Arcane Script
Passive Ability
Wizard 1

A Wizard learns a special cypher, known as an Arcane Script. Each wizard learns a special language or encryption, that is unique to creature which allows them a systematic way to access the magic of the void. This is how people who are not naturally gifted with magic are able to access magical powers, through hard work, repetition, and discovering these unique procedures.

Each encryption is unique, but there are similarities, enough for others to teach and decode. But casting magic still requires the personal essence on which to access and shape the void, drawing on the spirit of the bender.

While anyone can try to decipher, it usually requires education and practice to decipher these encryptions. This training is represented by a Knowledge Roll of Magic.

A spell in one wizard's spellbook is written differently than other.

Each time a bender casts a spell, it might be similar and also different upon each casting, similar hand gestures might be used by one bender to another.

These procedures are written down onto scrolls or into a spellbook. Typically during rests, wizards learn review these procedures, decyphering their own writing to cast spells from it.

The base training of this wizard allows them to read and write their own script as well as cast magic. They are not required to write the spell in the spellbook in order to cast it. But they can review it to re-prepare it.

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Class Wizard


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information