
Origins and Enslavement
Bugbears are hulking goblinoid creatures, originally enslaved by the Hobgoblins. Their primary roles were as manual laborers and barbarian warriors, wielding their brute strength to crush the enemies of the goblinoid races.

Resembling orcs in stature, bugbears are distinguished by their thick, shaggy fur covering their entire bodies. This fur varies in color, ranging from dark browns to deep blacks, and their eyes gleam with a predatory intelligence. Their large, muscular frames and formidable presence make them a terrifying sight on the battlefield.

Social Evolution
Over time, the relentless brutality and effectiveness of the bugbears in combat earned them respect among their goblin and hobgoblin kin. Initially seen as mere tools of war, their continued successes and displays of sheer power gradually elevated their social standing within the goblinoid hierarchy.

Current Standing
Today, bugbears are no longer viewed solely as slaves or expendable muscle. Their prowess in battle has granted them a measure of respect, particularly among goblins. While they remain the muscle of the goblinoid species, their role has evolved to include more autonomy and influence.

Culture and Behavior
Bugbears have a primal, savage culture centered around strength and dominance. They revel in combat and take pride in their physical prowess. Though their social interactions are often dictated by displays of power, they are also known to be fiercely loyal to their kin and allies.

One of the more notorious aspects of bugbears is their horrendous smell, a musky, overpowering odor that can be unbearable to non-goblinoids. Interestingly, goblins and hobgoblins seem largely indifferent to this, a testament to their shared environments and close-knit societal structure.

Role in Goblinoid Society
While still the primary muscle for goblin species, bugbears now hold a more respected position. Their combination of brute force and cunning tactics makes them invaluable assets in both war and labor, securing their place as formidable members of goblinoid society.

  • Passive Abilities:
  • Bugbear Origins
  • Bugbear Petigree
  • Bugbear Provenance


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