Ethereal Arrow
Attack Ability

You transmute an arrow, that slips into the Ethereal Plane before striking your Target. It is able to pass through cover on the Material Plane.

If your enemy is behind total cover, where you can't see them, you roll the Attack Roll with DIS.

You watch the arrow shift, its form becoming translucent as it slides into the Ethereal Plane. It vanishes from sight, slipping through obstacles on the Material Plane, reappearing just before striking the unseen target.

  • Damage Roll:

  • Ability ACTIVE if weapon type equipped:
  • Ranged

  • Consumes 3 Ability Charges:
  • Tactics
    Champion 1

  • Add Charge to Ability:
  • Tactics
    Champion 1

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Subclass Training in Fey Archery

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information