
A creature with Tremorsense can pinpoint the location of creatures and moving objects within a specific Range, provided that the creature with Tremorsense and anything it’s detecting are both in contact with the same surface (such as the ground, a wall, or a ceiling) or the same liquid.

Tremorsense can’t detect creatures or objects in the air, and Tremorsense doesn’t count as a form of sight.

It is worth to note that Caster cannot see beyond their Tremorsense Range, and are effectively blind while in Pitch Black or Magical Darkness. All ranged weapon and Spell Attacks against them have ADV; the Caster has DIS on ranged Attack Rolls; and the Caster also have DIS on Attention rolls since they cannot see past their Tremorsense Range. The Caster needs additional senses to see in Pitch Black, or Magical Darkness beyond their Tremorsense Range.


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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