This Spell Shapeshifts a creature that you can see within Range into a new form.
An unwilling creature must make a Fortitude Contesting Roll to avoid the effect.
The Spell has no effect on a Na or a Dead Target.
The new form can be any Beast whose CR is equal to or less than the target's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a CR).
Like with Wildshift (1) to Polymorph into a creature, like a dinosaur, a creature must have studied the Body, alive or Dead, for 1 hour with a successful Biology Skill Roll, with a DC = 1/2 * CR.
You watch as the skin ripples unnaturally, twisting and warping, bones stretching beneath the surface. Limbs elongate, muscles bulge and shift, reshaping into a grotesque new form, leaving the old shape unrecognizable.