Meteor Swarm Projectile
Free Ability
100,000 gp

Four burning meteors tear through the sky, their molten cores leaving thick trails of smoke. Each one slams into the earth with explosive force, sending waves of fire and shattered debris surging in every direction.

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • AOE: 40

  • Contesting Roll:
  • vs. ½

  • Status Effect Parameters:

  • Ability:
  • Charges: 4

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Extra Damage Taken - Bludgeoning (20d6)
    1000000 gp

  • The Ability, Spell, or Effect cannot be enchanted onto an object.

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Spell Meteor Swarm

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information