Weaving Tools
Weaving Tools
15 gp 5 lbs Wood

A sewing kit is a collection of basic sewing tools and materials that are used for repairing or creating garments, textiles, or other fabric-based items. Typically, a sewing kit contains items such as needles, threads, pins, scissors, and a thimble.

Some sewing kits may also include a measuring tape, a seam ripper, a pincushion, and different types of buttons, zippers, and other fasteners. The items in a sewing kit are usually organized in a compact and portable container, such as a small box or a pouch, for easy storage and transport.

You inspect the weaving tools, each a testament to craftsmanship and tradition. The loom, its wooden frame sturdy and reliable, awaits the dance of threads. Beside it, the shuttle, gliding with effortless grace, weaves tales of fabric and time into intricate patterns.



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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