Legendary Action Point(s)

All Legendary Creature gain Legendary Action Point(s). This amount is equal to the number of Player Characters (not summons) minus one.

Example: 4 Player Characters are in a party, a Legendary Creature would gain 3 Legendary Action Point(s).

These Legendary Action Point(s) are ADDED to the standard Action Point(s) (typically 3) that a creature has.

A Legendary Creature can spend a number of Action Point(s) using ANY Spell or Ability AFTER ANY creature's Turn has ended.

All Legendary Creatures gain Legendary Resistance, and can use 2 Action Point(s) to succeed a Contesting Roll (no Reaction is used).

A can only spend 3 (unless otherwise set) Action Point(s) on its Turn. Whenever it uses Legendary Action Point(s) this uses its total Action Point(s) it can use for that Turn.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information