Summon Treasure Bugs

From the gilded, crown-like hive, a swarm of insectile shapes skitters forth—each gleaming like scattered coins, their chitin sculpted like precious jewels, yet their hooked legs and snapping mandibles make it clear they are no treasure.

  • Parameters:
  • Range:

  • Ability:
  • Charges: 1
  • Resets: Long Rest

  • Summon:
  • Brooch Beetle
  • Pearl Centipede

  • Summon Type:
  • Animated Summon

  • Ability Activation Charges: 4

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Creature Crown Hive

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information