40 gp 2 lbs Iron

A helmet provides crucial head protection, often made of metal or reinforced leather. It can feature visors, cheek guards, or nose pieces for added defense. Helmets are essential in combat, shielding the wearer from blows, arrows, or debris while maintaining visibility and breathability for long engagements.

You see the helmet’s smooth, polished surface, dings marking past battles. Its curved visor juts slightly forward, casting a shadow, while rivets hold together the reinforced cheek guards. A sturdy leather strap loops beneath the chin.

  • Skill Roll Modifer(s):
  • Fortitude: 1

  • Donning Time:
  • 1 rounds

  • Doffing Time:
  • 1 rounds


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information