Faith in the Storm
Faith in the Storm

"Let the seas part for those who walk in faith."

Priests of the Faith in the Storm serve as intermediaries between mortals and the formidable powers of rain, lightning, thunder, and the vast seas. Revered and sought after for their ability to harness these natural forces, they are both protectors and avengers, bringing life-giving rain and unleashing destructive storms. These priests are often called upon by farmers, sailors, and merchants alike, as they embody the dual nature of their deity: nurturing yet fearsome.

In Zin, those who serve Lueyar, the High God of Rain, Storms, and Horses, are held in great reverence. In the center of Lyela, a perpetual storm rages, born from a legendary battle between Lueyar and Comes over an affair with an Elven woman in the First Age. This storm continues to spin to this day. Lueyar, creator of the great sea monsters, crafted these beasts as a warning to those who venture into the sea. The ocean floor is littered with treasures from greedy merchants who did not pray and respect the God of the Seas.

Lightning: The Divine Strike
Channeling the raw power of lightning, you can strike down enemies with precision and fury. Lightning is not only a weapon but also a tool to protect and cleanse. You can call down bolts from the heavens to ward off fires or punish those who anger the gods.

Thunder: The Divine Warning
Thunder serves as a reminder of the gods’ power and a warning to those who defy their will. As a priest, you use thunder to intimidate and command respect. The booming resonance of thunder can stun and disorient enemies, leaving them vulnerable.

Protectors of the Seas
Priests of the Faith in the Storm are often sought after by captains and merchant guilds. Their connection to the sea god allows them to calm turbulent waters, guide ships safely, and bargain with or ward off the monstrous creatures of the deep. These priests ensure the safe passage of goods and people across treacherous seas.

As a priest of the Faith in the Storm, you embody the dual nature of your deity—life-giving and destructive, protective and vengeful. Your powers are revered and feared, making you a pivotal figure in the lives of those who rely on the sea and the sky. Whether bringing rain to parched fields, striking down enemies with lightning, or ensuring safe passage across the ocean, you are a true agent of divine will.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Faith in the Storm Spells (1st Level)
    Priest Faith in the Storm 1
  • Faith in the Storm Spells (2nd Level)
    Priest Faith in the Storm 5
  • Faith in the Storm Spells (3rd Level)
    Priest Faith in the Storm 9
  • Faith in the Storm Spells (4th Level)
    Priest Faith in the Storm 13
  • Faith in the Storm Spells (5th Level)
    Priest Faith in the Storm 17
  • Rain God's Boon
    Priest Faith in the Storm 28

  • Abilities:
  • Blessing of the Storm
    Priest Faith in the Storm 16
  • Tempest Transit
    Priest Faith in the Storm 20
  • Acid Rain
    Priest Faith in the Storm 24
  • Tidal Shield
    Priest Faith in the Storm 32
  • Thunderous Wave
    Priest Faith in the Storm 36
  • Maelstrom’s Grasp
    Priest Faith in the Storm 40

  • Quick Abilities:
  • Sudden Lightning
    Priest Faith in the Storm 1

  • Free Abilities:
  • Stormbringer Creed
    Priest Faith in the Storm 1
  • Thunderous Push
    Priest Faith in the Storm 8
  • Tempest Invocation
    Priest Faith in the Storm 12

  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Thunderous Rebuke
    Priest Faith in the Storm 5


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information