
Orc Pedigree N/A
Orc Provenance N/A
Otherworldly Answers N/A
Otherworldly Vision N/A
Owl's Eyes N/A
Pack Tactics N/A
Parasite N/A
Parchment Pilferer N/A
Path of Idris N/A
Path of Omus N/A
Pathfinder's Way N/A
Patron Bond N/A
Patron Devil Spells - 1st Level N/A
Patron Devil Spells - 2nd Level N/A
Patron Devil Spells - 3rd Level N/A
Patron Devil Spells - 4th Level N/A
Patron Devil Spells - 5th Level N/A
Patron Fey Spells - 1st Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron Fey Spells - 2nd Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron Fey Spells - 3rd Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron Fey Spells - 4th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron Fey Spells - 5th Level FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of Death Spells - 1st Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of Death Spells - 2nd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of Death Spells - 3rd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of Death Spells - 4th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of Death Spells - 5th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of the Artifact - 1st Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of the Artifact - 2nd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of the Artifact - 3rd Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of the Artifact - 4th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron of the Artifact - 5th Level Spells FateTide: Player's Guide
Patron Summon N/A
Perfect Fit FateTide: Player's Guide
Perpetual Wrath N/A
Petrified Wood Jack's Toy Bin
Phalanx Formation N/A
Phoenix Flames N/A
Photographic Memory N/A
Planar Bound N/A
Plant Slayer N/A
Poison Resilience N/A
Poison Resistance N/A
Poison Sense N/A
Poison Taster FateTide: Player's Guide
Poor Depth Perception N/A
Power of Idris N/A
Practiced Hands N/A
Practiced Illusionist FateTide: Player's Guide
Practitioner of Dark Arts FateTide: Player's Guide
Practitioner of Necromancy FateTide: Player's Guide
Prehensile Tail N/A
Primal Champion N/A
Primal Knowledge (3rd) N/A
Primal Mark FateTide: Player's Guide
Primal Path N/A
Primal Senses N/A
Prismatic Invulnerability FateTide: Player's Guide
Programmed for Peace FateTide: Player's Guide
Programmed for Subterfuge N/A
Programmed for War FateTide: Player's Guide
Protected Mind N/A
Psi N/A
Psi Tap N/A
Psychic Resistance N/A
Purity of Body N/A
Purity of the Soul N/A
Purple Oni Horn N/A
Queens Stamina N/A
Question the Gods N/A
Quick Bolts N/A
Quick Powder N/A
Quiver of Elthuian FateTide: Player's Guide
Rain God's Boon FateTide: Player's Guide
Rainbow Arch N/A
Rainbow Scales FateTide: Player's Guide
Rapid Wildshift FateTide: Player's Guide
Rat-Like Reflexes N/A
Ratfolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Ratfolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Ratfolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Raven Feathers N/A
Reactive Heads N/A
Red Draconic Origin N/A
Red Oni Horn N/A
Red Scribe N/A
Reflective Carapace N/A
Refuse Eyes of Death FateTide: Player's Guide
Regeneration (1d10 / rd) N/A
Rejuvenation, Adept N/A
Reptilian Jaw N/A
Resilence to Corruption FateTide: Player's Guide
Resonant Connection N/A
Restless Curse N/A
Revenant Regeneration N/A
Revenge of the Giant FateTide: Player's Guide
Ride the Bolt N/A
Rite N/A
Rite of the Dawn N/A
Robust Build N/A
Roper Grasping Tendrils N/A
Rosters Law N/A
Rough Skin N/A
Rows of Teeth FateTide: Player's Guide
Running Leap N/A
Rust Metal N/A
Safe Cracker N/A
Samurai Training FateTide: Player's Guide
Sand Camouflage N/A
Sand Shroud N/A
Sand Step N/A
Sanguine N/A
Savage Attacks N/A
Savage Strikes N/A
Saw Tooth N/A
Saytr Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Saytr Pedigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Scroll's Mystical Cypher N/A
Second-Story Work N/A
Secret Bendings N/A
Secrets of Fey Magic FateTide: Player's Guide
Seething Fury FateTide: Player's Guide
Self Gliding N/A
Sense of the Shadow FateTide: Player's Guide
Sensitive Hairs N/A
Sensitive Paws N/A
Sensitive Spores FateTide: Player's Guide
Sentience - 14/14/17 N/A
Sentient Item N/A
Sentinel Guardian N/A
Serpentize N/A
Setules Climber FateTide: Player's Guide
Sever Silver Cord N/A
Shadow Focus FateTide: Player's Guide
Shadow Senses N/A
Shamansitic Wayz N/A
Shared Dreams Lunch Break Heroes
Shatterguard's Aegis FateTide: Player's Guide
Shengsheng Buxi FateTide: Player's Guide
Shield Expertise N/A
Shield Guardian Spell Storing N/A
Shield Master - Evasion N/A
Shield of Blades N/A
Shock Susceptibility N/A
Siege Monster N/A
Silent and Deadly N/A
Silver Draconic Origin N/A
Silver Tongued Devil N/A
Sixth Sense FateTide: Player's Guide
Size Alteration FateTide: Player's Guide
Skitter then Leap FateTide: Player's Guide
Slave Seal N/A
Slayer's Endurance N/A
Slipery Footwork FateTide: Player's Guide
Slow and Steady FateTide: Player's Guide
Snakefolk Embued Bending N/A
Snakefolk Origins N/A
Snakefolk Petigree N/A
Snakefolk Provenance N/A
Snakefolk Tail N/A
Snakes Dance N/A
Snow Camouflage N/A
Soft Landing N/A
Songkeeper N/A
Soul Collector's Boon FateTide: Player's Guide
Soul Infusion FateTide: Player's Guide
Soul Preserver N/A
Soul Reaper N/A
Spell Deflector N/A
Spell Turner N/A
Sphere Annihilated N/A
Spriggan Origins Jack's Toy Bin
Spriggan Petigree Jack's Toy Bin
Spriggan Provenance Jack's Toy Bin
Spriggin Air Jack's Toy Bin
Spriggin Earth Jack's Toy Bin
Spriggin Water Jack's Toy Bin
Stable N/A
Stake to the Heart N/A
Stalk N/A
Stalker's Prowess N/A
Stances N/A
Standing Leap N/A
Starting Languages N/A
Steadfast N/A
Steady Feet N/A
Steady Spell Eye FateTide: Player's Guide
Steed's Advantage N/A
Steel Bastion FateTide: Player's Guide
Stoic Endurance FateTide: Player's Guide
Stone Hearted N/A
Stoneguard Resilience N/A
Storm's Strength N/A
Strike a Cord N/A
Stubborn Resistance N/A
Student of Abjuration N/A
Sturdy N/A
Sturdy Constitution FateTide: Player's Guide
Sudden Blade N/A
Sunlight Hypersensitivity N/A
Sunlight Sensitivity N/A
Superior Bardic Inspiration N/A
Supreme Ritualist N/A
Supreme Sneak N/A
Sure Footing N/A
Survivalist N/A
Swamp Strider N/A
Swarm Damage Output N/A
Swarm Damage Resistances N/A
Swarm HP N/A
Swarm Immunities N/A
Swarm Movement N/A
Swiftness of Death FateTide: Player's Guide
Sword of Votune Personality FateTide: Player's Guide
Tactics N/A
Telepathic Aspiration N/A
Telepathic Awakening N/A
Telepathic Bond N/A
Tenets of Honor N/A
Tenets of the Oath of Mercy FateTide: Player's Guide
Tenets of Treachery N/A
Tenets of Vengeance N/A
Terradon's Sandstorm N/A
The Color of Freedom Blue FateTide: Player's Guide
The Colors of Age N/A
The Devil's Mind N/A
The Devil's Tongue N/A
The Oblivion Gazes Back N/A
The Red Pill N/A
The Truth Revealed FateTide: Player's Guide
Thick Hide N/A
Thick Skin N/A
Thirst of Isha FateTide: Player's Guide
Thorn Transformation FateTide: Player's Guide
Thoughtful Annihilation N/A
Through the Eyes of the Familar N/A
Titanboa Slither N/A
To Nature We Will Return Jack's Toy Bin
To Please a Patron N/A
Touched by The Devil N/A
Touched by the Gods FateTide: Player's Guide
Tough Scales N/A
Trackless Step N/A
Transcendent Gaze Lunch Break Heroes
Transparent N/A
Trap Solver N/A
Trap, Automatically Reset Trap FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Trap, Explosive Trap FateTide: Game Master's Guide
Traquil Mists N/A
Tree Hugger N/A
Trespasser N/A
Tri-Horn FateTide: Player's Guide
Trial By Fire FateTide: Player's Guide
Trick Shot (10) N/A
Trick Shot (15) N/A
Trick Shot (18) N/A
Trick Shot (3) N/A
Trick Shot (7) N/A
Troll Regeneration (Cold) N/A
Troll Regeneration (Fire) N/A
Troll Skin Cells N/A
True Green Path N/A
Truth Seeker N/A
Try to Live in a Small World N/A
Tunnel Tracker N/A
Tunneler N/A
Tunneling Claws N/A
Turn Defiance N/A
Turn Immunity N/A
Turn Resistance N/A
Turtlefolk Origins FateTide: Player's Guide
Turtlefolk Petigree FateTide: Player's Guide
Turtlefolk Provenance FateTide: Player's Guide
Two Heads N/A
Uh...? N/A
Unbound N/A
Unbreakable N/A
Unbreakable Will FateTide: Player's Guide
Unclaimed Knowledge FateTide: Player's Guide
Uncontrolable Werebeast Bloodlust FateTide: Player's Guide
Uncovered Scripts N/A
Undead Eradicator (4d4) Weapon N/A
Underwater Camouflage N/A
Undying Archlich N/A
Undying Teleportation N/A
Unending Breath N/A
Unfettered Timing FateTide: Player's Guide
Unoticed Little Ones N/A
Unperceivable Ilusions FateTide: Player's Guide
Unremovable Attunement FateTide: Player's Guide
Unseen and Unheard FateTide: Player's Guide
Unshakeable Fidelity N/A
Untamable Mind N/A
Unusual Nature N/A
Up Close and Personal N/A
Using the Fate Deck FateTide: Player's Guide
Vampire (Maker) and their Spawn (Progeny) FateTide: Advanced Player's Guide
Vampire Blood Effects FateTide: Advanced Player's Guide
Vampire Forbiddance N/A
Vampire Misty Escape N/A
Vampiric Regeneration (+10) N/A
Vampiric Regeneration (+20) N/A
Vampiric Regeneration (+30) FateTide: Player's Guide
Vicious Intent N/A
Viglent Guard Shield Training FateTide: Player's Guide
Violet Scribe FateTide: Player's Guide
Vision 120 N/A
Vital Thrust N/A
Vows of the Oath N/A
Vulnerability to Bludgeoning Damage N/A
Vulnerability to Piercing Damage N/A
Vulnerability to Slashing Damage N/A
Vulture's Resistance N/A
Wakeful N/A
Wakeful Resting N/A
Waltz of the Fey Step N/A
Wandering Spider N/A
War Crest FateTide: Player's Guide
Water Bound N/A
Water Breather N/A
Water Dependency N/A
Water Elemental Slayer N/A
Water of Life N/A
Water Walker N/A
Wave Personality N/A
Weapon Attack Modifer +1 N/A
Weapon Size: Colossal
Weapon N/A
Weapon Size: Gargantuan
Weapon N/A
Weapon Size: Huge
Weapon N/A
Weapon Size: Large
Weapon N/A
Weapon Size: Tiny
Weapon N/A
Weapon Size: Titantic
Weapon N/A
Web Sense N/A
Web Walker N/A
Well Armored N/A
White Draconic Origin N/A
White Draconic Sleet Walker N/A
Wild Tongue FateTide: Player's Guide
Wilderness Fanes (Forest Fane) FateTide: Player's Guide
Wilderness Fanes (Mountain Fane) FateTide: Player's Guide
Wilderness Fanes (Swamp Fane) FateTide: Player's Guide
Wind Whisperer N/A
Wings of a Pteranodon FateTide: Player's Guide
Wisdom of the Ancients FateTide: Player's Guide
Wood Elf Magic (1st) N/A
Wood Elf Pedigree N/A
Wood Elf Provenance N/A
Wood Elven Origins N/A
Written in Blood FateTide: Player's Guide
Wyrm Shield N/A
Yi N/A
Your Place is Here N/A
Your Time is Not Now N/A
Zero-Dimensional N/A

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information