Pounce Attack
Attack Ability

If the creature moves at least 20 feet, it can make this attack.

  • Contesting Roll:
  • vs. |

  • Ability only works against the ABOVE 1 or LARGER than the .

  • Status Effect Parameters:

  • Attached to Weapon(s):
  • Stomp (20) (5d8)
  • Stomp (3d10)
  • Stomp (4d10)

Attached Items
# Type Name
1 Creature Giant Sea Horse
2 Creature Lion
3 Creature Terrorling
4 Creature Boar
5 Creature Minotaur Brute
6 Creature Minotaur Berserker
7 Creature Komodolin's Trained Allosaurus
8 Creature Jaculi
9 Creature Minotaur Skeleton
10 Creature War Rhino
11 Creature Giant Boar
12 Creature Mimic Spider
13 Creature Allosaurus
14 Creature Giant Elk
15 Creature Elk
16 Creature Animated Object, Small
17 Creature Dilophosaurus
18 Creature Auroch
19 Creature Animated Object, Large
20 Creature Unicorn
21 Creature Animated Object, Huge
22 Creature Deinonychus
23 Creature Kamadan
24 Creature Deviljho
25 Creature Tiger
26 Creature Bull
27 Creature Bone Beast
28 Creature Elephant
29 Creature Animated Object, Medium
30 Creature Animated Object, Tiny
31 Creature Mammoth
32 Creature Triceratops
33 Creature Panther
34 Creature Mirelurk Queen
35 Creature Commander of Horn and Gold
36 Creature Giant Goat
37 Creature War Hyena
38 Creature Sabre-Toothed Tiger
39 Creature Nemean Lion
40 Creature Rhinoceros
41 Creature Goat
42 Creature Galeb Duhr
43 Creature Skrag Assassin
44 Creature Savage Tusk
45 Creature Warhorse
46 Creature Gorgon

To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information