Status Effect

Gathering is used to collect raw materials from the encounter.

Sometimes they require special tools to harvest or collect the material. These items are typically:

- Trees which can be turned into Timber.
- Plants that can be turned into Herbs.
- Monster Bits that can be skinned.
- Ore Veins that can be mined into Ore.
- Crops that can be turned into reagents.

Gathering takes a "crafting time" or gathering time, and is only finished once this time is complete.

Once complete the raw material is consumed in the encounter, and any harvested material is placed in the caster's on hand inventory.

If the Gathering DC roll fails, the raw material is destroyed.

  • Creature can take NO actions



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information