
Taming a creature requires a best of 3 skill challange of: influence vs empathy. This is ultimately up the GMD to determine the reasoning and outcome of the result. Most creatures with more than -3 or higher in Mind cannot be tamed, but it is up to GMD.

If successful, the first check of 3 is passed. If not, the creature could Turn hostile, and any subsequent Taming effort must be made at DIS, and can only be made on the following day.

While undergoing the Taming process, the tamer must treat the creature kindly, and it must not go against its Nature. How it acts while being tamed is up to GMD. The tamer does not have direct control over the creature.

The creature will follow the tamer though, but it cannot be branded by a Beast Brand or similar Ability.

Two subsequent checks must be passed on the following days, before the tame is complete.

Offering a treat to the creature does NOT grant ADV typically, it is more of an icebreaker. Saving its kin, or doing something special in regards to its Nature, can grant ADV on the skill challenge.

After all three checks are successfully made, the creature is tamed. Going forward the creature is apart of the party, and considered a Summon, but is non-magical.

The tamed creature must be fed, and sheltered to remain loyal. If it misses these aspects, the GM can require a Taming check or checks to determine if the Beast will stay.



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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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