




  • Reaction Abilities:
  • Parry

  • Inventory Equipped:
  • Longsword
    15 gp
  • Plate
    900 gp
  • Quiver
    1 gp

  • Inventory Unequipped:
  • Longbow
    50 gp
  • 20 Arrow
    0.05 gp

A testament to the tales of posthumous service in Hell's legions, the warrior before you is formidable. Her plate armor, etched with the scars of countless victorious battles, attests to her prowess. The weapon in her grip, akin to an eager attack dog on a leash, hints at the unbridled ferocity she brings to the battlefield.

The most beautiful and striking of all lesser and greater devils, the erinyes are fierce and disciplined warriors. Sweeping down from the skies, they bring swift death to creatures that have wronged their masters or defied the edicts of Asmodeus. The erinyes appear as male or female humanoids with statuesque builds and large feathery wings. Most wear stylized armor and horned helms, and carry exquisite swords and bows. A few also use ropes of entanglement to ensnare powerful foes.

Legends tell that the first erinyes were angels that fell from the Upper Planes because of temptation or misdeed. Erinyes are always willing to take advantage of being mistaken for celestials in their missions of conquest and corruption.

Variant: Rope of Entanglement Some erinyes carry a rope of entanglement (detailed in the Dungeon Master's Guide). When such an erinyes uses its Multiattack, the erinyes can use the rope in place of two of the attacks.

Creature Sub Type

Infernal Sovereigns: The Lords of Domination
Devils, the embodiment of tyranny and the harbingers of a totalitarian society, exist solely to exert their dominion over the realms of mortals. Their cruel and calculated rule extends far and wide, as they revel in the subjugation and oppression of weaker beings. The fiendish delight they derive from asserting their authority is a twisted testament to their malevolent nature, and any creature daring to defy a devil's dominion is met with swift and ruthless retribution. Most encounters with a devil is a masterclass in the art of power manipulation, and they wield their authority with fiendish finesse.

The Infernal Evolution: From Mortal Souls to Abyssal Fiends
Devils are born from the twisted souls of mortals, consigned to the depths of The Abyss. These souls typically believed in the concept of order but wielded it with malevolence or sought to impose their own brand of organized evil upon the world. Some mortals became architects of law, while others cunningly skirted the edges of established codes to satisfy their insatiable desires. In their time within The Abyss, these souls undergo a profound transformation, emerging as malevolent, power-hungry entities ready to enact their cruel dominion upon the planes.

Sinister Pacts: Bargains with the Damned
The most potent devils possess the ability to forge infernal contracts with mortals. These sinister pacts bind the mortal's very soul to the devil, granting them temporary power, obscene wealth, or hedonistic pleasures in exchange for the ultimate price: servitude for eternity. These diabolical agreements are written in blood and sealed in the fires of The Abyss, serving as testament to the devil's cunning and the mortal's folly. Once a contract is formed, the mortal is forever entangled in the devil's web of manipulation, their soul forever shackled to their infernal master.

The Whisperer in the Shadows
Devils are masters of manipulation and deceit, lurking in the shadows and toying with the fates of mortals. They are experts in weaving intricate plots and deals, often leading their unwitting victims to a grim and inescapable fate. Devils cast their sinister shadows upon any world they inhabit, ensuring that the tides of tyranny and domination prevail.

  • Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison

  • Immune to Status Effect:
  • Poisoned



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information