House Rules List

These are following rules that are optional for GMs when setting up their campaign. They can be toggled after a campaign is created.

# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 No Custom Backgrounds Nerf Players must used a preset background. The custom background option is NOT available. Prevents min-maxing. Azbolg
2 No Custom Races Nerf Characters must use a preset race. The custom race option is NOT available. Helps with game balance and simplifies the game for GMs for streamlining encounters. Azbolg
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Magic: Overcasting Buff Sorcerers can Overcast using Fortitude and Sanguine. Toggleing this Allow ALL casters/benders to Overcast without using Sanguine (albiet risky). This can allow for mroe freedom for players to cast spells outside of the spell description. But the risk is taking stacks of Maimed or going mad. Azbolg
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Combat: No Called Shots Realism No called shots to increase damage, unless it really makes sense. You cannot say you are always swinging for the creatures head. This is assumed. Combat is complex, creatures in combat are almost always trying to kill you in the most effective way possible to survive. Rule of Cool. Azbolg
2 Critical Hits: Improved Damage - Remarkable (20 x 2) Buff When a critical weapon or spell critical hit occurs: Roll another d20.

If double natural 20s on occur. Damage is increased by x4 of the critical damage.
The gods smile on you. Azbolg
3 Critical Hits: Improved Damage - World-shaking (20 x 3) Buff When a critical weapon or spell attack occurs: Roll a d20 again, if a natural 20 occurs again, roll ANOTHER d20.

If another natural 20 occurs (x3 d20 rolls on the attack roll): Damage is increased by x8 of the critical damage.
The gods have taken notice of you. Azbolg
4 Melee Attack Roll → Natural 1 Variance When a caster rolls a melee attack roll, and the result is a natural 1, the target creature can use its reaction to do a Opportunity attack. Allows for more variance and realism.

(This works for players and monsters alike)
5 Ranged Attack Roll → Natural 1 Variance When a caster rolls a ranged attack roll, and the result is a natural 1, and another ally is direct melee combat with the target (regardless of direction, but typically when an ally's back is toward them), the caster misses the target automatically, and rolls against the lowest ally's Armor Class target in melee combat with the original target. Allows for more variance and realism when firing into versatile combat.

(This works for players and monsters alike)
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Critical Hits: Maimed Realism Critical hits force the creature to make a DC15 Fortitude Roll or take 1 stack of Maimed Dungeon Dudes
2 Dying Rolls: Maimed Realism Gain one stack of Maimed when failing a dying stratum roll by 5 or more. Dungeon Dudes
3 Massive Damage: Maimed Realism Massive Damage!! When taking over 50% of your max vitality, of a damage roll in a single hit of your total Vtiality you MUST make a DC 15 Fortitude Defensive Roll. Upon failure you take ONE stack of Maimed. Jacob (XP to Level 3)
4 Reviving Dying Players: Medicine Check Realism Characters who have no healing can try to revive a dying creature.

They roll a DC 10 Medicine skill roll. This roll is made by the GM in secret.

The roll either ADDs (skilled physician) or SUBTRACTS (a person with no medical training) from the dying counter.
Allows players with no healing to try to stop a player from dying. Jacob (XP to Level 3)
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Nat 1 Defensive Rolls → Auto Fail Nerf When rolling a Defensive Roll, a natural 1 always fails, against a fixed DC. Allows for more failure. Azbolg
2 Nat 1 Skill Roll → Auto Fail Nerf When rolling a skill roll, a natural 1 always fails against a Fixed DC. Allows for more failure. Azbolg
3 Nat 20 Defensive Rolls → Auto Success Buff When rolling a natural 20 on a Defensive Roll, it is always considered a success for the caster, against a Fixed DC. Allows for more success. Azbolg
4 Nat 20 Skill Roll → Auto Success Buff When rolling a natural 20 on a skill check, it is always considered a success for the caster. Allows for more success. Azbolg
5 Skill Roll Re-rolling Balance Body dervivied checks can typically be rerolled. While Mind and Soul checks cannot. Up to DM discretion Jacob (XP to Level 3)
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Picking up Weapon Nerf When picking up your weapon within the threat range of a creature you provoke an AoO Adds more realism, and makes going dropping your weapon, being disarmed, or dropping unconscious or dying, in melee combat more dangerous. Azbolg
2 Prone: Standing Up Nerf Provokes OoA from any creature. And you lose your reaction standing up. Adds more realism, and makes going prone in melee combat more dangerous. Dungeon Coach
# House Rule Name Class Description Notes Source
1 Magical Tatoos Buff Wizards can have spells tattooed onto their bodies, using special bending ink. This ink and the process of finding a skilled tattooer, who is also a bender themselves, costs x3 the normal inscription cost, and time over spell book inscription. Sometimes powerful wizards do this to show you who they are. The more tattoos they have, the more powerful the wizard typically. Wizards therefore have this as an option instead of inscribing their spells into their spell books which can be stolen. However, they usually need a way to see themselves in a mirror, or two, if say, the the bending inscription is on their back. This is quite common in Zin, because "branding" is so common. Rule of Cool. Dungeon Craft

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