Bushido Code
Passive Ability

The samurai followed a strict code of honor known as Bushido, which translates to "the way of the warrior." Bushido encompassed a set of ethical principles, moral values, and behavioral guidelines that governed the conduct of the samurai. While interpretations of Bushido could vary, the following are some key aspects of the code:

  • Rectitude (Gi) Samurai were expected to uphold moral and ethical principles. They were to act with integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of justice.
  • Courage (Yū) Samurai were required to face challenges and adversity with bravery and fortitude. This included the willingness to confront danger and death on the battlefield.
  • Benevolence (Jin) Samurai were encouraged to show compassion and kindness toward others. This involved acts of charity, generosity, and a general concern for the well-being of others.
  • Respect (Rei) Respect for one's superiors, peers, and subordinates was a fundamental aspect of Bushido. Samurai were expected to demonstrate courtesy, politeness, and humility.
  • Honor (Meiyo) Maintaining personal honor and the honor of one's family and clan was crucial. Disgrace and shame were to be avoided at all costs, and samurai were willing to sacrifice their lives to preserve their honor.
  • Loyalty (Chūgi or Chū) Loyalty to one's lord (daimyo) and the feudal hierarchy was paramount. Samurai pledged allegiance to their lords and were willing to sacrifice their lives for their masters.
  • Self-Control (Jisei) Samurai were expected to exercise self-discipline and control over their emotions. This included maintaining composure in the face of adversity and not succumbing to impulsive behavior.
  • Honesty and Sincerity (Makoto) Samurai were urged to be truthful and sincere in their words and actions. Deception and falsehood were considered dishonorable.
  • Duty (Chūgi or Giri) Samurai had a strong sense of duty and were obligated to fulfill their responsibilities, whether in military service, administration, or personal relationships.

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1 Subclass Training in Bushido


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