Cloud of Sand
Quick Ability

Grains erupt into the air, tumbling in chaotic spirals. The shifting mass billows, each speck catching fleeting light before vanishing into the swirling haze. Edges blur as the dust hangs, suspended in restless motion.

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • AOE: 20
  • Duration: 1 minutes

  • Contesting Roll:
  • 15 vs.

  • Status Effect Parameters:
  • RETRIES on END of turn

  • Ability Activation Charges: 5

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Lair Blue Dragon Lair
2 Lair Brass Dragon Lair

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information