
The Grasswalkers are a race of Rabbitfolk, standing nearly as tall as humans. They possess large, expressive ears that not only enhance their hearing but also allow them to listen to the wind and its subtle warnings. Their fur ranges in color from earthy browns to snowy whites, often patterned with spots or stripes.

Culture and Society
Grasswalkers are a nomadic race, deeply connected to the natural world. They traverse the vast lands of Zin, guided by the whispers of the wind. Their communities are tightly-knit and they hold a profound respect for freedom, never staying in one place for too long. Grasswalkers value exploration and are known to be excellent cartographers and scouts.

Interaction with Other Races
Grasswalkers maintain a stance of neutrality, making them respected and welcomed traders across all lands, even among those who follow the darker paths. Their reputation for fairness and honesty precedes them, and they often act as intermediaries and peacekeepers. Despite their pacifist nature, they are not defenseless; their agility and keen senses make them difficult to catch or harm.

Grasswalkers are renowned for their exceptional speed and agility. Their powerful legs allow them to leap great distances, and they can traverse difficult terrains with ease. When threatened, they prefer to flee rather than fight, using their incredible speed to evade danger. However, if cornered, they can rely on their skill with a bow. The wind seems to guide their arrows, ensuring they hit their mark with uncanny accuracy.

Grasswalkers live lightly on the land, their nomadic lifestyle leaving little trace. They craft temporary shelters from natural materials and move on when the seasons change. Their diet consists mainly of vegetables and grains, and they have a deep knowledge of herbal medicine.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Grasswalker Origins
  • Grasswalker Petigree
  • Grasswalker Provenance


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information