Miniature hand sculpted from clay
Miniature hand sculpted from clay
Spell Material Component
0.30 gp 0.10 lb Stone

Miniature hand sculpted from clay

A tiny clay hand, fingers delicately formed, rests in your palm. The fine lines and curves mimic the real thing, every crease and knuckle carefully etched into the earthy material.

  • V Current: 10
  • V Max: 10

  • Object Damage Type Resistances(s):
  • Fire
  • Necrotic
  • Piercing
  • Radiant
  • Slashing

  • Object Damage Type Immunity:
  • Poison
  • Psychic

  • Object Damage Type Vulnerability:
  • Acid

  • Object Damage Mitigation: +22


To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information