
The Avianfolk are a diverse species of bird people, including swift hawks, knowledge-seeking owls, noble eagles, and unsettling vultures. Despite their differences, they share a common trait: their dominance over the skies.

Physical Characteristics
Avianfolk vary in appearance based on their bird lineage. Hawks are streamlined and agile, eagles are powerful and majestic, owls are wise and stealthy, and vultures have a more ominous presence. They all possess wings, sharp talons, and keen eyesight, allowing them to navigate and control the skies with unparalleled skill.

Society and Culture
Avianfolk live in tight-knit communities, forming cities perched high in mountainous territories. These cities are designed to be defensible and are often constructed with natural materials, blending seamlessly into their environment. Their society values unity, vigilance, and the protection of their territories from aerial threats.

Defense and Warfare
The Avianfolk are fierce defenders of their regions, particularly against wyverns and dragons. They believe that only their wings should rule the skies and thus engage in prolonged campaigns to keep these creatures confined to their caves. Their warriors are trained in aerial combat and utilize their speed and agility to outmaneuver larger foes.

Trade and Diplomacy
While they are protective of their airspace, the Avianfolk are not isolationists. They make agreements with other races, allowing trade and bartering within their territories. These interactions are crucial for acquiring goods and resources not available in their mountainous homes. They value respect and mutual benefit in these dealings, fostering positive relations with other races.

Way of Life
Life for the Avianfolk revolves around the skies. They train their young to fly and hunt from an early age, instilling a deep connection with the air. Their communities are often governed by councils of elders, who make decisions for the good of the whole. Festivals and rituals celebrating the sky and their ancestors are common, strengthening their cultural bonds.

Role in the World
Avianfolk see themselves as the rightful rulers of the skies and guardians of the high places. Their presence is a deterrent to those who would threaten their domain, and their alliances with ground-dwelling races make them integral to the balance of power in the region. Their vigilance ensures that the skies remain free from the tyranny of wyverns and dragons, maintaining a delicate equilibrium in the world of Zin.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Avianfolk Origins
  • Avianfolk Petigree
  • Avianfolk Provenance


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

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