Kobold Defiance
Passive Ability

Among the fearless kobolds who roam the treacherous realms, there exists one whose spirit knows no bounds and fears no challenge. With scales shimmering like molten gold, this intrepid kobold radiates an aura of unwavering confidence. Legends whisper of their audacious exploits, as they fearlessly venture into perilous territories, unyielding in the face of danger. Unfazed by the fiery breath of dragons or the looming darkness of the Deep Earth, this indomitable kobold exemplifies the epitome of courage, inspiring their kin to rise above their diminutive stature and embrace their draconic heritage without hesitation.

  • Contesting Roll ADV vs Status Effect:
  • Frightened

Attached Items
Ability is not attached to any item.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information