Systems Reference Document

The Systems Reference Document ( SRD) contains guidelines for publishing content under the Open Gaming Lisence ( OGL). They are a set of rules at are considered "open" to the public, publishers, and game designers and contain language or rules that in pieces (items) cannot be copy-written, as most are broad based terms.

The sum collection of these items are known as the SRD and are available to be republished and rebranded. These items in Janus that different from SRD items are labeled as such under the OGL.

Janus uses its own mechanics and system vastly different from the 5.

1 Janus. Any connection to them is loose at best. One primary difference is the Janus uses 6 ability scores, from which all abilities and spells powers are derived from, while in Janus it uses 3 Essence scores which are not derivatives.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information