Color of Blue
Color of Blue

"My magic is the wall upon which the waves of chaos break."

Philosophy and Purpose
Blue wizards are visionaries who seek to enhance or transform the world around them. They use their magic to improve reality, often becoming pivotal figures in battles and guardians of significant places. Their spells are designed to strengthen allies, shield important locations, and redirect hostile forces.

In Zin, most of the nine Archmages of Color fought alongside the Armies of Light and the Kingdoms of Men during the Last War. Each archmage was a master of their respective school of magic. The former Archmage Merlin mentored a prodigious student, Daerma Myrddin, who learned the secrets of lichdom in the Amber Temple. Now, Daerma rules the High Elves of the Isles of Ealthalos, with his Queen, Lysanthir, with an iron fist, having dissolved the council to consolidate power.

Battlefield Enchanters
Blue wizards are invaluable on the battlefield, their presence turning the tide of combat. They empower knights and soldiers with powerful buff spells, granting enhanced strength, speed, and resilience. Their magic bolsters morale and ensures that their allies can charge into battle with confidence.

Guardians of Power
Beyond the battlefield, blue wizards are employed to protect critical locations. They inscribe powerful sigils to safeguard castles, keeps, dungeons, and treasure hoards. These sigils create formidable barriers that deter invaders and protect against magical threats, ensuring the security of places of power.

Masterful Reflexes
Blue wizards excel in reactionary magic, capable of reflecting spells back at their casters. This ability makes them formidable opponents, as they can turn the enemy's power against them. Their reflexes are so finely tuned that they can instantly respond to any magical attack.

Ultimate Redirection
The greatest of blue wizards possess the legendary ability to reflect any spell or attack they see to another place within their sight. This mastery of redirection renders them nearly invincible, as they can deflect harm away from themselves and their allies, sending it hurtling back to their foes or into the void.

Role in Society
Blue wizards are highly respected and sought after for their unique abilities. They serve as advisors to kings, protectors of ancient relics, and heroes on the front lines of battle. Their dedication to enhancing and safeguarding the world makes them indispensable allies and formidable foes.

The Color of Blue subclass represents the pinnacle of magical defense and enhancement, combining powerful buff spells, protective sigils, and unparalleled reflexes to shape the world and protect what matters most.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Blue Scribe
    Wizard Color of Blue 5
  • Interwoven Spell Warding
    Wizard Color of Blue 28

  • Full Abilities:
  • Sigil of Defense
    Wizard Color of Blue 16
  • Sigil of Dispelling
    Wizard Color of Blue 24
  • Abolish Ailment
    Wizard Color of Blue 32
  • Dimensional Anchor
    Wizard Color of Blue 36

  • Abilities:
  • Greater Mage Armor
    Wizard Color of Blue 8
  • Dampening Field
    Wizard Color of Blue 20

  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Project Ward
    Wizard Color of Blue 5
  • Deflecting Barrier
    Wizard Color of Blue 12
  • Spell Turning
    Wizard Color of Blue 28
  • Arcane Deflection
    Wizard Color of Blue 40


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