Statue, Medium
Statue, Medium
25 gp 250 lbs Stone

As you approach the life-sized humanoid statue, it stands at eye level, mirroring your own proportions. Crafted meticulously, it conveys a remarkable level of detail. Every curve, contour, and feature has been painstakingly carved or molded to resemble a human form. The texture of the material, whether stone, bronze, or another substance, adds a sense of authenticity to the figure, and it appears poised for movement or interaction.

The statue's face is a study in neutrality, revealing no specific emotion or intention. It's a timeless representation of humanity, allowing viewers to project their own interpretations onto its expression. This life-sized work of art invites reflection on the commonalities and shared experiences that connect individuals and the enduring fascination with the human form in artistic expression.



To access the dice log to keep track of your rolls


To edit characters or creatures.

Effect 1 Effect 2 Ambience Music

Item Information