Term |
Ability |
AC |
Action Point(s) |
Action Type |
Activating an Item |
Advantage |
Advantage Stack |
Alternating Initiative |
Ancestry |
AP |
Arcane Spells |
Area of Effect |
Armor Class |
Armor Skill |
Ascension Skill Point |
Attack |
Attack Ability |
Attack Roll |
Attune |
Background |
Bond |
Cantrip |
Caster |
Challange Rating |
Challenge Roll |
Circle of Magic |
Class |
Class Mechanic |
Contesting Skill Challenge |
CR |
Creature Type |
Curse |
Damage Mitigation |
Damage Reduction |
DC |
Death Saving Throw |
Default Essence |
Defense Skill |
Difficulty Class |
Disadvantage |
Disadvantage Stack |
Divine Spells |
DR |
Draw Weapon |
Drink Potion |
Dying State |
Dying Stratum |
EC |
Elixir |
Encounter |
Essence |
Evasion Class |
Experience Mark |
Extra Attack |
Falling Damage |
FateTide |
Feat |
Flaw |
Free-to-Play |
FT |
Full Ability |
Full Rest |
Game Master |
Gaming Set |
GM |
GM Discretion |
Head Attack |
Hidden Roll |
Hindered Attack |
Hunger |
Ideal |
Identify a Spell |
Immunity |
Innate Skill |
Innate Skill Roll |
Janus |
Knowledge |
Knowledge Roll |
Lair |
Legendary Action Point(s) |
Legendary Creature |
Legendary Resistance |
Light (Weapon Property) |
Light Source |
Line of Sight |
Lineage |
Long Rest |
Main Roll |
Mana |
Material Spell Component |
Max Vitality |
Menta |
Mental Manifestation |
Move |
Mythic Creature |
Non-player Character |
Object Interaction |
Open Gaming Lisence |
Opportunity Attack Ability |
Overcast |
Overlapping Skill Point |
Passive Ability |
PC |
Plane |
Player Character |
Potion |
Quick Ability |
Range |
Reaction |
Recovery State |
Resistance |
Ritual Spell |
Roll Result |
Round |
Shapeshift |
Sheath Weapon |
Skill |
Skill Point |
Skill Point Training |
Skill Tiers |
Skill Type |
Somatic Spell Component |
SP |
Spell |
Sphere of Magic |
Subclass |
Summon |
Systems Reference Document |
Taming |
Target |
Temp V |
Temporary Vitality |
Theater of the Mind |
Thirst |
Tiers |
Tools |
Trait |
Trigger |
Turn |
Turn Order |
Two Weapon Fighting |
Unfinished Craftable |
Unhindered Attack |
Unidentified |
Unlucky |
Unskilled Roll |
V Max |
Verbal Spell Component |
Versatile |
Vitality |
Vitality Dice |
Vitality Die |
Vulnerability |
Weapon Skill |
Wizards of the Coast |