Elusive Mind
Passive Ability

Your thoughts are impervious to any form of telepathic intrusion; an impenetrable fortress that cannot be breached. Mastering your mind to an extraordinary degree, you possess the unique ability to project false thoughts effortlessly, rendering any attempt at a contested skill roll futile. Moreover, those who seek to compel truth from you, be it through magical or non-magical means, find themselves thwarted by your unwavering mental discipline.

In addition to your mental resilience, your elusive nature extends to the realm of scrying. You are a phantom in the magical gaze, undetectable through any attempts to scry upon you.

  • Immune to Status Effect:
  • Truthsayer

  • Persistant/Permanent Status Effect:
  • Nondetection Effect

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Subclass Specialist in Espionage


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information