250 lbs


82 / 82

  • Natural Armor:
  • Natural Armor +3
    0 gp

  • Natural Weapon(s):
  • Bite (2d8)
  • Claw (2d6)

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Blessing of the Hunt
  • Uncontrolable Werebeast Bloodlust

  • Abilities:
  • Terror Screech

  • Attack Abilities:
  • Pounce Attack
  • Lycanthropic Bite

  • Monster Bits:
  • Terrorling Vocal Cord
    50 gp

You spot the Terrorling, hidden in shadows. One leaps from its ambush spot, unleashing a horrible screech. Another waits, coiled and ready to strike, their dark forms blending seamlessly with the surroundings.


Creature Sub Type

Lycanthropy is often portrayed as a supernatural affliction that combines elements of disease and curse, transforming individuals into fearsome creatures known as lycanthropes.

Lycanthropy is typically transmitted through a bite or scratch from an infected lycanthrope, making it contagious. It can also be a hereditary curse passed down through bloodlines, or a result of a dark ritual. The origin can be tailored to suit your setting and storyline.

Physical Transformation: Lycanthropy triggers a profound change in the infected individual's physical form. During a full moon or when provoked, they morph into a powerful, hybrid creature that combines the traits of their base race and the associated lycanthropic species (e.g., werewolf, werebear, werecat).

Enhanced Senses and Abilities: Lycanthropes gain heightened senses, enhanced strength, speed, and agility in their hybrid form, making them formidable opponents. These abilities often come with a loss of control over their actions.

Vulnerabilities: Lycanthropes are typically vulnerable to silver weapons and certain magical effects. This vulnerability adds tactical depth to encounters involving lycanthropic adversaries.

Cursed Nature:
Lycanthropy is often depicted as a curse due to the loss of control it imposes on afflicted individuals. During their transformations, they may succumb to uncontrollable bloodlust and predatory instincts, putting themselves and others in danger. This curse can lead to moral dilemmas for characters, as they grapple with their dual nature and struggle to keep their condition hidden from society.

Treatment and Cure:
Finding a cure for lycanthropy can be a central quest in your a campaign. Potential cures might involve locating rare herbs, seeking out powerful magical artifacts, or enlisting the aid of knowledgeable creature. Curing lycanthropy should be challenging, and the party may have to overcome various obstacles and adversaries to achieve it.

Role in the Story:
Lycanthropy can serve as a compelling plot device in your campaign. Infected player characters (PCs) may need to find a way to control their condition or seek a cure. NPCs with lycanthropy could be allies or antagonists, adding depth to the world and its conflicts. The presence of lycanthropes can also create tension and mystery in towns and villages, as villagers fear the moon's cycle and the havoc it may bring.

Balancing Gameplay:
When incorporating lycanthropy into your campaign, consider the game balance. Ensure that the advantages and disadvantages of lycanthropy are fairly distributed among the PCs and NPCs to create interesting challenges without overwhelming the players.

Incorporating lycanthropy as a disease and curse in your fantasy world can add depth, intrigue, and moral complexity to your world, making for engaging storytelling and gameplay experiences.

  • Damage Mitigation: +4

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Blessing of the Hunt
  • Uncontrolable Werebeast Bloodlust

  • Attack Abilities:
  • Lycanthropic Bite


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Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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