Summon Corpse Flower Bomber

Roll a D4 to summon the Number of Corpse Flower Bomber that can be summon to the field.

The earth shakes violently, and grotesque flowers burst from the soil, their petals twisting around humanoid faces contorted in pain. Their screams echo through the air as the flowers writhe, their bodies convulsing with unnatural force.

  • Parameters:
  • Range:
  • Duration: 1 hours

  • Summon Roll:

  • Ability:
  • Charges: 1
  • Resets: Long Rest

  • Summon:
  • Corpse Flower Bomber

  • Ability Activation Charges: 3

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Creature Venomous Moss Hydra

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information