Campaign Campsite

A Campaign Campsite is a safe, designated area the Game Master (GM) sets up for the party during their adventures. It functions much like the camp in Baldur’s Gate 3: a home base for rest, resource management, crafting, and downtime activities—all while staying out of harm’s way. Below is a detailed overview and some guidance on how to use this concept effectively in your campaign.

What is a Campaign Campsite?

  1. Safe Zone: The campsite is typically located away from dungeons and hostile areas. It can be an abstract Encounter or a distinct in-world location where enemies rarely intrude.
  2. Storage & Support: It holds the party’s extra belongings—hirelings, tents, food stores (if hunger mechanics are active), crafting tools, and any other essentials players don’t want to lug around.
  3. Supply Lines: The party’s supply network (such as caravans or hired porters) is assumed to stay within reasonable distance, so the campsite’s supplies can feasibly move along with the party.

Using the Campsite

  1. Fast Travel
  2. At the end of a session (when the party is not in combat), the GM may allow fast travel back to the campsite. The GM can push 1-2 hours to the campaign timer if needed.
  3. Once there, the party can rest, access stored inventory, or engage with on-site services, like merchants, hirelings, or craftspeople.
  4. Note everyone is as heroic as adventurers, however, many will follow them in order to sell goods or supplies.
  5. Downtime & Crafting
  6. The campsite can be equipped with minor tools, traveling merchants, or any inventory the players wish to leave at camp.
  7. Players can spend downtime (often between sessions) to train or improve their skills, level up their hirelings, craft gear, gather local resources, or sell goods to the merchants.
  8. Relocating the Campsite
  9. When the GM designates a new campsite, all stored inventory is “moved” from the old site. This process might take one or two in-game hours (subject to GMD ) but represents a reasonable amount of travel logistics.
  10. Session Wrap-Up
  11. Players often choose to return to camp and take a long rest at the end of a session.
  12. If hunger/thirst mechanics are active, keep in mind that characters still need food and water during downtime. This encourages resource tracking or local hunting/gathering.

Time Passage & Game World Events

  1. Flexible Time Jumps
  2. The GM can declare that a week or more of in-game time passes while the party remains at camp.
  3. This allows players a chance to relax, train, and craft at a medieval pace without feeling overly rushed.
  4. Ongoing World Mechanics
  5. Factions or evil forces might continue their agendas while the party rests.
  6. Monthly checks for faction movements or “doom timers” can maintain a sense of urgency, but they shouldn’t be so frequent as to stifle the players’ enjoyment of downtime.

GM Tips

  1. Balance & Realism
  2. Medieval travel and logistics can move slowly; allow players to engage with training, crafting, and resource management at a leisurely pace.
  3. Consider how large-scale events progress in the background without making players feel like they can never safely rest.
  4. Off-Session Play
  5. Encourage players to handle minor downtime tasks (like item crafting, skill training, or roleplay sessions) even without the GM, whether online or in-person. This can streamline the main sessions where most players, and the GM are present.
  6. Storytelling Opportunities
  7. The campsite can host visitors, merchants, or even factions seeking the party’s aid. It’s a chance to introduce side quests, forge alliances, and deepen the narrative outside of combat-oriented sessions.
GM Tip: By using a Campaign Campsite, you give your players a sense of security and continuity—much like the camp in BG3. This safe haven streamlines inventory management, creates natural downtime for roleplay and crafting, and ensures that everyone can enjoy a more expansive and dynamic game world without constantly worrying about random hostile encounters.

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