Material Spell Component

Material Spell Components represent the physical items, substances, or ingredients that a spellcaster must possess or access in order to cast a Spell. These components play a crucial role in spellcasting, enhancing the game's immersion and strategy. Material components can Range from rare gemstones and herbs to more mundane items like a feather or a piece of string, and they vary based on the specific requirements of each Spell. Players typically need to acquire or purchase these components, adding an element of resource management and realism to their magical abilities. This aspect can lead to interesting plot points as characters embark on quests to find rare ingredients or face challenges in obtaining the necessary items for their Spells.

The use of Material Spell Components enriches the storytelling experience in your game by encouraging players to describe how their characters use these components during spellcasting, further immersing themselves in the game world. It also adds a layer of strategy as characters must consider the availability of these materials, making decisions about resource allocation and preparation for spellcasting, thereby striking a Balance between the characters' magical abilities and the availability of the required components.

A Caster must have a free hand to access the Material Spell Component.

A Spell material component, which is not required to be consumed, can be replaced when an Arcane Focus Psi is equipped. Examples are: Spellcasting Focus: Orb, and Spellcasting Focus: Wand.

When a Material Spell Component is required to be consumed, it is required to be in the caster's inventory, and is destroyed regardless if Spell is successfully or unsuccessfully cast.



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information